Use API Auto Registration

This topic describes how you can use API Auto Registration.


The run profile requires you to update the install values before proceeding. For iterate and full profiles, the default values work but you might prefer to update them. For information about profiles, see About Tanzu Application Platform profiles.


API Auto Registration requires the following:

  1. A location exposing a dynamic or static API specification.

  2. An APIDescriptor Custom Resource (CR) with that location created in the cluster.

  3. (Optional) Configurations:

    1. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for OpenAPI specifications
    2. Connect the component to the auto-registered API in Tanzu Developer Portal


To generate OpenAPI Spec:

To create APIDescriptor Custom Resource:

Additional configurations:

Generate OpenAPI specifications

This section tells you how to generate OpenAPI specifications.

Using a Spring Boot app with a REST service

You can use a Spring Boot example app built using Building a RESTful Web Service guide. and has the Springdoc dependency.

Example of a workload using the Spring Boot app:

kind: Workload
  name: simple-rest-app
    ... "true"
    - name: api_descriptor
        type: openapi
          path: "/v3/api-docs"
        system: dev
        owner: team-a
        description: "A set of API endpoints."

Using App Accelerator template

If you are creating a new application exposing an API, you might use the java-rest-service App Accelerator template to get a pre-built app that includes a workload.yaml with a basic REST API. From your Tanzu Developer Portal Accelerators tab, search for the accelerator and scaffold it according to your needs.

Using an existing Spring Boot project using springdoc

If you have an existing Spring Boot app that exposes an API, you can generate OpenAPI specifications using springdoc. See the springdoc documentation

After you have springdoc configured and an OpenAPI automatically generated, you can choose one of the following methods to create the APIDescriptor custom resource:

Create APIDescriptor custom resource

This section tells you how to create an APIDescriptor custom resource.

Use Out-Of-The-Box (OOTB) supply chains

All the Out-Of-The-Box (OOTB) supply chains are modified so that they can use API Auto Registration. If you want your workload to be auto registered, you must make modifications to your workload YAML:

  1. Add the label "true".
  2. Add a parameter of type api_descriptor:

        - name: api_descriptor
            type: openapi   # We currently support any of openapi, aysncapi, graphql, grpc
              path: "/v3/api-docs"  # The path to the api documentation
              baseURL: "http://my-spec.url" # Optional: The base URL to the api documentation if not served from the API runtime
            owner: team-petclinic   # The team that owns this
            system: petclinic       # The Backstage system entity this API belongs to
            description: "A set of API endpoints to manage the resources within the petclinic app."

The default supply chains use Knative to deploy your applications and are referenced as the server location for the generated APIDescriptor.

For API specifications, there are 2 options for the location:

  • If the API specifications are generated and served from your application endpoint, the only location information you must set is the path to the API documentation. The controller can figure out the base URL by using the Knative server reference.
  • If your API specifications are served from a static location, you can hardcode the URL using the location.baseURL property.

Example workload that exposes the API specifications from a Knative service:

kind: Workload
  name: petclinic-knative
    ... "true"
    - name: api_descriptor
        type: openapi
          path: "/v3/api-docs"
        system: pet-clinics
        owner: team-petclinic
        description: "A set of API endpoints to manage the resources within the petclinic app."

Example of a workload with a hardcoded URL to the API documentation:

kind: Workload
  name: petclinic-hard-coded
    ... "true"
    - name: api_descriptor
        type: openapi
          path: "/v3/api-docs"
        owner: team-petclinic
        system: pet-clinics
        description: "A set of API endpoints to manage the resources within the petclinic app."

After the supply chain runs, it creates an APIDescriptor custom resource. Tanzu Application Platform uses this resource to auto register your API. See APIDescriptor explained.

Using custom supply chains

If you are creating custom supply chains, you can still use API Auto Registration. To write a supply chain pipeline, use ClusterConfigTemplate by the name of config-template in your pipeline. To write a custom task, verify how the template is written to read parameters, interpret baseURL from Knative Services, and construct APIDescriptor CRs.

In the Delivery pipeline, you must directly create an APIDescriptor custom resource. You must grant permissions to create the CR from the delivery pipeline.

For information about APIDescriptors, see APIDescriptor explained.

Using other GitOps processes or manually

Using your GitOps process, or manually, you must stamp out an APIDescriptor CR and apply it in the cluster you choose. Specify all the required fields for an APIDescriptor CR to reconcile.

For information about APIDescriptors, see APIDescriptor explained.

Additional configuration

This section tells you how to perform additional configuration.

Setting up CORS for OpenAPI specifications

The agent, usually a browser, uses the CORS protocol to verify whether the current origin uses an API. To use the `Try it out`` feature for OpenAPI specifications from the API Documentation plug-in, you must configure CORS to allow successful requests.

Your API must be configured to allow CORS Requests from Tanzu Developer Portal. How you accomplish this varies based on your programming language and framework. If you are using Spring, see CORS support in spring framework.

At a high level, your API must accept the Tanzu Developer Portal domain must be accepted as a valid cross-origin.

To do this:

  • Origins allowed header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: A list of comma-separated values. This list must include your Tanzu Developer Portal host.
  • Methods allowed header: Access-Control-Allow-Method: Must allow the method used by your API. Also confirm that your API supports preflight requests, a valid response to the OPTIONS HTTP method.
  • Headers allowed header: Access-Control-Allow-Headers: If the API requires any header, you must include it in the API configuration or your authorization server.

Connecting the component to the API in Tanzu Developer Portal

When the API-producing component is added to the Tanzu Developer Portal catalog, it is helpful to connect the component to the API. By connecting the two entities, the catalog graph visualizes this relationship for users. To connect the entities you must add the .spec.providesApis in your component.yaml where you can list all the APIs it provides using string reference format. Ensure that you follow the namespace/name format instead of name, otherwise the namespace defaults to the component’s namespace, typically default. The name is the auto-registered API’s name. VMware recommends updating the component.yaml with the API name after the auto-registration finishes.

The following is an example of a component.yaml with string entity reference to an API:

kind: Component
  name: petclinic
  namespace: petclinic-systems
  description: Petstore
  type: service
  lifecycle: dev
  owner: team-petclinic
    - internal/petclinic-api-dev

For more information, see the API documentation plug-in in Tanzu Developer Portal.

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