SAM 8.1 Memory benchmarking results defines the results on a Linux AS5 platform.

Table 1. SAM 8.1 Memory benchmarking results


477580 KB

Topology synchronization (27,000 instances, 30,000 relationships) from Case 1 and Case 2:

202240 KB

Topology synchronization (50,000 instances, 59,000 relationships) from Case 3 and Case 4:

315704 KB

43,000 notifications from Case 1:

159084 KB

3.69 KB per notification.

43,000 notifications with 30 consoles from Case 2:

414136 KB

Amount of overhead per console for 43,000 notifications equals 8501.73 KB, or 197.7 bytes per notification.

96,000 notifications from Case 3:

343044 KB

3.57 KB per notification.

96,000 notifications with 30 Consoles from Case 4:

598388 KB

Amount of overhead per console for 96,000 notifications equals 8511.47KB, or 88.66 bytes per notification.