Learn how to install and configure the frontend host.


  • Ensure that you have the details of the Backend host, Additional Backend hosts, and Collector hosts.
  • Minimum System Requirements:
    • 64-bit Operating System
    • CPU: 4
    • Memory: 16 GB
    • Disk Space: 150 GB HDD


  1. Start the installation as described in Installing VMware Smart Assurance M&R on UNIX.
  2. When you are prompted to select the installation type, choose the "frontend" option and complete the installation.
  3. Configure the user process limits as described in Configuring the user process limits for a Linux installation.
  4. Set the connections that point to a local MySQL server to point to the primary backend. In the following files, locate all of the strings like localhost:53306, and replace the string localhost with the primary backend DNS name (it must be resolvable):
    • /opt/APG/Web-Servers/Tomcat/Default/conf/server.xml
    • /opt/APG/Tools/Frontend-Report-Generator/Default/conf/report-generation-config.xml
    • /opt/APG/Tools/Administration-Tool/Default/conf/master-accessor-service-conf.xml
    • /opt/APG/Tools/WhatIf-Scenario-CLI/Default/conf/whatif-scenario-cli-conf.xml
  5. Set non-MySQL localhost connections to point to the new primary backend:
    1. Locate and replace the hostname in the strings localhost:48443 in the following file:
    2. Locate and replace the hostname in the strings localhost:52569 in the following file:
    3. Locate and replace the hostname in the strings localhost:52569 in the following file:
    4. Locate and replace the hostname in the strings localhost:53306 in the following file:
      Note: This step is applicable only for Smarts SolutionPack installation, because the cas directory is created after installing Smarts SolutionPack.
  6. Increase the maximum memory that the Tomcat server can use by locating memory.max= in the /opt/APG/Web-Servers/Tomcat/Default/conf/unix-service.properties file and setting it to memory.max=8192.
  7. Update the Tomcat service to apply the new memory settings:
    #/opt/APG/bin/manage-modules.sh service update tomcat Default
  8. Restart the Tomcat service and the webservice-gateway:
    #/opt/APG/bin/manage-modules.sh service start tomcat Default
    #/opt/APG/bin/manage-modules service.sh restart webservice-gateway Default
  9. Execute the following command to check the list of database accessors that are in the frontend:
    /opt/APG/bin/manage-resources.sh list
    Wait for few minutes for the resources to be available.
  10. Using a web browser, log in to Centralized Management on the frontend at https://<frontend-host>:58443/centralized-management.
    • User Name = admin
    • Password = changeme
    At the first login, the Servers Configuration page opens. Register the frontend host by updating the WS Gateway URL. Replace localhost with the FQDN of the frontend host and click Save.
  11. Go to Configuration > Servers, and then click Register a Server. Register all of the APG servers that are up and running.
    Use the following settings:
    • Server HostName – the DNS name of the server
    • Gateway URL – https://<server DNS name>:48443/
    • User Name – admin
    • Password – changeme
  12. Click Save.
  13. Once you have registered all of the servers, verify that they display in Centralized Management > Physical Overview without any error messages.
  14. ResourceLinks for the timeseries database are now stored in the primary database. To give access to the timeseries database on the primary backend and the additional backend, update the resources using the manage-resources.sh command:
    #/opt/APG/bin/manage-modules.sh service restart all
    #/opt/APG/bin/manage-resources.sh list (this will list all the resources)
    #/opt/APG/bin/manage-resources.sh get "dba/APG-DB" 
    1. Check the details of dba/APG-DB and update the connection URL to point to the primary backend host:
      /opt/APG/bin/manage-resources.sh update dba/APG-DB '{
        "type": "jdbc",
        "datasource":   {
          "maxActive": "10",
          "maxIdle": "10",
          "validationQuery": "SELECT 1",
          "testOnBorrow": "false",
          "testWhileIdle": "true",
          "validationQueryTimeout": "5",
          "timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis": "10000",
          "minEvictableIdleTimeMillis": "60000",
          "maxWait": "10000",
          "removeAbandoned": "true",
          "removeAbandonedTimeout": "60",
          "logAbandoned": "true",
          "driverClassName": "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
          "username": "apg",
          "password": "{6230FED930DD59BEB1095D6801AA74E2FC23B2C8B76AFF6447D5C49B84C4001FDF5B6441DF7CD5CB2B19D4A927C63934}",
          "url": "jdbc:mysql://<FQDN-Primary-Backend>:53306/apg?autoReconnect=true&connectTimeout=20000&maxReconnects=2"
        "settings": {"cachegrp": "DB"}
    2. Update the management resource for the data management tool to communicate with the backend:
      /opt/APG/bin/manage-resources.sh update mgmt/APG-DB '{
        "type": "webservice",
        "connection":   {
          "disableSSLValidation": true,
          "url": "https://<FQDN-Primary-Backend>:48443/Backends/APG-Backend/apg",
          "user": "admin",
          "password": "{68951D237EABAFD17BD2F90B2029E51B9078C3968D27791E745EB38C2F8E4B7B6351D632200618220667E25792D7E8894330B34886D638E3C3B93856C94998B9}"
    3. Update all of the remaining resources in the same way.
  15. Create resources for each of the newly added APG databases on the Additional Backend with resources names such as dba/APG-DB[1..n] and mgmt./APG-DB[1..n]. Perform this operation every time a new additional backend host is added to the environment to scale-out backends.
    For example, to create a Database resource:
    manage-resources.sh create dba/APG-DB[1..n] '{
        "type": "jdbc",
         "datasource":   {
         "maxActive": "10",
         "maxIdle": "10",
         "validationQuery": "SELECT 1",
         "testOnBorrow": "false",
         "testWhileIdle": "true",
         "validationQueryTimeout": "5",
         "timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis": "10000",
         "minEvictableIdleTimeMillis": "60000",
         "maxWait": "10000",
         "removeAbandoned": "true",
         "removeAbandonedTimeout": "60",
         "logAbandoned": "true",
         "driverClassName": "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
         "username": "apg",
         "password": "{6230FED930DD59BEB1095D6801AA74E2FC23B2C8B76AFF6447D5C49B84C4001FDF5B6441DF7CD5CB2B19D4A927C63934}",
         "url": "jdbc:mysql://<FQDN-Additional-Backend>:53306/apg[1..n]?autoReconnect=true&connectTimeout=20000&maxReconnects=2"
       "settings": {"cachegrp": "DB"}
    To create a Management Resource:
    manage-resources.sh create mgmt/APG-DB[1..n] '{
      "type": "webservice",
      "connection":   {
        "disableSSLValidation": true,
        "url": "https://<FQDN-Additional-Backend>:48443/Backends/APG-Backend/apg[1..n]",
        "user": "admin",
        "password": "{68951D237EABAFD17BD2F90B2029E51B9078C3968D27791E745EB38C2F8E4B7B6351D632200618220667E25792D7E8894330B34886D638E3C3B93856C94998B9}"