Using the sm_config command you can import objects into and export objects from the repository. In addition, the command allows you to enable, disable, and delete objects.

The options for importing, exporting, and enabling configurations are specified as commands to sm_config when you invoke it at the command line. Arguments to sm_config for managing configurations lists the arguments you should specify when invoking sm_config, which is run from BASEDIR/smarts/bin.


The information included in Arguments to sm_config for managing configurations can be retrieved by entering the --help argument when invoking sm_config from the command line.

Table 1. Arguments to sm_config for managing configurations

Command option / argument




[command-options] <input-xmlfile>

Imports the specified XML file into the Global Manager.

export --server=


Exports the current object configurations to XML. If no output XML filename is specified, the XML is exported as standard output.

delete --classname=<class> --instancename=<instance> [--type=<action_type>]

Removes the specified instance from the Global Manager repository.

enable --classname=<class> --instancename=<instance>[--type=<action_type>]

Enables the specified instance in the Global Manager repository.

disable --classname=<class> --instancename=<instance> [--type=<action_type>]

Disables, but does not delete, the specified instance in the Global Manager repository.


Displays the sm_config command option / argument help.

Command options


To be used with the import command. Imports repository objects even if existing objects were modified since the XML was last exported. This overwrites existing repository objects that may have been changed.

Also -f can be used.


To be used with the import command. Deletes all the XML-configured repository objects that currently exist in the Global Manager (specifically notification lists, user profiles, users, tools, escalation policies, and actions). New repository objects, as specified in the XML file, are created in their place.

Also -r can be used.


To be used with the delete, enable, or disable command. Specifies the class name of the object you want to modify.

Also -c <class> can be used.


To be used with the delete, enable, or disable command. Specifies the instance name of the object you want to modify.

Also -i <instance> can be used.


To be used with the delete, enable, or disable command when you are modifying an action or tool. Specifies the action type. The possible values are server, client, or auto.

Also -t <action_type>.


This option is required if --classname=Action can be used.



Name of the Input XML file.

Input XML files for Service Assurance Manager must be located in BASEDIR/smarts/local/conf/ics.


Only the filename (including the file extension) must be specified, not the path to the file.


Name of the file that is generated when exporting configurations.

Output XML files for Service Assurance Manager are created in BASEDIR/smarts/local/conf/ics.

Output XML files for the Adapter Platform are created in BASEDIR/smarts/local/conf/icoi.

If an output XML File is not specified, the XML is written to standard output.


Supported Values:

  • Action (To be used for client, server, and automatic tools.)

  • AutoActionPolicy (To be used for Escalation Policies.)

  • NotificationList

  • UserProfile

  • User


    There is no map icon support for <class>. You cannot import an individual instance of a map icon.


Instance value is the logical name of the repository object.


Used with the --type command option to specify the type of action to delete, enable, or disable. Possible values are:

  • client

  • server

  • auto

Standard options


Alternate location of the broker as <host>:<port>. This value can be verified in the SM_BROKER environment variable.


This argument is optional.

Also -b <broker_location> can be used.


Name of Global Manager or Adapter Platform.


This argument is required.

Also -s <server_name> can be used.