Bring your own scanner to use with with Supply Chain Security Tools - Scan 2.0

This topic tells you how to bring your own scanner to use with Supply Chain Security Tools (SCST) - Scan 2.0.


SCST - Scan 2.0 includes integrations with Trivy and Grype, and examples for the following container image-scanning tools:

You might have a scan solution that VMware does not have a published integration with. You can integrate this scan solution with SCST - Scan 2.0. To use your own scanner:

  1. Create an ImageVulnerabilityScan template that tells Tanzu Application Platform how to run your scanner. For more information, see Customize an ImageVulnerabilityScan.
  2. Verify that your ImageVulnerabilityScan is working correctly so that downstream Tanzu Application Platform services work correctly. For more information, see Verify an ImageVulnerabilityScan.
  3. Wrap your ImageVulnerabilityScan in a ClusterImageTemplate. The ClusterImageTemplate wraps the ImageVulnerabilityScan and allows the Tanzu Application Platform supply chain to run the scan job. For more information, see Author a ClusterImageTemplate for Supply Chain integration.

Before you begin

Before you begin, you must know how your preferred scanner works. For example, what commands to use to call scan results. You must also use one of these methods to provide a vulnerability scanner image:

  • Use a publicly available image that contains the scanner CLI. For example, the official Aqua image for Trivy from Dockerhub.
  • Build your own image with the scanner CLI, which allows for a more customizable scanning experience. For example, you can create an image with the scanner CLI with any dependencies required to run the scanner CLI and manage your image to meet the Tanzu Application Platform compliance standards.
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