Events for Hypervisor lists the events that are detected for hypervisors and used as symptoms for root-cause analysis.

Table 1. Events for Hypervisor




Indicates that this hypervisor is not managed by a Virtual Center. This event can be disabled by setting the DisableManagedByVCAlerts attribute to FALSE.


Indicates that this hypervisor is not associated with a Physical Host during discovery. The most likely reason could be the host was not discovered by the IP Manager.


Indicates that the hypervisor is down and is impacting locally diagnosed symptoms and cluster symptom.


Indicates that the hypervisor is administratively shut down.


Indicates that at least one connection between the hypervisor and the DataStore is lost.


Indicates that the host is reported as not responding by the vClient.


Indicates that the host is reported to be down by the vClient.


Indicates that the host is reported to have synchronization failure by the vClient.

Note: This is a standalone event caused by the following vCenter critical events - HostSyncFailedEvent and HostHasErrorEvent. It is categorized as severity 1 event. The Details tab in the Notification Log console contains information of the fully formatted message of the corresponding vCenter events.

This event can be cleared in any one of the following ways:

  • By reconfiguring the ESX HA agent which has the issue from the vCenter

  • By using the dmctl command:

    dmctl -s <ESM server name> put Hypervisor::<hypervisor name>::HostHasHAerror FALSE
    dmctl -s <ESM server name> put Hypervisor::<hypervisor name>::HostSyncIsFailed FALSE
  • Through the Domain Manager Administration Console, by changing the values of the Hypervisor attributes HostHasHAerror and HostSyncIsFailed to FALSE.


Indicates that the host is reported to have HA failure or synchronization failure by the vClient.

Note: This is a standalone event caused by the following vCenter critical events: HostSyncFailedEvent and HostHasErrorEvent. It is categorized as severity 1 event.

This event can be cleared in any one of the following ways:

  • By reconfiguring the ESX HA agent which has the issue from the vCenter.

  • By using the dmctl command:

    dmctl -s <ESM server name> put Hypervisor ::<hypervisor name>::HostHasHAerror FALSE
    dmctl -s <ESM server name> put Hypervisor::<hypervisor name>::HostSyncIsFailed FALSE
  • Through the Domain Manager Administration Console, by changing the values of the Hypervisor attributes HostHasHAerror and HostSyncIsFailed to FALSE.


Indicates that the CPU of the hypervisor host is overused.


Indicates that the memory of the hypervisor host is overused.


Indicates that the hypervisor host has insufficient CPU.


Indicates that the hypervisor host has insufficient memory.