Set up multicluster Artifact Metadata Repository (AMR)

This topic describes how you can configure Artifact Metadata Repository (AMR) in a multicluster setup. This is necessary when installing multiple profiles such as View, Build, Run, and Iterate.


This topic assumes that you are using SCST - Scan 2.0, as described in Add testing and scanning to your application. If you are still using the deprecated SCST - Scan 1.0, you must follow the steps in this topic and the extra steps required for SCST - Scan 1.0 in Set up multicluster for Scan 1.0.


After installing the View profile, but before installing the Build profile and Run profile, you must copy some configurations from the View cluster to the Build and Run Kubernetes clusters. This topic explains how to add these configurations, which allow components in the Build and Run clusters to communicate with AMR in the View cluster.

Screenshot of Supply Chain Security Tools - Store in a multi cluster deployment.

Before you begin

You must first install the View profile. This installation automatically creates the CA certificates and tokens necessary to talk to the CloudEvent Handler.

Procedure summary

To deploy AMR in a multicluster setup:

  1. Copy the AMR CloudEvent Handler CA certificate from the View cluster
  2. Copy the AMR CloudEvent Handler edit token from the View cluster
  3. Apply the AMR CloudEvent Handler CA certificate and edit token to the Build and Run clusters
  4. Install the Build and Run profiles

Copy the AMR CloudEvent Handler CA certificate data from the View cluster

With kubectl targeted at the View cluster, you can get the AMR CloudEvent Handler TLS CA certificate’s data by running:

CEH_CA_CERT_DATA=$(kubectl get secret -n metadata-store amr-cloudevent-handler-ingress-cert -o json | jq -r ".data.\"ca.crt\"" | base64 -d)

Copy the AMR CloudEvent Handler edit token from the View cluster

Copy the AMR CloudEvent Handler token into an environment variable by running:

CEH_EDIT_TOKEN=$(kubectl get secrets amr-cloudevent-handler-edit-token -n metadata-store -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 -d)

You use this environment variable in the next step.

Apply the CloudEvent Handler CA certificate data and edit token to the Build and Run clusters

After you copy the certificate and tokens apply them to the Build and Run clusters before deploying the profiles.

Build cluster:

  • CloudEvent Handler CA certificate
  • CloudEvent Handler edit token

Run cluster:

  • CloudEvent Handler CA certificate
  • CloudEvent Handler edit token

You can apply the CloudEvent Handler CA certificate and edit the token to the Build and Run clusters. These values must be accessible during the Build and Run profile deployments.

  1. Update kubectl to target the Build cluster.
  2. If you already installed the Build cluster, skip to the next step. Otherwise, create a namespace for the CloudEvent Handler CA certificate and edit token by running:

    kubectl create ns amr-observer-system
  3. Update the Build profile values.yaml file to add the following snippet. The code configures the CA certificate and endpoint. In you specify the location of the CloudEvent Handler that was deployed to the View cluster. In you paste the content of $CEH_CA_CERT_DATA, which you copied earlier.

           enable: true
         endpoint: https://amr-cloudevent-handler.<VIEW-CLUSTER-INGRESS-DOMAIN>
       ca_cert_data: |
  4. Create a secret to store the CloudEvent Handler edit token by running:

    kubectl create secret generic amr-observer-edit-token \
     --from-literal=token=$CEH_EDIT_TOKEN -n amr-observer-system

    This command uses the CEH_EDIT_TOKEN environment variable.

  5. Repeat the earlier steps, but configure kubectl to target the Run cluster instead of the Build cluster.

The Build and Run clusters now each have a CloudEvent Handler CA certificate and edit token named amr-observer-edit-token in the namespaces metadata-store-secrets and amr-observer-system. Now you are ready to deploy the Build and Run profiles.

Install the Build and Run profiles

If you came to this topic from Install multicluster Tanzu Application Platform profiles after installing the View profile, return to that topic to install the Build profile and install the Run profile.

Additional resources

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