Upgrade Tanzu Application Platform

This topic tells you how to upgrade your Tanzu Application Platform (commonly known as TAP) installation.

You can perform a fresh install of Tanzu Application Platform by following the instructions in Installing Tanzu Application Platform.


Before you upgrade Tanzu Application Platform:

  • Verify that you meet all the prerequisites and resource requirements of the target Tanzu Application Platform version. If the target Tanzu Application Platform version does not support your existing Kubernetes version, VMware recommends upgrading to a supported version before proceeding with the upgrade.

  • Review the Upgrade compatibility and recommendations.

  • Ensure that Tanzu CLI is updated to the version recommended by the target Tanzu Application Platform version. For information about installing or updating the Tanzu CLI and plug-ins, see Install or update the Tanzu CLI and plug-ins.

  • Verify all packages are reconciled by running tanzu package installed list -A.

  • To avoid the temporary warning state that is described in Update the new package repository, upgrade to Cluster Essentials v1.10. For more information about the upgrade procedures, see the Cluster Essentials documentation.

  • The previously deprecated field scanning.metadataStore.url is removed from the values for installing or upgrading to Tanzu Application Platform v1.7 and later. This field must not present in the tap-non-sensitive-values.yaml file when performing the upgrade.

  • As of v1.12, Supply Chain Security Tools (SCST) - Scan 2.0 is default scanner for Out of the Box Supply Chain - Testing and Scanning. If you are deploying Tanzu Application Platform in a multicluster configuration, see the instructions in Set up multicluster Artifact Metadata Repository.


  • This upgrade will update all workloads and pods that are using service bindings. This is done automatically after upgrading to Tanzu Application Platform v1.7 or later and requires no user action.

  • All pods with service bindings are recreated concurrently at the time of the upgrade. You must have sufficient Kubernetes resources in your clusters to support the pod rollout.

Update the package repository

Follow these steps to update to the new package repository:

  1. Relocate the latest version of Tanzu Application Platform images by following step 1 through step 6 in Relocate images to a registry.


    Make sure to update the TAP_VERSION to the target version of Tanzu Application Platform you are migrating to. For example, 1.12.1.

  2. Add the target version of the Tanzu Application Platform package repository by running:

    tanzu package repository update tanzu-tap-repository \
    --namespace tap-install

    Expect to see the installed Tanzu Application Platform packages in a temporary Reconcile Failed state, following a Package not found warning. These warnings will disappear after you upgrade the installed Tanzu Application Platform packages.

  3. Verify you have added the new package repository by running:

    tanzu package repository get TAP-REPO-NAME --namespace tap-install

    Where TAP-REPO-NAME is the package repository name. It must match with either NEW-TANZU-TAP-REPOSITORY or tanzu-tap-repository in the previous step.

Perform the upgrade of Tanzu Application Platform

The following sections describe how to upgrade in different scenarios.

Upgrade instructions for Profile-based installation

The following changes affect the upgrade procedures:

  • Introduced Artifact Metadata Repository

    In Tanzu Application Platform v1.7.0 and later, the Artifact Metadata Repository component is introduced into the Supply Chain Security Tools (SCST) - Store package. In a multicluster deployment, this component requires additional configuration during upgrade. For more information, see Upgrading from AMR Beta to AMR GA release.

  • Keyless support deactivated by default

    In Tanzu Application Platform v1.5.0, keyless support is deactivated by default. For more information, see Install Supply Chain Security Tools - Policy Controller.

    To support the keyless authorities in ClusterImagePolicy, Policy Controller no longer initializes TUF by default. To continue using keyless authorities, you must set the policy.tuf_enabled field to true in the tap-values.yaml file during the upgrade process.

    By default, the public official Sigstore “The Update Framework (TUF) server” is used. You can use an alternative Sigstore Stack by setting policy.tuf_mirror and policy.tuf_root.

  • Image Policy Webhook no longer in use

    Tanzu Application Platform v1.5.0 removes Image Policy Webhook. If you use Image Policy Webhook in the previous version of Tanzu Application Platform, you must migrate the ClusterImagePolicy resource from Image Policy Webhook to Policy Controller.

  • CVE results require a read-write service account

    Tanzu Application Platform v1.3.0 uses a read-only service account. In Tanzu Application Platform v1.4.0 and later, enabling CVE results for the Supply Chain Choreographer and Security Analysis GUI plug-ins requires a read-write service account. For more information, see Enable CVE scan results.

If you installed Tanzu Application Platform by using a profile, you can perform the upgrade by running the following command in the directory where the tap-values.yaml file resides:

tanzu package installed update tap -p tap.tanzu.vmware.com -v ${TAP_VERSION}  --values-file tap-values.yaml -n tap-install

Upgrade the full dependencies package

If you installed the full dependencies package, you can upgrade the package by following these steps:

  1. (Optional) If you have an existing installation of the full dependencies from a version earlier than TAP v1.6.1, you must uninstall the full dependencies package and remove the package repository. Subsequent upgrades will not require a removal:

    • Uninstall the package by running:

      tanzu package installed delete full-tbs-deps -n tap-install
    • Remove the package repository by running:

      tanzu package repository delete tbs-full-deps-repository -n tap-install
  2. After upgrading Tanzu Application Platform, retrieve the latest version of the Tanzu Application Platform package by running:

    tanzu package available list tap.tanzu.vmware.com --namespace tap-install
  3. Relocate the Tanzu Build Service full dependencies package repository by running:

    imgpkg copy -b tanzu.packages.broadcom.com/tanzu-application-platform/full-deps-package-repo:VERSION \
    --to-repo ${INSTALL_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME}/${INSTALL_REPO}/full-deps-package-repo

    Where VERSION is the version of the Tanzu Application Platform package you retrieved in the previous step.

  4. Update the Tanzu Build Service full dependencies package repository by running:

    tanzu package repository add full-deps-package-repo \
      --url ${INSTALL_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME}/${INSTALL_REPO}/full-deps-package-repo:VERSION \
      --namespace tap-install
  5. Update the full dependencies package by running:

    tanzu package install full-deps -p full-deps.buildservice.tanzu.vmware.com -v "> 0.0.0" -n tap-install --values-file PATH-TO-TAP-VALUES-FILE

    The values file is only required for this command if you install this package for the first time or if the values have changed.

Multicluster upgrade order

Upgrading a multicluster deployment requires updating multiple clusters with different profiles. If upgrades are not performed at the exact same time, different clusters have different versions of profiles installed temporarily. This might cause a temporary API mismatch that leads to errors. Those errors eventually disappear when the versions are consistent across all clusters.

To reduce the likelihood of temporary failures, follow these steps to upgrade your multicluster deployment:

  1. Upgrade the view-profile cluster.
  2. Upgrade the remaining clusters in any order.

Upgrade instructions for component-specific installation

You can upgrade the following components outside of a Tanzu Application Platform profile upgrade:

Verify the upgrade

Verify the versions of packages after the upgrade by running:

tanzu package installed list --namespace tap-install

Your output is similar, but probably not identical, to the following example output:

- Retrieving installed packages...
  NAME                                PACKAGE-NAME                                         PACKAGE-VERSION  STATUS
  accelerator                         accelerator.apps.tanzu.vmware.com                    1.3.0            Reconcile succeeded
  api-auto-registration               apis.apps.tanzu.vmware.com                           0.1.1            Reconcile succeeded
  api-portal                          api-portal.tanzu.vmware.com                          1.2.2            Reconcile succeeded
  appliveview                         backend.appliveview.tanzu.vmware.com                 1.3.0            Reconcile succeeded
  appliveview-connector               connector.appliveview.tanzu.vmware.com               1.3.0            Reconcile succeeded
  appliveview-conventions             conventions.appliveview.tanzu.vmware.com             1.3.0            Reconcile succeeded
  appsso                              sso.apps.tanzu.vmware.com                            2.0.0            Reconcile succeeded
  buildservice                        buildservice.tanzu.vmware.com                        1.7.1            Reconcile succeeded
  cartographer                        cartographer.tanzu.vmware.com                        0.5.3            Reconcile succeeded
  cert-manager                        cert-manager.tanzu.vmware.com                        1.7.2+tap.1      Reconcile succeeded
  cnrs                                cnrs.tanzu.vmware.com                                2.0.1            Reconcile succeeded
  contour                             contour.tanzu.vmware.com                             1.22.0+tap.3     Reconcile succeeded
  conventions-controller              controller.conventions.apps.tanzu.vmware.com         0.7.1            Reconcile succeeded
  developer-conventions               developer-conventions.tanzu.vmware.com               0.8.0            Reconcile succeeded
  fluxcd-source-controller            fluxcd-source-controller.tanzu.vmware.com            0.27.0+tap.1     Reconcile succeeded
  grype                               grype.scanning.apps.tanzu.vmware.com                 1.3.0            Reconcile succeeded
  image-policy-webhook                image-policy-webhook.signing.apps.tanzu.vmware.com   1.1.7            Reconcile succeeded
  metadata-store                      metadata-store.apps.tanzu.vmware.com                 1.3.3            Reconcile succeeded
  ootb-delivery-basic                 ootb-delivery-basic.tanzu.vmware.com                 0.10.2           Reconcile succeeded
  ootb-supply-chain-testing-scanning  ootb-supply-chain-testing-scanning.tanzu.vmware.com  0.10.2           Reconcile succeeded
  ootb-templates                      ootb-templates.tanzu.vmware.com                      0.10.2           Reconcile succeeded
  policy-controller                   policy.apps.tanzu.vmware.com                         1.1.1            Reconcile succeeded
  scanning                            scanning.apps.tanzu.vmware.com                       1.3.0            Reconcile succeeded
  service-bindings                    service-bindings.labs.vmware.com                     0.8.0            Reconcile succeeded
  services-toolkit                    services-toolkit.tanzu.vmware.com                    0.8.0            Reconcile succeeded
  source-controller                   controller.source.apps.tanzu.vmware.com              0.5.0            Reconcile succeeded
  spring-boot-conventions             spring-boot-conventions.tanzu.vmware.com             0.5.0            Reconcile succeeded
  tap                                 tap.tanzu.vmware.com                                 1.3.0            Reconcile succeeded
  tap-auth                            tap-auth.tanzu.vmware.com                            1.1.0            Reconcile succeeded
  tap-gui                             tap-gui.tanzu.vmware.com                             1.3.0            Reconcile succeeded
  tap-telemetry                       tap-telemetry.tanzu.vmware.com                       0.3.1            Reconcile succeeded
  tekton-pipelines                    tekton.tanzu.vmware.com                              0.39.0+tap.2     Reconcile succeeded
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