Install an authored Supply Chain

This topic tells you how to install a SupplyChain authored using the Tanzu Supply Chain CLI plug-in.


Tanzu Supply Chain is currently in beta and is not intended for production use. It is intended only for evaluation purposes for the next generation Supply Chain. For the current Supply Chain solution, see the Supply Chain Choreographer documentation.



To install an authored Supply Chain:

  1. Create a namespace where you want to install the SupplyChain by running:

    kubectl create namespace mysupplychains
  2. The Makefile was generated in the Build your first Supply Chain tutorial. Use the Makefile to install the SupplyChain with required Components and Tekton resources, such as Pipelines and Tasks to execute the logic of the components. Run:

    NAMESPACE=mysupplychains make install
    Namespace       Name                       Kind       Age  Op      Op st.  Wait to    Rs  Ri
    mysupplychains  app-config-server          Pipeline   -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               app-config-server-1.0.0    Component  -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               buildpack-build            Pipeline   -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               buildpack-build-1.0.0      Component  -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               calculate-digest           Task       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               carvel-package             Pipeline   -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               carvel-package             Task       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               carvel-package-1.0.0       Component  -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               carvel-package-git-clone   Task       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               check-builders             Task       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               conventions                Pipeline   -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               conventions-1.0.0          Component  -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               fetch-tgz-content-oci      Task       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               git-writer                 Pipeline   -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               git-writer                 Task       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               git-writer-pr-1.0.0        Component  -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               gitops-git-clone           Task       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               prepare-build              Task       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               source-git-check           Task       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               source-git-clone           Task       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               source-git-provider        Pipeline   -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               source-git-provider-1.0.0  Component  -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    ^               store-content-oci          Task       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    Op:      23 create, 0 delete, 0 update, 0 noop, 0 exists
    Wait to: 23 reconcile, 0 delete, 0 noop
    1:47:20PM: ---- applying 23 changes [0/23 done] ----
    1:47:20PM: create task/store-content-oci ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:20PM: create pipeline/git-writer ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:20PM: create pipeline/app-config-server ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:20PM: create task/carvel-package ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:20PM: create task/gitops-git-clone ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:20PM: create task/calculate-digest ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:20PM: create pipeline/source-git-provider ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:20PM: create pipeline/carvel-package ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:20PM: create pipeline/buildpack-build ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:20PM: create pipeline/conventions ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:21PM: create component/app-config-server-1.0.0 ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:21PM: create component/carvel-package-1.0.0 ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:21PM: create component/buildpack-build-1.0.0 ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:21PM: create component/git-writer-pr-1.0.0 ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:21PM: create task/fetch-tgz-content-oci ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:21PM: create task/check-builders ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:21PM: create task/carvel-package-git-clone ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:21PM: create component/conventions-1.0.0 ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:22PM: create task/source-git-check ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:22PM: create task/prepare-build ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:22PM: create task/git-writer ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:22PM: create task/source-git-clone ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:22PM: create component/source-git-provider-1.0.0 ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:22PM: ---- waiting on 23 changes [0/23 done] ----
    1:47:22PM: ok: reconcile component/source-git-provider-1.0.0 ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:22PM: ok: reconcile component/app-config-server-1.0.0 ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:22PM: ok: reconcile task/prepare-build ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:22PM: ok: reconcile task/gitops-git-clone ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:22PM: ok: reconcile task/carvel-package-git-clone ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:23PM: ok: reconcile task/store-content-oci ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:23PM: ok: reconcile pipeline/git-writer ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:23PM: ok: reconcile pipeline/carvel-package ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:23PM: ok: reconcile task/git-writer ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:23PM: ok: reconcile pipeline/app-config-server ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:23PM: ok: reconcile task/calculate-digest ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:23PM: ok: reconcile pipeline/source-git-provider ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:23PM: ok: reconcile pipeline/buildpack-build ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:23PM: ok: reconcile pipeline/conventions ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:23PM: ok: reconcile component/git-writer-pr-1.0.0 ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:23PM: ok: reconcile component/carvel-package-1.0.0 ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:23PM: ok: reconcile component/buildpack-build-1.0.0 ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:23PM: ok: reconcile task/source-git-check ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:23PM: ok: reconcile component/conventions-1.0.0 ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:23PM: ok: reconcile task/source-git-clone ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:23PM: ok: reconcile task/fetch-tgz-content-oci ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:23PM: ok: reconcile task/carvel-package ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:23PM: ok: reconcile task/check-builders ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:23PM: ---- applying complete [23/23 done] ----
    1:47:23PM: ---- waiting complete [23/23 done] ----
    Namespace       Name        Kind         Age  Op      Op st.  Wait to    Rs  Ri
    mysupplychains  appbuildv1  SupplyChain  -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
    Op:      1 create, 0 delete, 0 update, 0 noop, 0 exists
    Wait to: 1 reconcile, 0 delete, 0 noop
    1:47:24PM: ---- applying 1 changes [0/1 done] ----
    1:47:25PM: create supplychain/appbuildv1 ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:25PM: ---- waiting on 1 changes [0/1 done] ----
    1:47:25PM: ok: reconcile supplychain/appbuildv1 ( namespace: mysupplychains
    1:47:25PM: ---- applying complete [1/1 done] ----
    1:47:25PM: ---- waiting complete [1/1 done] ----

By default, the make install command installs in the default namespace in your kubeconfig file.

Useful links

Next Steps

Create your first Component to add to your SupplyChain. For instructions, see Build your first component.

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