Events for VirtualMachine lists the events that are generated for the class VirtualMachine and used as symptom for root-cause analysis.
Events |
Description |
VMDownOrImpaired |
Indicates that this Virtual Machine does not have access to the datastores. |
VMMigrated |
Indicates that the virtual machine has moved from one hypervisor host to another. |
VMDeleted |
Indicates that the virtual machine has been deleted from its current host. |
VMAdded |
Indicates that the virtual machine has been added to its current host. |
VMToolsNotInstalled |
Indicates that the virtual machine does not have VM tools installed.
This event can be disabled by setting DisableVMToolsEvents to TRUE. |
VMToolsNotUpToDate |
Indicates that the virtual machine has VM tools installed, but they are not up to date.
This event can be disabled by setting DisableVMToolsEvents to TRUE. |
IncompleteNetworkConfiguration |
Indicates that the virtual machine does not have IP connectivity configured. |
NetworkReconfiguration |
Indicates that the virtual networking for the virtual machine has been modified. |
GuestOSNotRunning |
Indicates that the virtual machine operating system is not running. It is either down or loading. |
PoweredOff |
Indicates that the virtual machine power is turned off.
The PoweredOff event is also generated when a virtual machine is suspended from a virtual center. |
VMRestartedOnAlternateHost |
Indicates the following:
VMMovedByDRS |
Indicates that all the VMs are moved to new hypervisor through VMware DRS utility. |
VMMigratedErrorE |
Indicates that the VM has a migration failure. |
VMRelocatedErrorE |
Indicates that the VM has a relocation failure. |
VMIsOrphanedE |
Indicates that the VM has a become an orphan or invalid. An orphan virtual machine is one that exists in the vCenter but is no longer present on the hypervisor host. |
VMRelocatedImpacted |
Indicates that the relocation of the VM has an impact. |
VMMigratedImpacted |
Indicates that the migratIon of the VM has an impact. |
VMIsOrphanedImpacted |
Indicates that the orphaned VM has an impact. |
VMCPUUsageAlarm |
Indicates that the CPU of the VM is overused. |
VMMemoryUsageAlarm |
Indicates that the memory of the VM is overused. |
VMHighDiskLatency |
Indicates that the VM is experiencing high disk latency.
This event is generated when the corresponding alarm is configured in a virtual center. Refer to “Configure the Virtual Center to create the VM HighDisk Latency alarm if necessary” on page 83 for information. The VMHighDiskLatency event provides additional information to identify the impacted virtual machines for PhysicalDisk Down, PhysicalDisk Rebuild, ScsiPath Down, InterSwitchLink Down, FibreChannelPort Down root-cause problems. |