This chapter describes how to perform an upgrade installation for the IP Manager, Service Assurance Manager, MPLS Management Suite, Server Manager, and Network Protocol Manager. An upgrade installation applies a new version of software to an existing version in the same directory on the same host. An “upgrade installation” is also known as an “in-place upgrade.” During an upgrade installation, new product services are not available to install, unless you select additional products during the upgrade procedure.
You can upgrade the versions of software listed in the VMware Smart Assurance SAM, IP, ESM, MPLS, and NPM Managers Support Matrix to Version 10.1.7 using the in-place upgrade instructions provided in this chapter.
The upgrade installation flow is shown in Upgrade installation flowchart.
Start with the top-most SAM server.
An Aggregation SAM server if it is a hierarchical SAM deployment.
IP Manager.
Any order: Server Manager, MPLS Manager and Network Protocol Manager.