Certificate rotation for Supply Chain Security Tools - Store

This topic tells how you to rotate TLS certificates for Supply Chain Security Tools (SCST) - Store.


By default, the use_cert_manager setting is set to "true". When the setting use_cert_manager is "true" the Store uses cert-manager to generate a certificate authority (CA) certificate, an API certificate, and a database Certificate.

To see these certificates run:

kubectl get certificate -n metadata-store

For example:

$ kubectl get certificate -n metadata-store
NAME                    READY   SECRET                  AGE
app-tls-ca-cert         True    app-tls-ca-cert         38d
app-tls-cert            True    app-tls-cert            38d
postgres-db-tls-cert    True    postgres-db-tls-cert    38d

cert-manager automatically rotates rhe earlier certificates. The Store can run these certificates automatically after cert-manager rotates them.

If the environment is a multi-cluster setup, the operator must manually copy the new CA certificate to the build cluster.

Certificate duration setting

In tap-values.yaml, api_cert_duration, api_cert_renew_before, ca_cert_duration, and ca_cert_renew_before are configurable as shown in the following YAML:

  ca_cert_duration: CA-DURATION
  ca_cert_renew_before: CA-RENEW
  api_cert_duration: API-DURATION
  api_cert_renew_before: API-RENEW


  • CA-DURATION is the duration that the CA certificate is valid for. It must be entered as h, m, or s. The default value is 8760h.
  • CA-RENEW is time period before the expiry of the CA certificate is renewed. It must be entered as h, m, or s. The default value is 1h.
  • API-DURATION is the duration that the API certificate is valid for. It must be entered as h, m, or s. The default value is 2160h.
  • API-RENEW is the time period before the expiry time of the API certificate is renewed. It must be entered as h, m, or s. The default value is 24h.

The *_cert_duration and the corresponding *_renew_before settings must not be close together. For more information, see the cert-manager documentation. This can lead to a renewal loop. The *_cert_duration must be greater than the corresponding *_renew_before. The earlier settings only take effect when use_cert_manager is "true". If the use_cert_manager is not set, it is "true" by default.z

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