Claim credentials for an Application Single Sign-On service offering

This topic describes the recommended method for you to consume Application Single Sign-On service offerings, which is by using a class claim.

When you create a claim for an Application Single Sign-On service, you receive your service credentials through service bindings. This makes it easier to load the credentials into a workload running on Tanzu Application Platform.

To learn about the different levels of Application Single Sign-On service consumption, see The three levels of Application Single Sign-On consumption.

Discover available parameters

To create a claim for an Application Single Sign-On service, target the specific service and provide the required and optional parameters. These parameters allow you to configure the OAuth2 client according to your needs.

To discover the parameter schema for a service, run:

tanzu service class get NAME

For example:

$ tanzu service class get sso

NAME:           app-sso
DESCRIPTION:    Login by AppSSO - OAuth2
READY:          true

  KEY                         DESCRIPTION  TYPE     DEFAULT               REQUIRED
  authorizationGrantTypes     [...]        array    [authorization_code]  false
  clientAuthenticationMethod  [...]        string   client_secret_basic   false
  displayName                 [...]        string   <nil>                 false
  redirectPaths               [...]        array    <nil>                 false
  requireUserConsent          [...]        boolean  true                  false
  scopes                      [...]        array    [map[...]]            false            [...]        string   <nil>                 true

Here you can see all the parameters with a brief description, their types, default values, and whether they are required or not. The only required parameter is

Claim credentials

To claim credentials you can either use the tanzu service class-claim create command or create a ClassClaim directly.

  • If using the Tanzu CLI, claim credentials by running:

    tanzu service class-claim create CLAIM-NAME \
      --class SERVICE-NAME \
      --namespace NAMESPACE \
      --parameter \
      --parameter PARAMETER


    • CLAIM-NAME is a name you choose for your claim.
    • SERVICE-NAME is the name of the service that you want to claim.
    • NAMESPACE is the namespace that your workload is in.
    • WORKLOAD-NAME is the name of your workload.
    • (Optional) PARAMETER is a parameter that you choose in the format KEY=VALUE. You can add more than one optional parameter. For how to discover parameters you can add, see Discover available parameters.

    For example:

    $ tanzu service class-claim create my-class-claim \
      --class app-sso \
      --namespace my-namespace \
      --parameter \
      --parameter displayName='My sample app' \
      --parameter redirectPaths='["/login/oauth2/code/sso"]' \
      --parameter authorizationGrantTypes='["client_credentials", "authorization_code"]' \
      --parameter requireUserConsent=false
  • If using a ClassClaim, create a YAML file similar to the following example:

    kind: ClassClaim
      name: my-class-claim
      namespace: my-namespace
        name: app-sso
          name: my-workload
        displayName: "My sample app"
        redirectPaths:                        # Optional
          - /login/oauth2/code/sso
        authorizationGrantTypes:              # Optional
          - client_credentials
          - authorization_code
        requireUserConsent: false             # Optional

When iterating on your ClassClaim, you must recreate it when you make changes. Updates to an existing ClassClaim have no effect. For more information, see Class claims compared to resource claims.

Inspect the progress of your claim

You can inspect the progress of your claim creation by running:

tanzu service class-claim get MY-CLAIM-NAME --namespace MY-NAMESPACE


kubectl get classclaim MY-CLAIM-NAME --namespace MY-NAMESPACE --output yaml

It can take approximately 60 to 120 seconds for your Application Single Sign-On credentials to propagate into your service bindings secret.

Next steps

You now have service credentials that you can use to secure your workload with SSO. To learn about the specific client settings and how you can use a claim to secure a workload with Application Single Sign-On, see Secure a workload. For tutorials that show how to secure specific types of workloads with Application Single Sign-On, see Secure a single-page app workload and Secure a Spring Boot workload.

If you have problems claiming credentials for an Application Single Sign-On service, learn how to troubleshoot. For more information about the tanzu service command, classes, and claims, see the Tanzu CLI Command Reference documentation.

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