Configure Artifact Metadata Repository

This topic tells you how to configure Artifact Metadata Repository (AMR).

AMR Observer

You can obtain the Tanzu Application Platform values schema by running:

tanzu package available get${VERSION} --values-schema \
--namespace tap-install

The following example is AMR Observer configuration that is located under the amr key in the Tanzu Application Platform values file:

    location: |
      - key: env
        value: prod
    resync_period: "10h"
    ca_cert_data: |
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      Custom CA certificate for AMR CloudEvent Handler's HTTPProxy with custom TLS certs
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      endpoint: "https://amr-cloudevent-handler.DOMAIN"
      liveness_period_seconds: 10
        enable: true
        autoconfigure: true
          ref: "amr-observer-edit-token"
          value: ""
      image_vulnerability_scans: 1

Where DOMAIN is the domain you want to target.

Configuration options:


    • Default value: ""
    • Location is the multiline string configuration for the location content.
    • The YAML string can contain a single field:
    • labels, which consists of an array for a key and value pairing. It is useful for adding searchable and identifiable metadata. For enabling DORA functions, include a label named env. For more information, see DORA metrics in Tanzu Developer Portal.

    • Default value: "10h"
    • resync_period decides the minimum frequency at which watched resources reconcile. A lower period corrects entropy more quickly, but reduces responsiveness to change if there are many watched resources. Change this value with caution. It is 10 hours by default if unset.
  • or shared.ca_cert_data

    • Default value: ""
    • ca_cert_data adds certificates to the truststore that amr-observer uses.
    kubectl -n metadata-store get secrets/amr-cloudevent-handler-ingress-cert -o \
    jsonpath='{.data.""}' | base64 -d

    • Default value: http://amr-cloudevent-handler.metadata-store.svc.cluster.local:80
    • The URL of the AMR CloudEvent Handler endpoint.
    • On the Tanzu Application Platform View or Full profile cluster, obtain the AMR CloudEvent Handler ingress address to configure this property by running:
    kubectl -n metadata-store get amr-cloudevent-handler-ingress -o \

    Ensure that you set the correct protocol. If there is TLS, you must prepend https://. If there is no TLS, you must prepend http://.


    • Default: 10
    • This is the period in seconds between executed health checks to the AMR CloudEvent Handler endpoint.

    • .enable
    • Default value: true
    • This includes an authorization header when communicating with AMR CloudEvent Handler.
    • .autoconfigure
    • Default value: true
    • This delegates creation of an authentication token secret to the AMR. It is only applicable on Full and View clusters.
    • .secret
    • This is the secret with the access token for communicating with cloudevent-handler
    • .ref
      • Default value: ""
      • This is the secret name that contains the access token.
    • .value
      • Default value: ""
      • This is the secret as a plaintext string. This allows integration with TMC secret imports.

    • Default value: null
    • The Tanzu Application Platform multicluster deployment happens through Tanzu Mission Control when you set deployed_through_tmc to true.
    • When deploying with TMC, MultiClusterPropertyCollector overwrites existing Observer package configuration values. For the workaround, see the known issue.

    • This configures maximum concurrent reconciles for controllers.
    • .image_vulnerability_scans
    • Default value: 1
    • This is the maximum concurrent reconciles for observing ImageVulnerabilityScans.

    • Default value: INFO
    • This sets the log level. Set it to DEBUG to acquire more information through the logs.


  • amr.graphql.auth.kubernetes_service_accounts
    • .enable
    • Default value: true
    • Enable authentication for the AMR GraphQL server. By default it is set to true.
    • .autoconfigure
    • Default value: true
    • This delegates creation of the authentication token secret to the AMR. By default it is set to true.

AMR CloudEvent Handler

  • amr.cloudevent_handler.auth.kubernetes_service_accounts

    • .enable
    • Default value: true
    • This enables authentication and authorization for services accessing AMR.
    • .autoconfigure
    • Default value: true
    • This delegates creation of an authentication token secret to the AMR. By default it is set to true.
  • amr.cloudevent_handler.log_level

    • Default value: INFO
    • This sets the log level. Set it to DEBUG to acquire more information through the logs.
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