
It is recommended to run the RPS migration utility only once. A second run will overwrite the older backup file.

To run the RPS migration utility:

  1. Go to the <BASEDIR>/smarts/bin folder.

  2. Copy the previous version of the RPS file to the <BASEDIR>/smarts/bin folder.

  3. Type the following command:

    sm_migraterps <rps_file> --trace <logfilename>
  4. Copy the migrated RPS file into the < BASEDIR >/smarts/local/repos/icf folder.

  5. Use the --ignore-restore-errors option in the sm_service command to start the IP Manager with the migrated repository file. Otherwise, the IP Manager may generate errors and may not start up with the migrated repository file.

  6. Initiate a full discovery (Discover All). Consult the discovery guide or user guide for your product for more information on this procedure.


    A full discovery is required for the new version features and changes to take effect.