Here are the release notes for VMware Spring Cloud® Data Flow for Kubernetes version 1.6.

Important Tanzu Network has been deprecated, and product downloads are now available on the Broadcom Support portal.


Release Date: July 23, 2024

Notable changes in 1.6.3

Dependency Updates

  • Updated to Spring Framework 5.3.37
  • Updated versions and mitigations for CVEs.
    • Jackson 2.17.2
    • Reactor 2020.0.45
    • Netty 4.1.111.Final
    • Tomcat 9.0.90
    • nimbus-jose-jwt 9.37.3
    • testcontainers 1.19.8

See Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.11.4 release notes for more details.

Dependent Projects and Compatibility

Component Version
Spring Cloud Dataflow Pro Server Build 1.6.3
Spring Cloud Dataflow Pro UI 1.6.3
Spring Cloud Deployer 2.9.4
Spring Cloud Skipper 2.11.4
Spring Cloud Dataflow UI 3.4.5
Spring Cloud Dataflow 2.11.4


See Spring Cloud Data Flow Artifacts for details about installing and downloading packages.


Release Date: May 22, 2024

Notable changes in 1.6.2


  • Added tasks/thinexecutions endpoint for faster retrieval of Task executions.
  • Added indexes for improving Job Executions queries.

Changes / Fixes

  • Updated to Spring Framework 5.3.34
  • Updated versions and mitigations for CVEs.
    • CVE-2024-22263 Skipper upload validation vulnerability mitigated.
    • Nimbus 9.37.2
    • BouncyCastle 1.78.1
    • Spring Kafka 2.9.13
    • Embedded Tomcat 9.0.88
    • Netty family
      • Netty to 4.1.109.Final
      • Reactor BOM to 2020.0.43
      • Rsocket BOM to 1.1.4
  • Numerous other bug fixes and improvements - see Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.11.3 release notes for details

Dependent Projects and Compatibility

Component Version
Spring Cloud Dataflow Pro Server Build 1.6.2
Spring Cloud Dataflow Pro UI 1.6.2
Spring Cloud Deployer 2.9.3
Spring Cloud Skipper 2.11.3
Spring Cloud Dataflow UI 3.4.3
Spring Cloud Dataflow 2.11.3


The scripts for installing the Carvel package on Kubernetes and local development is attached below.

The same scripts can be used to install the OSS version.


Release Date: March 6, 2024

Notable changes in 1.6.1-rp1

  • Fixes issues in the k8s installer scripts. (Relocate script couldn't read corrupted YAML files.)
  • Fixes issues in the Carvel deployment scripts. (Environment variables were overwriting each other.)
    • Download the latest Spring Cloud Data Flow for Kubernetes from the Broadcom Support portal to get the updated Carvel installations.


Release Date: January 22, 2024

Notable changes in 1.6.1

Spring Batch 5.x support

  • Fixed bugs related to Batch 5.x support.
  • Addressed CVEs reported.

Changes / fixes

  • References to changes to
  • Update logback to handle CVE-2023-6378
  • CF Deployer needs to use LogCacheClient to retrieve logs
  • Creating Schedule of Task prevents version property
  • Task Execution Log doesn't scroll horizontally
  • Unable to sort tasks by Schema Target
  • Update to Spring Cloud 2021.0.9
  • Update Spring Boot 2.7.18

Dependent projects and compatibility

Component Version
Spring Cloud Dataflow Pro Server Build 1.6.1
Spring Cloud Dataflow Pro UI 1.6.1
Spring Cloud Dataflow Build 2.11.2
Spring Cloud Dataflow Common 2.11.2
Spring Cloud Deployer 2.9.2
Spring Cloud Deployer Local 2.9.2
Spring Cloud Deployer CF 2.9.2
Spring Cloud Deployer K8S 2.9.2
Spring Cloud Common Security Config 2.11.2
Spring Cloud Skipper 2.11.2
Spring Cloud Dataflow UI 3.4.2
Spring Cloud Dataflow 2.11.2


To find scripts for installing the Carvel package on Kubernetes and local development, see the SCDF Pro v1.6.1 release on GitHub.

You can use the same scripts to install the OSS version.


Release Date: November 28, 2023

Notable changes in 1.6.0

Spring Boot 3 Applications

  • Adds support for Spring Boot 3.x based stream applications.
  • Adds support for Spring Cloud Task 3.x based task applications.
  • Adds support for Spring Batch 5.x based batch applications.

For more information, see the open-source Spring Cloud Data Flow documentation.

  • Updated versions and mitigations for CVEs.
    • json-smart: 2.4.11
    • nimbus-jose-jwt: 9.31
    • snappy-java:
    • commons-compress: 1.24.0
  • Ensure TaskOperations launch API is backwards compatible.
  • Fix issues in dependency managements of modules after creating mono-repo

Dependent projects and compatibility

Component Version
Spring Cloud Dataflow Pro Server Build 1.6.0
Spring Cloud Dataflow Pro UI 1.6.0
Spring Cloud Dataflow Build 2.11.1
Spring Cloud Dataflow Common 2.11.1
Spring Cloud Deployer 2.9.1
Spring Cloud Deployer Local 2.9.1
Spring Cloud Deployer CF 2.9.1
Spring Cloud Deployer K8S 2.9.1
Spring Cloud Common Security Config 2.11.1
Spring Cloud Skipper 2.11.1
Spring Cloud Dataflow UI 3.4.1
Spring Cloud Dataflow 2.11.1


  • #5492 TaskOperations launch API is not backwards compatible
  • #5488 Update dependencies for latest CVEs
  • #5485 Add common-security-config modules to dependency management
  • #399 Duplicate Kubernetes pod ids when tasks are launched at the same time
  • #1947 App registration details panel not updating when switch between boot versions
  • #1946 Spring Boot 3 / Batch 5: Job execution is empty although shown in DB
  • #5467 Default version is always used to pick the table prefixes
  • #5459 The task configured as boot2 application cannot be executed in SCDF 2.11.0 RC1.
  • #5456 Error Value too long for column "AUDIT_DATA CHARACTER VARYING(4000)
  • #5452 Sensitive data still displayed in audit dashboard
  • #5450 As a user I can easily tell that this repo is no longer active and now lives in the mono repo.
  • #5446 Add tests to the spring-cloud-dataflow-aggregate-task module
  • #5443 [Docs] Missing task 3.x coordinates in ref guide
  • #5442 Add num days option to task cleanup
  • #5441 Composed task runner documentation
  • #5439 LOB-Elements broken after migration with PostgreSQLTextToOID


To find scripts for installing the Carvel package on Kubernetes and local development, see the Spring Cloud Data Flow v2.11.1 release on GitHub.

You can use the same scripts to install the Pro version.

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