Migrate Tanzu Application Platform images from VMware Tanzu Network

This topic tells you how to update your Tanzu Application Platform (commonly known as TAP) installation to use images located in your own registry instead of VMware Tanzu Network registry.

Tanzu Application Platform releases have migrated from VMware Tanzu Network to the Broadcom Support Portal and Broadcom registry. Using VMware Tanzu Network to install or upgrade Tanzu Application Platform is no longer supported. It is now mandatory to relocate the Tanzu Application Platform images from tanzu.packages.broadcom.com to your own container image registry.

Who must follow these steps

You must follow the procedures in this topic if both of the following conditions apply:

  • The Tanzu Application Platform images for your installation are located in registry.tanzu.vmware.com instead of in your own registry because you skipped the install step Relocate images to a registry.

  • You are not upgrading your Tanzu Application Platform installation. If you are upgrading, you can relocate the Tanzu Application Platform images as part of the steps in Upgrade Tanzu Application Platform.

Migrate Tanzu Application Platform images

To update your Tanzu Application Platform installation to use images located in your own registry instead of VMware Tanzu Network registry, you must:

Update the package repository

Follow these steps to update the package repository:

  1. Relocate the Tanzu Application Platform images by following step 1 through step 6 in Relocate images to a registry.


    You must set the TAP_VERSION environment variable to the same version of Tanzu Application Platform that you have already installed, for example, 1.12.1.

  2. Update the source URL of the package repository to the container image registry where you relocated the Tanzu Application Platform images to by running:

    tanzu package repository update tanzu-tap-repository \
    --namespace tap-install

    Where TARGET-REPOSITORY is your target repository. This is a folder or repository on in your registry that serves as the location for the Tanzu Application Platform installation files.

  3. Verify that you added the new package repository by running:

    tanzu package repository get TAP-REPO-NAME --namespace tap-install

    Where TAP-REPO-NAME is the package repository name. It must match with tanzu-tap-repository in the previous step.

Restart the kapp controller

Restart the kapp controller so that installed applications can pull the images from your container image registry. Run:

kubectl rollout restart deployment kapp-controller -n kapp-controller

Wait for 10 to 15 mins for the installed apps to start pulling images from your container image registry.

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