Using the console, install the .
Make sure you review requirements and complete relevant procedures described in Overview, and have your credentials for Avaya Aura Communication Manager and M&R on hand.
What to do next
Allow four to five polling cycles to pass before viewing reports.
Note: If data for CDR reports does not appear, verify whether the CDR Link established successfully by executing the
status cdr-link command from SAT terminal. Link state should be up.
sample output : CDR LINK STATUS Primary Secondary Link State: up down Number of Retries: ÿÿÿÿ Date & Time: 2014/02/06 03:46:08 2014/01/16 10:08:20 Forward Seq. No: 0 0 Backward Seq. No: 0 0 CDR Buffer % Full: 0.00 0.00 Reason Code: OK Maintenance busy 2. If Link state is down, then execute "test cdr-link primary long" command from SAT terminal to test primary cdr link. Test 215 should PASS. Sample Output : TEST RESULTS Port Mtce Name Alt. Name Test No. Result Error Code PRI-CDR 213 PASS PRI-CDR 215 PASS
If the Test 215 = fail, verify:
- Watch4Net server is reachable from ACM
- CDR Listener is running on Watch4Net Server on port 5001(default)