Environment variables describes the environment variables.

Table 1. Environment variables




If set to true, it display verbose information regarding notifications.

Default: FALSE


If set to true, it displays packet information regarding notification.

Default: FALSE


Sets the time duration for cleanup of notifications.

Default: 15*60


Sets the maximum notifications to send in one packet.

Default: 5000


Sets the polling interval to fetch notifications.

Default: 10


Determines the maximum number of connections from SAM to each underlying domain.

Default: 10


Sets the maximum size in bytes not to compress during data transfer.

Default: 100000


If set to true, displays debug information during topology synchronization.

Default: FALSE


If set to true, displays time information during topology synchronization.

Default: FALSE


If set to true, enables serial mode for topology synchronization.

Default: FALSE


Sets the minimum delay between two successive synchronization to a domain.

Default: 120 seconds


If elementname and elementclassname are found empty for notifications in the Notification Log Console, it is likely that corresponding local objects were deleted during topology synchronization with underlying domain managers but notifications were not cleared.

To avoid local objects that have an associated notification instance from being deleted, set the following property in the local/conf/runcmd_env.sh file.

Default: YES


The SM_JDK_HOME environment variable is used to indicate the location of the JDK, if present. If you provide the location of the JDK while running the appropriate setup script, then the SM_JDK_HOME variable will be defined in the runcmd script.


The SM_JAVA environment variable specifies a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) other than that in BASEDIR/smarts/jre. The contents are the paths to the libraries of the JRE. On UNIX, the value of SM_JAVA is added to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Solaris and Linux).

This variable is optional. If not set, runcmd will assume standard paths relative to the value of SM_JAVAHOME.


The SM_JAVAHOME environment variable is used in conjunction with SM_JAVA to specify a non-standard JRE. It specifies the location of the JRE, and defines the value

of the JVM's ""java.home"" system property.

  • If SM_JAVAHOME is left unset and SM_JDK_HOME was specified, then SM_JAVAHOME will effectively be set to SM_JDK_HOME/jre.

  • If left is not set and SM_JDK_HOME is also unset, and if the BASEDIR/jre directory exists, then SM_JAVAHOME will effectively be set to BASEDIR/jre.


Set this environment variable to Yes in the BASEDIR directory path to ensure that Java can be successfully started for NOTIF.