(Beta) Configure Tanzu Application Platform and VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer to support L7 routing to web workloads

This topic tells you how to configure Tanzu Application Platform (commonly known as TAP) with VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer (formerly known as Avi Networks) to support web workloads.

For information about VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer (NSX ALB), see the VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer documentation.


This integration enables you to use NSX ALB to handle L7 traffic to Tanzu Application Platform web workloads on a Tanzu Application Platform Run cluster.

Unlike in normal Tanzu Application Platform behavior or the NSX ALB L4 setup, the Contour Envoy is no longer part of the data path for cluster-external traffic. Instead, cluster-external traffic travels from NSX ALB Service Engines directly to web workload pods on the cluster.

Contour and Envoy are still used for handling cluster-local traffic to web workloads.

The integration with NSX ALB is only for web workloads. Support for Server Workloads is not available in Tanzu Application Platform at this time.

Some features of Cloud Native Runtimes are not supported in this integration, including scale-to-zero and Knative DomainMappings.

This integration is only available on Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Multicloud (TKGm) clusters currently.


Start from a new environment. This integration involves changing your ingress provider, and Tanzu Application Platform does not support no-downtime upgrades or switches to this configuration. The current Avi Controller might drop traffic when unexpected bursts occur.


To prepare, obtain:

  • An AVI Enterprise license
  • AVI Controller v22.1 or later
  • TKGm v2.5.1 or later
  • GatewayAPI V1 CRDs (included with TKGm v2.5.1 and later)
  • Avi Kubernetes Operator (AKO) v1.12 or later (included with TKGm)
  • A domain that web workloads will be available under

Configure TKGm to use NSX ALB as the load-balancer for all clusters

Before installing Tanzu Application Platform, the TKGm environment must be configured to use NSX ALB.

Set up cluster management

Follow the steps in the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid documentation to configure a TKGm management cluster to use NSX ALB.

Create ServiceEngineGroup and AKODeploymentConfig

For each workload cluster, you must create:

  • A ServiceEngineGroup in the Avi Controller
  • An AKODeploymentConfig on the management cluster

For convenience, follow a consistent naming pattern. This topic uses:

  • wlN as the cluster name, where N is a number
  • wlN-SEG as the ServiceEngineGroup name
  • wlN-adc as the AKODeploymentConfig file name

This topic mentions only one workload cluster, but you can repeat the steps as necessary for other clusters.

  1. Create a ServiceEngineGroup named wl0-SEG. For instructions, see the Avi Load Balancer documentation.

  2. On the management cluster, create an AKODeploymentConfig file named wl0-adc. You can use the install-ako-for-all AKODeploymentConfig as a baseline, which is found on the management cluster by default. Ensure that your new AKODeploymentConfig file has these fields set as follows:

    • clusterSelector.matchLabels = cluster-type: wl0-gateway-clusterip
    • extraConfigs.featureGates.GatewayAPI = true
    • extraConfigs.serviceType = ClusterIP
  3. On the management cluster, create a workload cluster configuration YAML file with the following content:

    # These are required for this guide
    AVI_LABELS: '{"cluster-type": "wl0-gateway-clusterip"}'
    # These values may be updated depending on your preferences
    CNI: antrea
    KUBERNETES_VERSION: v1.28.7+vmware.1
    OS_ARCH: amd64
    OS_NAME: ubuntu
    OS_VERSION: '22.04'

Configure the workload cluster

The following procedures take place on the workload cluster. If you have multiple workload clusters, repeat the procedures on each cluster.

Create the AVI Gateway API resources on the workload cluster

Now that AKO is configured to reconcile GatewayAPI resources, you must create a Gateway and GatewayClass for AVI on your workload cluster.

  1. Targeting the workload cluster.
  2. See if GatewayClass is on the cluster by running:

    kubectl get gatewayclass

    If there is a GatewayClass on the cluster already, you need not create one. Otherwise, create the following:

    apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
    kind: GatewayClass
      name: avi-lb
      controllerName: "ako.vmware.com/avi-lb"
    apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Gateway
      name: tanzu-avi-gateway
      namespace: avi-system
      gatewayClassName: avi-lb
       - name: http
         protocol: HTTP
         hostname: '*.DOMAIN'
         port: 80
             from: All

    Where DOMAIN is the DOMAIN listed in the prerequisites.


If you create this Gateway resource as part of a kapp app or package, you must include rebase rules so that the listeners can be updated freely. Otherwise kapp-controller might reconcile the Gateway resource and delete any changes that Tanzu Application Platform has programmed into the listeners.

Install and configure Tanzu Application Platform on the workload cluster

While still targeting the workload cluster, install Tanzu Application Platform:

  1. Create an overlay for the cnrs package by applying this YAML to the cluster:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
     name: cnr-disable-scale-to-zero
     namespace: tap-install
     cnr-disable-scale-to-zero.yml: |
       #@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"metadata":{"name":"config-autoscaler","namespace":"knative-serving"}})
         #@overlay/match missing_ok=True
         enable-scale-to-zero: "false"
         #@overlay/match missing_ok=True
         target-burst-capacity: "0"
  2. Create a tap-values.yaml file with the following content. You can configure other Tanzu Application Platform components as you want here as well. This example shows only the content necessary for this integration:

      ingress_domain: DOMAIN
    profile: run
      default_ingress_provider: gateway-api
      domain_template: "{{.Name}}-{{.Namespace}}.{{.Domain}}"
      ingress_issuer: ""
          class: avi-lb
          gateway: avi-system/avi-gateway
          class: tanzu-contour
          gateway: tanzu-system-ingress/tanzu-contour-gateway
          service: tanzu-system-ingress/envoy
              name: tanzu-contour-gateway
              namespace: tanzu-system-ingress
    - name: cnrs
      - name: cnr-disable-scale-to-zero

    The objects referenced in cnrs.gateway_api.internal do not exist yet. You will create them later.

  3. Using the values file you just created, follow the steps in Install Tanzu Application Platform (online).

Configure the domain with Cloud Native Runtimes (CNRs) and NSX ALB

By default, Cloud Native Runtimes creates FQDNs for Knative Services that are in the pattern {{.Name}}.{{.Namespace}}.{{.Domain}}. However, in this example CNRs configuration, you set cnrs.domain_template = "{{.Name}}-{{.Namespace}}.{{.Domain}}.

You do this because AKO currently supports only wildcard domains in the Gateway listener to a depth of 1.

For example, given a Gateway with a listener for *.foo.com, AKO matches app.foo.com, but not app.ns.foo.com.

If you want to use the default Knative FQDN pattern, create a wildcard listener for each namespace to which you want to deploy web workloads. For example, the following example accepts web workloads in ns1 and ns2, but not ns3:

apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Gateway
  name: tanzu-avi-gateway
  namespace: avi-system
  gatewayClassName: avi-lb
   - name: http
     protocol: HTTP
     hostname: '*.ns1.DOMAIN'
     port: 80
         from: All
   - name: http
     protocol: HTTP
     hostname: '*.ns2.DOMAIN'
     port: 80
         from: All

When using wildcard listeners, do not use nested wildcard patterns. For example, if you add a listener with the host names *.DOMAIN and *.ns1.DOMAIN, the AVI controller does not accept routes with the domain *.ns1.DOMAIN.

Create the Gateway resources for Contour

Now that Tanzu Application Platform is installed on your Run Cluster, and Contour is running on the cluster, create the Gateway resources for Contour as follows:

kind: GatewayClass
apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
  name: tanzu-contour
  controllerName: projectcontour.io/gateway-controller
kind: Gateway
apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
  name: tanzu-contour-gateway
  namespace: tanzu-system-ingress
  gatewayClassName: tanzu-contour
    - name: http
      protocol: HTTP
      port: 80
          from: All

After doing this, you might need to restart the Contour pods in the tanzu-system-ingress namespace for this Gateway to be detected.


Though you must create a GatewayClass resource for the Gateway to reference, Contour does not reconcile the GatewayClass resource when supporting GatewayAPI in Static mode. The status remains as Unknown, and that is expected behavior.

Verify Knative Serving for CNRs

If you verify that CNRs is configured correctly with a simple Knative Service, your workload cluster is now configured to use NSX ALB as the ingress provider for web workloads.

Advanced Configuration

The following procedures are for advanced configurations of this integration.

Use a default TLS secret

To make your web workloads available over HTTPS by using a wildcard certificate, edit your Avi Gateway to supply a default TLS Certificate as a secret.

  1. Create a secret in the avi-system namespace that holds your certificate. For instructions, see the Kubernetes documentation. This example assumes the secret is named defaultTLSSecret:

    apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Gateway
      name: tanzu-avi-gateway
      namespace: avi-system
      gatewayClassName: avi-lb
       - name: https
         protocol: HTTP
         port: 443
         hostname: '*.DOMAIN'
           - name: defaultTLSSecret
             namespace: avi-system
             kind: Secret
             from: All

    Where DOMAIN is DOMAIN listed in the prerequisites.

  2. Update tap-values.yaml with this additional CNRs configuration:

      default_external_scheme: "https"

Configure global server load balancing (GSLB)

You can use web workloads as NSX ALB GSLB services under the following conditions:

  • Each Tanzu Application Platform Run cluster that will be part of the GSLB is configured identically. Crucially, each cluster uses the same DOMAIN.
  • The GSLB domain is the same as the DOMAIN on each cluster.
  • web workloads that will be part of the same GSLB service are deployed in the same namespace across clusters.
  • The GSLB FQDN matches the FQDN of the web workloads. For example, for the web workload foo deployed in the namespace bar on clusters A and B, with the domain baz:

    • Each web workload has the FQDN foo.bar.baz
    • The GSLB service has the FQDN foo.bar.baz
  • To enable GSLB in your AVI environment, follow the steps in the NSX Advanced Load Balancer documentation and, for each site, ensure that the domain matches the DOMAIN used to configure your Tanzu Application Platform installation.

  • After your GSLB sites are configured, create a GSLB service by following the steps in the NSX Advanced Load Balancer documentation and, for each site, add a pool and then select the corresponding VirtualService for the Avi Gateway on the workload cluster.

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