1. Install or upgrade to the latest version of M&R. The Installation and Configuration Guide for VMware Smart Assurance M&R provides more information.
  2. Start the services. For example, /opt/APG/bin/manage-modules.sh service start all
  3. New installations of M&R provide a 30-day trial license for all SolutionPacks. Ensure you obtain and install permanent licenses for SolutionPacks you plan to use longer than 30 days.
  4. Install the SolutionPack for Smarts.

    The article,SolutionPack for Smarts Summary Sheet of this document , provides more information.

    • On the Reports page of the SolutionPack installation wizard, you must enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the M&R Tomcat server. This address must match the entry in the SM_CAS_SERVER parameter setting in the runcmd_env.sh file in the Presentation SAM server.
      Note: Use the FQDN, not an IP address, when configuring the SolutionPack for Smarts.
    • Enter the FQDN for the server hosting the Smarts EDAA.
    • Accept the default values for the other fields unless your deployment has a non-default SAM setup. For example,
      • SAM Presentation server is not named INCHARGE-SA-PRES
      • SAM server is using SSL
      • The admin-profile in SAM has changed
    • On the Reports page of the SolutionPack installation wizard, enter the Smarts Configuration Manager domain name if you plan to manage settings for your IP domains from the M&R interface.
    Note: Ensure you restart the Presentation SAM services after you configure the SolutionPack for Smarts. This forces the CAS webapp to run with the latest configuration.
    After installation of the SolutionPack for Smarts, configure IP settings in the Configuration Manager and push them to the remote IP domain managers. Access the IP settings from Administration > Modules > Smarts. Additional information is provided in this article:
    • How to Maintain IP Manager Settings
  5. Create user accounts for operators in M&R. The Administrator must also create new Roles for these users and map them to existing profiles in Service Assurance Manager (SAM).

  6. You can customize the tools available in the Notification views depending on the value of the User Status.
  7. You can customize the client tools available from the Notification reports if you want to add scripts to show notification name or severity.
  8. Run manual Topology import from Administration > Centralized Management > Scheduled Tasks > Topology. Click sm-collector/import-smarts-topology and click Run.

    By default the task runs every day at midnight.