This topic gives you general information to help you with upgrading Tanzu Application Platform (commonly known as TAP).
Tanzu Application Platform v1.11 supports upgrading from the following versions:
This section describes the compatibility considerations for Tanzu Application Platform v1.11.
For supported Kubernetes versions, see Kubernetes version support for Tanzu Application Platform.
You must use a kubectl version that is within one minor version difference of your cluster. For example, a v1.30 client can communicate with v1.29, v1.30, and v1.31 control planes. Using the latest compatible version of kubectl helps avoid unforeseen issues.
Tanzu Application Platform v1.11 is compatible with Tanzu CLI v1.0.0 and later and Tanzu CLI plug-ins for Tanzu Application Platform v1.11.x. The Tanzu CLI core v1.2 that is distributed with Tanzu Application Platform is forward and backward compatible with all supported Tanzu Application Platform versions.
There is a group of Tanzu CLI plug-ins that extend the Tanzu CLI core with Tanzu Application Platform specific features. You can install the plug-ins as a group with a single command. Versioned releases of the Tanzu Application Platform specific plug-in group align to each supported Tanzu Application Platform version. This makes it easy to switch between different versions of Tanzu Application Platforms environments.
Test the upgrade in a staging or development environment: Use an environment that mirrors your production setup. This allows you to identify any potential issues or compatibility issues with your workloads before performing the upgrade in production.
Consider your tolerance for downtime per environment: For example, sandbox might not need to scale out replicas of workloads or Tanzu Application Platform components. Use PodDisruptionBudgets only in environments that require high availability, such as production or higher level test environments. Only configure PodDisruptionBudgets if minScale
or replicas
are greater than 1
Consider your tolerance for downtime per Tanzu Application Platform profile: You might have different downtime tolerances for each Tanzu Application Platform profile. Take time to understand these as one size does not fit all.
Consider the resource requirements for the upgraded Kubernetes cluster: This includes CPU, memory, and storage. Ensure that your underlying infrastructure can support the new version and accommodate any changes in resource use from your workloads. You might want to preemptively scale out your nodes instead of letting autoscaling start.
Perform health checks on your cluster and workloads before starting the upgrade: This helps to identify any issues that might impact the upgrade or the stability of your workloads post-upgrade. For more information, see:
Implement robust monitoring and observability tools: Use these tools to track the health and performance of your Kubernetes cluster and workloads before, during, and after the upgrade. This helps you to detect any anomalies or performance degradation post-upgrade.
Consider the availability needs for workloads: Tune them with the proper number of replicas and corresponding PodDisruptionBudget. Consider customizing the Tanzu Application Platform SupplyChain
to stamp out a PodDisruptionBudget
for workloads if needed. Knative workloads come with their own PodDisruptionBudget
components. Production workloads running a server workload type must have a replica count of 2
or more to avoid downtime during scheduling of resources. Knative resources must have minScale
set to 2
or more to avoid downtime.
Review compatibility of custom components: Review any custom components you’ve added to the cluster for compatibility with Kubernetes.
Review the upgrade preparation checklist: During your upgrade, follow the Upgrade preparation checklist.
Ensure that all apps have a readiness or liveness probes: This helps to avoid disruption during upgrades of Kubernetes and Tanzu Application Platform.
Consider using pod affinity rules: This helps to spread out workloads across nodes and availability zones.
Use a pod disruption budget for workloads: This helps to avoid downtime during upgrades, especially during Kubernetes upgrades.
Ensure that your app is protected against failure: For example, the app uses a 12 factor app design and it can handle graceful shutdown.
Ensure that you have copies of business critical apps in a non-production cluster: This cluster is where the upgrade can be tested before upgrading the cluster that contains the production instance of the app.
Complete the tasks in the following table before you upgrade Tanzu Application Platform.
Component | Description |
Upgrade Tanzu CLI | Upgrade to the latest Tanzu CLI and plug-in group by following the instructions in Install the Tanzu CLI. |
Upgrade Cluster Essentials | Upgrade Cluster Essentials. If your cluster is maintained by Tanzu Mission Control, you do not need to install or update Cluster Essentials. |
Relocate the Tanzu Application Platform package images | Relocate images from to your internal registry by following the instructions in Relocate images to a registry. |
Relocate the full Tanzu Build Service dependencies | (Optional) Relocate the full Tanzu Build Service dependencies to your internal registry by following the instructions in Install the Tanzu Build Service dependencies. This is not required if you only want the lite dependencies. |
Review Kubernetes cluster capacity | Verify that you have enough spare CPU and memory capacity on your Run and Build cluster nodes for the upgrade. You need to schedule capacity for the new pods that are created during an upgrade. |
Review any custom overlays | Check if there were any changes between versions for your custom overlays. For example, for the Supply Chain components. To pull a package after upgrading to view its contents and run a comparison, run: imgpkg pull -b $(kubectl get $PACKAGE_NAME < -n tap-install \ -ojson | jq -r '.spec.fetch[0].imgpkgBundle.image') \ -o /tmp/$PACKAGE_NAME && code /tmp/$PACKAGE_NAME |
Review breaking changes for the Tanzu Application Platform release | See v1.11 Breaking changes in the release notes. |
Plan your order of upgrade by cluster and then environment | Recommended order to upgrade clusters:
Upgrade a sandbox or test environment first before upgrading subsequent environments. You cannot jump upgrade versions n+2 until Tanzu Application Platform v1.7.x. For the list of versions you can upgrade to Tanzu Application Platform v1.11, see Supported upgrade paths earlier in this topic. |
Check the storage capacity of your container registry, such as Harbor or Artifactory, for sufficient storage | New containers are created during an upgrade. This can increase the need for storage capacity. |
If you are using GitOps RI, tag your GitOps repository to maintain a point in time of your Tanzu Application Platform configuration | Example tag commands: git tag -a v1.x.x git push origin v1.x.x |
Complete the tasks in the following table before you upgrade the Tanzu Application Platform View cluster.
Item | Description |
Platform health monitoring | Ensure that you have some form of monitoring in place to allow observability into your cluster during an upgrade. If nothing is in place, you can use Grafana for Tanzu Application Platform Observability. |
Check the health of each packageRepository and PackageInstall on the cluster |
Run: tanzu package repository list -A tanzu package installed list -A |
Check the health of all kapp apps on the cluster | Run: kapp list -A |
Check capacity of nodes on the cluster. You might want to preemptively scale out your nodes if they are at a higher capacity instead of letting autoscaling start during an upgrade. |
Run: kubectl top nodes |
Verify basic Tanzu Application Platform features on the cluster |
Check the health of pods on the cluster | Run: kubectl get pods -A --field-selector=status.phase!=Running,status.phase!=Succeeded |
The following table lists information about upgrading Kubernetes specific to the View cluster.
Item | Description |
Scale out Metadata Store pods for high availability | Consider scaling out Metadata Store to have more than one replica to limit downtime. For example: metadata_store: app_replicas: 3 |
Create a PodDisruptionBudget for the Metadata Store app for high availability |
For example: apiVersion: policy/v1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget metadata: name: metadata-store-pdb namespace: metadata-store spec: minAvailable: 60% selector: matchLabels: app: metadata-store-app |
Scale out Tanzu Developer Portal pods for high availability | For example: tap_gui: deployment: replicas: 3When Tanzu Developer Portal pods are scaled out, there is a known issue with generating Accelerators. You must apply the following overlay to the Tanzu Developer Portal package: apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: tap-gui-session-mgmt-affinity-secret namespace: tap-install stringData: tap-gui-session-mgmt-affinity.yml: | #@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay") #@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"HTTPProxy","metadata":{"name":"tap-gui"}}) --- spec: routes: #@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"services": [{"name": "server"}]}) - services: [] #@overlay/match missing_ok=True loadBalancerPolicy: strategy: CookieAnd add the following to the tap-values.yaml file: package_overlays: - name: "tap-gui" secrets: - name: "tap-gui-session-mgmt-affinity-secret" |
Create a PodDisruptionBudget for Tanzu Developer Portal for high availability |
For example: apiVersion: policy/v1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget metadata: name: tap-gui-pdb namespace: tap-gui spec: minAvailable: 60% selector: matchLabels: app: backstage |
The following table lists information about upgrading Tanzu Application Platform specific to the View cluster.
Item | Description |
What to expect during the upgrade on the View cluster |
If using GitOps RI, update the version.yaml file with the new Tanzu Application Platform version |
You can find the file at the following location: /clusters/CLUSTER-NAME/cluster-config/config/tap-install/.tanzu-managed/version.yaml |
If using GitOps RI, run the script to pull in latest External Secret Operator version with Tanzu Application Platform |
You can find the script at the following location: /clusters/CLUSTER-NAME/tanzu-sync/scripts/ |
If using GitOps RI, make adjustments to your tap-values.yaml file if needed, and push the updated version.yaml and tap-values.yaml files to the Git repository |
After pushing the changes to Git, run these commands to sync the changes to the cluster and start the upgrade: kctrl app kick -a sync -n tanzu-sync kctrl app kick -a tap -n tap-install |
Complete the tasks in the following table after you upgrade the Tanzu Application Platform View cluster.
Item | Description |
Check the health of each packageRepository and PackageInstall on the cluster. They must now display the newest version of Tanzu Application Platform. |
Run: tanzu package repository list -A tanzu package installed list -A |
Check the health of all kapp apps on the cluster | Run: kapp list -A |
Check the health of pods on the cluster | Run: kubectl get pods -A --field-selector=status.phase!=Running,status.phase!=Succeeded |
Verify that Tanzu Developer Portal starts | Log into Tanzu Developer Portal and verify that the basic functionality still works as expected. |
Complete the tasks in the following table before you upgrade the Tanzu Application Platform Build cluster.
Item | Description |
Platform health monitoring | Ensure that you have some form of monitoring in place to allow observability into your cluster during an upgrade. If nothing is in place, you can use Grafana for Tanzu Application Platform Observability. |
Check the health of each packageRepository and PackageInstall on the cluster. Fix any broken packages or repositories. |
Run: tanzu package repository list -A tanzu package installed list -A |
Check the health of all kapp apps on the cluster. Fix any kapp apps that are in a bad state before upgrading. |
Run: kapp list -A |
Check capacity of nodes on the cluster. You might want to preemptively scale out your nodes if they are at a higher capacity instead of letting autoscaling start during an upgrade. |
Run: kubectl top nodes |
Check the health of workloads on the cluster. Consider fixing any workloads that are in a bad state before upgrading. |
Run: tanzu apps workload list -A |
Check the health of pods on the cluster. Consider fixing any pods that are in a bad state before upgrading. |
Run: kubectl get pods -A --field-selector=status.phase!=Running,status.phase!=Succeeded |
The following table lists information about upgrading Kubernetes specific to the Build cluster.
Item | Description |
Image cache on nodes will be reset | As new nodes are spun up on a cluster, it might take longer to pull images as the cache has not been filled. This is only noticeable on the first pull of images. |
Consider pre-scaling the number of nodes | Upgrading Kubernetes can trigger new pods, which take resources on the node. Node autoscaling will start up, which can take time and impact the window of the upgrade. Consider scaling capacity before an upgrade. |
Expect to lose logs on completed pods for workloads | Expect to lose pod logs for the tests, builds and scans for a workload. Tanzu Developer Portal will continue to show the build history, but logs will be missing. |
The following table lists information about upgrading Tanzu Application Platform specific to the Build cluster.
Item | Description |
Contour package is removed as of Tanzu Application Platform v1.7 | The contour package is deleted from the Build Cluster as of Tanzu Application Platform v1.7. |
New versions of Buildpacks from the Tanzu Application Platform upgrade triggers new Tanzu Build Service builds for all workloads | When upgrading Tanzu Application Platform, new buildpacks will be introduced. This triggers new Tanzu Build Service builds. Expect workloads affected by updated buildpacks to rebuild. Node autoscaling will happen. Your container image registry might have bursts of traffic and activity with new builds. Plan accordingly. |
Set an overlay for resource limits on Kpack to optimize resources used by builds | When new buildpacks are applied during an upgrade, expect all workloads to trigger a new build. This might flood your cluster with build requests. Ensure that you have scaled out enough nodes and the appropriate processors to avoid being starved for CPU or memory. |
Update SupplyChain customizations for any changes |
ClusterTasks were removed as of Tanzu Application Platform v1.7. For example, if you wrote your own ClusterTemplate that uses the git-writer task, you must reference it as follows: taskRef: resolver: cluster params: - name: kind value: task - name: namespace value: tap-tasks - name: name value: git-writerIf you’ve customized the config-writer-template in the ClusterTemplate , Ensure that the configPath property refers to .spec.params instead of .spec.input.params . |
Upgrading to Supply Chain Security Tools (SCST) - Scan 2.0 (SCST - Scan 1.0 is deprecated as of Tanzu Application Platform v1.10). Trivy is the new default scanner. |
Upgrading from SCST - Scan 1.0 to SCST - Scan 2.0 in Tanzu Application Platform requires you to coordinate multiple steps across the Build and View clusters. There will be new token or certificate values to pull from the View cluster and configuration on the supply chain to move to Scan 2.0. The scanning section on the Build cluster now needs the CA and Auth Token from the View cluster for Metadata store. If using GitOps RI, consider storing these in an external secret for sensitive values. scanning: metadataStore: exports: ca: pem: | CONTENTS-OF-MDS-CA-CERT auth: token: CONTENTS-OF-MDS-AUTH-TOKENWhere CONTENTS-OF-MDS-CA-CERT is the contents of $MDS_CA_CERT and CONTENTS-OF-MDS-AUTH-TOKEN is the contet of $MDS_AUTH_TOKEN . You can remove the Grype section from your tap-values.yaml file for the Build cluster. Trivy is now the default scanner for Tanzu Application Platform. Ensure that you delete any configured secrets in the metadata-store-secrets namespace on the build cluster. These are configured automatically, so removing them helps to avoid issues like kapp ownership conflicts. Configure Trivy Scanner in your tap-values.yaml file on the Build cluster. ootb_supply_chain_testing_scanning: image_scanner_template_name: image-vulnerability-scan-trivy image_scanning_cli: image: PATH-TO-RELOCATED-IMAGEAfter applying the changes to the Build cluster and the reconciliation is successful, run the Namespace Provisioner on the Build cluster to reconcile any changes to each namespace. Note: If you are moving away from Grype, set the following flag to deactivate Grype for all namespaces: namespace_provisioner: default_parameters: skip_grype: trueNote: Policy Enforcement requires a supply chain change with SCST - Scan 2.0. |
If using GitOps RI, update the version.yaml file with the new Tanzu Application Platform version |
You can find the file at the following location: /clusters/CLUSTER-NAME/cluster-config/config/tap-install/.tanzu-managed/version.yaml |
If using GitOps RI, run the script to pull in latest External Secret Operator version with Tanzu Application Platform |
You can find the script at the following location: /clusters/CLUSTER-NAME/tanzu-sync/scripts/ |
If using GitOps RI, make adjustments to your tap-values.yaml file if needed, and push the updated version.yaml and tap-values.yaml files to the Git repository |
After pushing the changes to Git, run the these commands to sync changes to the cluster and start the upgrade: kctrl app kick -a sync -n tanzu-sync kctrl app kick -a tap -n tap-install |
Complete the tasks in the following table after you upgrade the Tanzu Application Platform Build cluster.
Item | Description |
Check the health of each packageRepository and PackageInstall on the cluster. They must now display the newest version of Tanzu Application Platform. |
Run: tanzu package repository list -A tanzu package installed list -A |
Check the health of all kapp apps on the cluster | Run: kapp list -A |
Check the health of pods on the cluster | Run: kubectl get pods -A --field-selector=status.phase!=Running,status.phase!=Succeeded |
Check the health of workloads on the cluster. Consider fixing any workloads that are in a bad state before upgrading. |
Run: tanzu apps workload list -A |
Check for workload scan results in Tanzu Developer Portal and that you can download the workload SBOM in supported formats | n/a |
Complete the tasks in the following table before you upgrade the Tanzu Application Platform Run cluster.
Item | Description |
Platform health monitoring | Ensure that you have some form of monitoring in place to allow observability into your cluster during an upgrade. If nothing is in place, you can use Grafana for Tanzu Application Platform Observability. |
Check the health of each packageRepository and PackageInstall on the cluster |
Run: tanzu package repository list -A tanzu package installed list -A |
Check the health of all kapp apps on the cluster | Run: kapp list -A |
Check capacity of nodes on the cluster | Run: kubectl top nodes |
Check the health of pods on the cluster | Run: kubectl get pods -A --field-selector=status.phase!=Running,status.phase!=Succeeded |
The following table lists information about upgrading Kubernetes specific to the Run cluster.
Item | Description |
Scale out your AuthServer and use a PodDisruptionBudget to ensure uptime |
Consider scaling out your AuthServer to multiple replicas and using aPodDisruptionBudget to ensure uptime. Example AuthServer : apiVersion: kind: AuthServer ... spec: replicas: 3Example PodDisruptionBudget : apiVersion: policy/v1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget metadata: name: auth0-authserver namespace: shared-services spec: minAvailable: 50% selector: matchLabels: auth0-authserver |
Scale out Application Configuration Service and use a PodDisruptionBudget to ensure uptime |
Add replicas to the PackageInstall of Application Configuration Service and aPodDisruptionBudget . Example PackageInstall : apiVersion: kind: PackageInstall metadata: name: acs namespace: tap-install spec: packageRef: refName: versionSelection: constraints: ">=2.1.4" prereleases: {} serviceAccountName: tap-installer-sa values: - secretRef: name: acs-values --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: acs-values namespace: tap-install stringData: values.yaml: | reconciler: replicas: 3Example PodDisruptionBudget : apiVersion: policy/v1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget metadata: name: acs namespace: application-configuration-service spec: minAvailable: 60% selector: matchLabels: app: application-configuration-service |
Consider Bitnami Charts replicas and pod disruption budgets for when running services inside the same cluster | While Bitnami Charts are not intended for production, if you are using them in that manner then consider replicas and pod disruption budgets for each component. |
Consider replicas and pod disruption budgets for workloads. You can use an overlay to create them as part of the SupplyChain by default. |
Every workload on Tanzu Application Platform must take replica and disruption budgets into consideration. Consider adding logic to the supply chain to create them for each component. Example overlay on ootb-templates package install: apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: ootb-templates-overlay-pdb namespace: tap-install annotations: "tap-overlays" type: Opaque stringData: overlay-pdb.yml: | #@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay") #@ load("@ytt:data", "data") #@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"ClusterConfigTemplate", "metadata": {"name": "config-template"}}) --- spec: #@overlay/replace via=lambda left, right: "{}\n{}".format(left, '\n'.join([' {}'.format(x) for x in right.split('\n')])) ytt: | #@yaml/text-templated-strings pdb.yaml: | (@ if hasattr(data.values.params, "annotations") and hasattr(data.values.params.annotations, "") and int(getattr(data.values.params.annotations, "")) > 1 : @) --- apiVersion: policy/v1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget metadata: name: (@= @) spec: maxUnavailable: 1 selector: matchLabels: (@= @) run (@ end @) |
The following table lists information about upgrading Tanzu Application Platform specific to the Run cluster.
Item | Description |
Update replicas of the Application Live View connector and add a PodDisruptionBudget to ensure high availability. |
Update the Run cluster Application Live View connector to have more replicas: appliveview_connector: connector: deployment: enabled: true replicas: 3Add a PodDisruptionBudget for the Application Live View Connector onto the cluster: apiVersion: policy/v1 kind: PodDisruptionBudget metadata: name: alv-connector namespace: app-live-view-connector spec: minAvailable: 60% selector: matchLabels: name: application-live-view-connector |
Review any customizations to the ClusterDelivery or OOTB Templates |
n/a |
If using GitOps RI, update the version.yaml file with the new Tanzu Application Platform version |
You can find the file at the following location: /clusters/CLUSTER-NAME/cluster-config/config/tap-install/.tanzu-managed/version.yaml |
If using GitOps RI, run the script to pull in latest External Secret Operator version with Tanzu Application Platform |
You can find the script at the following location: /clusters/CLUSTER-NAME/tanzu-sync/scripts/ |
If using GitOps RI, make adjustments to your tap-values.yaml file if needed, and push the updated version.yaml and tap-values.yaml files to the Git repository. |
After pushing the changes to Git, run these commands to sync changes to the cluster and start the upgrade: kctrl app kick -a sync -n tanzu-sync kctrl app kick -a tap -n tap-install |
Complete the tasks in the following table after you upgrade the Tanzu Application Platform Run cluster.
Item | Description |
Check the health of each packageRepository and PackageInstall on the cluster. They must now display the newest version of Tanzu Application Platform. |
Run: tanzu package repository list -A tanzu package installed list -A |
Check the health of all kapp apps on the cluster | Run: kapp list -A |
Check the health of pods on the cluster | Run: kubectl get pods -A --field-selector=status.phase!=Running,status.phase!=Succeeded |
Check the health of exposed workload endpoints (knative routes and/or ingresses) | n/a |
If applicable, confirm the status of:
n/a |