NSX Advanced Load Balancer as Cluster Load Balancer Service Provider

NSX ALB can act as the external Load Balancer provider for your Kubernetes clusters in a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid deployment.

Basic Setup: Configure NSX ALB as Load Balancer Implementation for All Clusters

To configure NSX ALB Load Balancer implementation for all clusters:

  1. Create a management cluster configuration YAML file, and add the following fields in the file:

    AVI_ENABLE: true
    AVI_CONTROLLER: <avi controller IP address or FQDN>
    AVI_USERNAME: <avi admin username>
    AVI_PASSWORD: <avi admin password>
    AVI_CA_DATA_B64: <base64 encoded certificate>
    AVI_CLOUD_NAME: <cloud you configured to deploy virtual services>
    AVI_SERVICE_ENGINE_GROUP: <SEG you configured to host virtual services>
    AVI_DATA_NETWORK: <VIP Network you want to use for your load balancer external IP>
    AVI_DATA_NETWORK_CIDR: <above VIP Network's CIDR>
    #### only for NSX-T cloud ####
    AVI_NSXT_T1LR: <NSX-T Tier 1 path used for NSX Advanced Loader Balancer backend network>

    For more information on creating a management cluster configuration file, see Create a Management Cluster Configuration File.

  2. Create the management cluster by using the tanzu management-cluster create command.

NSX ALB is now configured as the load balancer for the management cluster and all the workload clusters that are created by this management cluster.

Configure the Advanced L4 Load Balancer Features of NSX ALB

Optionally, you can configure certain advanced load balancing features of NSX ALB in Tanzu Kubernetes Grid.

(Optional) Enable NSX ALB as the Load Balancer implementation on specific workload clusters

To configure NSX ALB as the Load Balancer only on specific workload clusters:

  1. Create a management cluster configuration YAML file, and add the following fields in the file:

    AVI_ENABLE: true
    AVI_LABELS: '{"enable-nsx-alb":"true"}'
    AVI_CONTROLLER: <avi controller IP address or FQDN>
    AVI_USERNAME: <avi admin username>
    AVI_PASSWORD: <avi admin password>
    AVI_CA_DATA_B64: <base64 encoded certificate>
    AVI_CLOUD_NAME: <cloud you configured to deploy virtual services>
    AVI_SERVICE_ENGINE_GROUP: <SEG you configured to host virtual services>
    AVI_DATA_NETWORK: <VIP Network you want to use for your load balancer external IP>
    AVI_DATA_NETWORK_CIDR: <above VIP Network's CIDR>
    #### only for NSX-T cloud ####
    AVI_NSXT_T1LR: <NSX-T Tier 1 path used for NSX Advanced Loader Balancer backend network>

    For more information on creating a management cluster configuration file, see Create a Management Cluster Configuration File.

  2. Create the management cluster by using the tanzu management-cluster create command.

  3. In the workload cluster configuration YAML file, add the following field:

    AVI_LABELS: '{"enable-nsx-alb":"true"}'
  4. Create the workload cluster by using the tanzu cluster create command.

NSX ALB is now configured as the load balancer only for the workload clusters that have the corresponding AVI_LABELS value.

Configure External Static IP Address for NSX ALB

This feature leverages the Avi Kubernetes Operator (AKO) application that is deployed in the clusters. For information, see Service of Type Load Balancer with Preferred IP.

Ensure that the IP address that you specify is an unallocated address in the IP pool that is configured in your Avi Controller.

To configure external static IP address for the load balancer service provided by NSX ALB, add the external IP address in the loadbalancerIP field in the load balancer type of service configuration file, as shown in this example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: corgi-test
  type: LoadBalancer
    corgi: test
    - nodePort: 30008
      port: 80
      targetPort: 80

Configure Gateway API v1beta1 for NSX ALB

A Tanzu Kubernetes Grid deployment integrated with NSX ALB supports the Gateway API v1beta1. This feature leverages the AKO application deployed in the clusters and allows you to expose Kubernetes services outside of a cluster. This feature is currently under tech preview. For more information about NSX ALB Gateway API support, see Gateway API - v1beta1 in the NSX ALB documentation.


To use this feature, NSX ALB must have an enterprise license.

AKO currently only supports GatewayClass, Gateway, and HTTPROUTE.

For more information about the limitations of this technical preview, see Conditions and Caveats in the Gateway API - v1beta1 documentation.

To configure the v1beta1 API Gateways for the load balancer services provided by NSX ALB, you must set the flag spec.extraConfigs.featureGates.GatewayAPI in the AKODeploymentConfig object to true. For information about how to access the AKODeploymentConfig for a cluster, see View the AKODeploymentConfig CR Object for a Cluster.

  1. Create or modify an existing AKODeploymentConfig file to enable the gateway API on a workload cluster.

    Example AKODeploymentConfig file:

    	name: avi-controller-credentials
    	namespace: tkg-system-networking
    	name: avi-controller-ca
    	namespace: tkg-system-networking
      cloudName: Default-Cloud
      	cluster-type: cluster-gateway-clusterip
    	name: VM Network
      controllerVersion: 22.1.3
    	name: VM Network
    	cniPlugin: antrea
    	disableStaticRouteSync: false
      	  GatewayAPI: true
      	defaultIngressController: false
      	disableIngressClass: false
      	- networkName: VM Network
      	serviceType: ClusterIP
      	shardVSSize: MEDIUM
      serviceEngineGroup: Default-Group
  2. Create the workload cluster from a configuration file.

    To use a custom AKO configuration, set AVI_LABELS in the cluster configuration to match the cluster selector in AKODeploymentConfig.

    CLUSTER_NAME: test-cluster
    AVI_LABELS: '{"cluster-type": "cluster-gateway-clusterip"}'
  3. After the workload cluster is created, check whether the statefulset container ako-gateway-api controller image has deployed successfully.

    kubectl get pods -a
  4. Create a GatewayClass object YAML file.

    AKO identifies GatewayClass instances that point to ako.vmware.com/avi-lb as the .spec.controllerName value in the GatewayClass object.

    For example, create a file named gateway-class.yaml with the following contents.

    apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
    kind: GatewayClass
      name: avi-lb
      controllerName: "ako.vmware.com/avi-lb"
  5. Apply the GatewayClass object to the cluster.

    kubectl apply -f gateway-class.yaml
  6. Create a Gateway object YAML file.

    For example, create a file named gateway.yaml with the following contents.

    apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
    kind: Gateway
      name: my-gateway
      gatewayClassName: avi-lb
      - name: foo-http
        protocol: HTTP
        port: 80
        hostname: foo.avilocal.lol
  7. Apply the Gateway object to the cluster.

    kubectl apply -f gateway.yaml
  8. Create an HttpRoute and backend service YAML file.

    For example, create a file named http-route.yaml with the following contents.

    apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
    kind: HTTPRoute
      name: foo-http
      - name: my-gateway
      - "foo.avilocal.lol"
      - backendRefs:
        - name: coffee-svc
          port: 80
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: coffee-svc
        app: coffee
        - port: 80
        app: coffee
      type: ClusterIP
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: nginx-coffee
          app: coffee
      replicas: 1
        	app: coffee
        	- name: nginx
               - containerPort: 80
  9. Apply the HttpRoute object to the cluster.

    kubectl apply -f http-route.yaml

IPv4/IPv6 Dual-Stack Support

For information about how to create dual-stack clusters, see Create Dual-Stack Clusters with NSX Advanced Load Balancer as Cluster Load Balancer Service Provider.

Other NSX ALB Features in Tanzu Kubernetes Grid

All the NSX ALB features that can be availed through AKO are supported in Tanzu Kubernetes Grid. To use a feature, set the corresponding value in the AKODeploymentConfig.spec.extraConfigs.<FEATURE-KNOB> object. For more information, see Avi Kubernetes Operator Deployment Guide.

NSX ALB in the Management Cluster

NSX ALB as the load balancer service provider is automatically enabled in the management cluster if NSX ALB is enabled in your Tanzu Kubernetes Grid deployment.

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