Get started with multicluster Tanzu Application Platform

This topic tells you how to validate the implementation of a multicluster topology by taking a sample workload and passing it by using the supply chains on the Build and Run clusters.

Use this topic to build an application on the Build profile clusters and run the application on the Run profile clusters.

You can view the workload and associated objects from Tanzu Developer Portal (formerly named Tanzu Application Platform GUI) interface on the View profile cluster.

You can take various approaches to configuring the supply chain in this topology, but the following procedures validate the most basic capabilities.


Before implementing a multicluster topology, complete the following:

  1. Complete all installation steps for the four profiles: Build, Run, View and Iterate.

  2. For the sample workload, VMware uses the same Application Accelerator - Tanzu Java Web App in the non-multicluster Get Started guide. You can download this accelerator to your own Git infrastructure of choice. You might need to configure additional permissions. Alternatively, you can also use the application-accelerator-samples GitHub repository.

  3. The two supply chains are ootb-supply-chain-basic on the Build/Iterate profile and ootb-delivery-basic on the Run profile. For the Build/Iterate and Run profiled clusters, perform the steps described in Setup Developer Namespace. This guide assumes that you use the default namespace.

  4. To set the value of DEVELOPER_NAMESPACE to the namespace you setup in the previous step, run:



Start the workload on the Build profile cluster

The Build cluster starts by building the necessary bundle for the workload that is delivered to the Run cluster.

  1. Use the Tanzu CLI to start the workload down the first supply chain:

    tanzu apps workload create tanzu-java-web-app \
    --git-repo \
    --sub-path tanzu-java-web-app \
    --git-branch main \
    --type web \
    --label \
    --yes \
    --namespace ${DEVELOPER_NAMESPACE}
  2. To monitor the progress of this process, run:

    tanzu apps workload tail tanzu-java-web-app --since 10m --timestamp --namespace ${DEVELOPER_NAMESPACE}
  3. To exit the monitoring session, press CTRL + C.

  4. Verify that your supply chain has produced the necessary ConfigMap containing Deliverable content produced by the Workload:

    kubectl get configmap tanzu-java-web-app-deliverable --namespace ${DEVELOPER_NAMESPACE} -o go-template='{{.data.deliverable}}'

    The output resembles the following:

    kind: Deliverable
      name: tanzu-java-web-app-deliverable
      labels: "true" tanzu-java-web-app web deliverable web
      - name: gitops_ssh_secret
        value: ""
          url: http://git-server.default.svc.cluster.local/app-namespace/tanzu-java-web-app
            branch: main
  5. Store the Deliverable content, which you can take to the Run profile clusters from the ConfigMap by running:

    kubectl get configmap tanzu-java-web-app-deliverable -n ${DEVELOPER_NAMESPACE} -o go-template='{{.data.deliverable}}' > deliverable.yaml
  6. Take this Deliverable file to the Run profile clusters by running:

    kubectl apply -f deliverable.yaml --namespace ${DEVELOPER_NAMESPACE}
  7. Verify that this Deliverable is started and Ready by running:

    kubectl get deliverables --namespace ${DEVELOPER_NAMESPACE}

    The output resembles the following:

    kubectl get deliverables --namespace default
    NAME                 SOURCE                                                                                                                DELIVERY         READY   REASON   AGE
    tanzu-java-web-app   delivery-basic   True    Ready    7m2s
  8. To test the application, query the URL for the application. Look for the httpProxy by running:

    kubectl get httpproxy --namespace ${DEVELOPER_NAMESPACE}

    The output resembles the following:

    kubectl get httpproxy --namespace default
    NAME                                                              FQDN                                                       TLS SECRET   STATUS   STATUS DESCRIPTION
    tanzu-java-web-app-contour-a98df54e3629c5ae9c82a395501ee1fdtanz   tanzu-java-web-app.default.svc.cluster.local                            valid    Valid HTTPProxy
    tanzu-java-web-app-contour-e1d997a9ff9e7dfb6c22087e0ce6fd7ftanz                valid    Valid HTTPProxy
    tanzu-java-web-app-contour-tanzu-java-web-app.default             tanzu-java-web-app.default                                              valid    Valid HTTPProxy
    tanzu-java-web-app-contour-tanzu-java-web-app.default.svc         tanzu-java-web-app.default.svc                                          valid    Valid HTTPProxy

    Select the URL that corresponds to the domain you specified in your Run cluster’s profile and enter it into a browser. Expect to see the message “Greetings from Spring Boot + Tanzu!”.

  9. View the component in Tanzu Developer Portal, by following these steps and using the catalog file from the sample accelerator in GitHub.

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