This topic tells you how the Gorouter, the main component in the VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs (TAS for VMs) routing tier, routes HTTP traffic within TAS for VMs.

For more information about routing, see Routing in TAS for VMs Components.

HTTP headers

Header size limit

The Gorouter has a limit of 1 MB for HTTP Headers.

The specific language, framework, and configuration of the back end app container determine the effective header size limit. For example, the default header size for the Tomcat container is 8 kB.

X-Forwarded Proto

The X-Forwarded-Proto header gives the scheme of the HTTP request from the client.

If an incoming request includes the X-Forwarded-Proto header, the Gorouter:

  • Appends it to the existing header
  • Sets the scheme to HTTP if the client made an insecure request, meaning a request on port 80
  • Sets the scheme to HTTPS if the client made a secure request, meaning a request on port 443

Developers can configure their apps to reject insecure requests by inspecting the X-Forwarded-Proto HTTP header on incoming traffic. The header may have multiple values represented as a comma-separated list, so developers must ensure the app rejects traffic that includes any X-Forwarded-Proto values that are not HTTPS.


If X-Forwarded-For is present, the Gorouter appends the load balancer’s IP address to it and forwards the list. If X-Forwarded-For is not present, then the Gorouter sets it to the IP address of the load balancer in the forwarded request (some load balancers masquerade the client IP). If a load balancer sends the client IP using the PROXY protocol, then the Gorouter uses the client IP address to set X-Forwarded-For.

If your load balancer terminates TLS on the client side of the Gorouter, it must append these headers to requests forwarded to the Gorouter. For more information, see Securing Traffic into TAS for VMs.

HTTP Headers for Zipkin Tracing

If your load balancer terminates TLS on the client side of the Gorouter, it must append these headers to requests forwarded to the Gorouter. For more information, see Securing Traffic into TAS for VMs.

HTTP headers for Zipkin tracing

Zipkin is a tracing system that allows app developers to troubleshoot failures or latency issues. Zipkin provides the ability to trace requests and responses across distributed systems. For more information about Zipkin tracing, see

When Zipkin tracing is enabled in TAS for VMs, the Gorouter examines the HTTP request headers and performs the following:

  • If the X-B3-TraceId and X-B3-SpanId HTTP headers are not present in the request, the Gorouter generates values for these and inserts the headers into the request forwarded to an app. These values are also found in the Gorouter access log message for the request: x_b3_traceid and x_b3_spanid.
  • If the X-B3-TraceId and X-B3-SpanId HTTP headers are present in the request, the Gorouter forwards them unmodified. In addition to these trace and span IDs, the Gorouter access log message for the request includes x_b3_parentspanid.

Developers can then add Zipkin trace IDs to their app logging in order to trace app requests and responses in TAS for VMs.

After adding Zipkin HTTP headers to app logs, developers can use cf logs myapp to correlate the trace and span IDs logged by the Gorouter with the trace ids logged by their app. To correlate trace IDs for a request through multiple apps, each app must forward appropriate values for the headers with requests to other apps.

For more information about Zipkin tracing, see Enabling Zipkin Tracing.

HTTP headers for app instance routing

Developers who want to obtain debug data for a specific instance of an app can use the HTTP header X-Cf-App-Instance to make a request to an app instance.

To make an HTTP request to a specific app instance:

  1. Obtain the GUID of your app:

    $ cf app YOUR-APP --guid
  2. List your app instances and retrieve the index number of the instance you want to debug:

    $ cf app YOUR-APP
  3. Make a request to the app route using the HTTP header X-Cf-App-Instance set to the concatenated values of the app GUID and the instance index:

    $ curl -H "X-Cf-App-Instance":"YOUR-APP-GUID:YOUR-INSTANCE-INDEX"

Use of the `X-Cf-App-Instance` header is only available for users on the Diego architecture.

If this header is set to an invalid value, Gorouter resturns a `400` status code and the response from Gorouter contains a `X-Cf-Routererror` header with more information about the error. The following table describes the possible error responses:
X-Cf-Routererror Value Reason for Error Response Body
invalid_cf_app_instance_header The value provided for X-Cf-App-Instance was not a properly formatted GUID. None
unknown_route The value provided for X-Cf-App-Instance is a correctly formatted GUID, but there is no instance found with that guid for the route requested. 400 Bad Request: Requested instance ('1') with guid ('aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa') does not exist for route ('')

Forward Client Certificate to Apps

Apps that require mutual TLS (mTLS) need metadata from client certificates to authorize requests. TAS for VMs supports this use case without bypassing layer-7 load balancers and the Gorouter.

The HTTP header X-Forwarded-Client-Cert (XFCC) may be used to pass the originating client certificate along the data path to the application. Each component in the data path must trust that the back end component has not allowed the header to be tampered with.

If you configure the load balancer to terminate TLS and set the XFCC header from the received client certificate, you must also configure the load balancer to strip this header if it is present in client requests. This configuration is required to prevent spoofing of the client certificate.

  1. From the terminal output, record the the index number of the instance you want to debug.

  2. Make a request to the app route by running:



    • APP-FQDN is the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of your app. For example,
    • APP-GUID is the app GUID that you recorded in a previous step.
    • INSTANCE-INDEX-NUMBER is the instance index number that you recorded in the previous step.

    Important You can only use X-Cf-App-Instance header on the Diego architecture.

    If either of the values you provide in the above command are invalid, Gorouter returns a 400 error, and the response from Gorouter contains a X-Cf-Routererror header with more information about the error. The following table describes the possible error responses:

    X-Cf-Routererror Value Reason for Error Response Body
    invalid_cf_app_instance_header The value provided for X-Cf-App-Instance includes an incorrectly formatted app GUID. None
    unknown_route The value provided for X-Cf-App-Instance includes a correctly formatted app GUID, but the app instance index number was not found for the requested route. 400 Bad Request: Requested instance ('1') with guid ('aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa') does not exist for route ('')

Forwarding client certificate to apps

Apps that require mutual TLS (mTLS) need metadata from client certificates to authorize requests. TAS for VMs supports this use case without bypassing layer-7 load balancers and the Gorouter.

The HTTP header X-Forwarded-Client-Cert (XFCC) may be used to pass the originating client certificate along the data path to the app. Each component in the data path must trust that the back-end component has not allowed the header to be tampered with.

If you configure the load balancer to terminate TLS and set the XFCC header from the received client certificate, you must also configure the load balancer to strip this header if it is present in client requests. This configuration is required to prevent spoofing of the client certificate.

The sections below describe supported deployment configurations.

Terminate TLS at Load Balancer

By default, the Gorouter forwards arbitrary headers that are not otherwise mentioned in the docs. This includes the XFCC header.

For apps to receive the XFCC header, configure your load balancer to set the XFCC header with the contents of the client certificate received in the TLS handshake.

To enable this mode:

  1. Go to Ops Manager Installation Dashboard.

  2. Click the TAS for VMs tile.

  3. Select Networking.

  4. Under TLS termination point, select Infrastructure load balancer.

Terminate TLS at HAProxy

This option allows you to configure support for the XFCC header while leveraging HAProxy. When selected, HAProxy sets the XFCC header to the contents of the client certificate received in the TLS handshake.

This option requires you to configure the load balancer in front of HAProxy to pass through the TLS handshake to HAProxy through TCP.

To enable this mode:

  1. Navigate to the Ops Manager Installation Dashboard.

  2. Click the TAS for VMs tile.

  3. Select Networking.

  4. Under TLS termination point, select HAProxy.

HAProxy trusts the Diego intermediate certificate authority. This trust is enabled automatically and permits mutual authentication between apps running on Ops Manager.

Terminate TLS at the Gorouter

If the Gorouter is the first component to stop TLS, such that it receives the certificate of the originating client in the mutual TLS handshake, select this option. When selected, the Gorouter sets the XFCC header to the contents of the client certificate received in the TLS handshake and strips the XFCC header when present in a request.

This option requires you to configure the load balancer in front of the Gorouter to pass through TLS handshake to the Gorouter through TCP.

To enable this mode:

  1. Go to Ops Manager Installation Dashboard.

  2. Click the TAS for VMs tile.

  3. Select Networking.

  4. Under TLS termination point, select Gorouter.

The Gorouter trusts the Diego intermediate certificate authority. This trust is enabled automatically and permits mutual authentication between apps running on Ops Manager.

Client-Side TLS

Depending on your needs, you can configure your deployment to terminate TLS at the Gorouter, at the Gorouter and the load balancer, or at the load balancer only. For more information, see Securing Traffic into TAS for VMs.

TLS to apps and other back end services

The Gorouter supports TLS and mutual authentication to back end destinations, including app instances, platform services, and any other routable endpoints.

This has the following benefits:

  • Improved availability for apps by keeping routes in the Gorouter’s routing table when TTL expires
  • Increased guarantees against misrouting by validating the identity of back ends before forwarding requests
  • Increased security by encrypting data in flight from the Gorouter to back ends

Preventing Misrouting

Preventing misroutes

Network partitions or NATS failures can cause the Gorouter’s routing table to fall out of sync, as TAS for VMs continues to re-create containers across hosts to keep apps running. This can lead to routing of requests to incorrect destinations.

Before forwarding traffic to an app instance, the Gorouter initiates a TLS handshake with an Envoy proxy running in each app container. In the TLS handshake, the Envoy proxy presents a certificate generated by Diego for each container which uniquely identifies the container using the same app instance identifier sent by the Route-Emitter, configured in the certificate as a domain Subject Alternative Name (SAN). For more information, see

If the Gorouter confirms that the app instance identifier in the certificate matches the one received in the route registration message, the Gorouter forwards the HTTP request over the TLS session, and the Envoy proxy then forwards it to the app process. If the instance identifiers do not match, the Gorouter removes the app instance from its routing table and transparently retries another instance of the app.

Currently, only Linux cells support the Gorouter validating app instance identities using TLS by default. With Windows cells, the Gorouter connects to back ends without TLS, forwarding requests to Windows apps over plain text and pruning based on route TTL.

Configuring validation of app instance identity with TLS

Configure Validation of App Instance Identity with TLS

Verifying app identity using TLS improves resiliency and consistency for app routes.

The App Containers pane of the TAS for VMs tile includes these options under Gorouter app identity verification:

  • The Gorouter uses TLS to verify app identity: Enables the Gorouter to verify app identity using TLS. This is the default option.

  • The Gorouter and apps use mutual TLS to verify each other’s identity: Enables the Gorouter and your apps to verify each other’s identity using TLS.

Breaking Change: If you have mutual TLS app identity verification enabled, app containers accept incoming communication only from the Gorouter. This disables TCP routing.

To enable TLS to backends running on Windows cells, the same options can be configured under (Beta) Enable TLS Connections From Router To Applications on the Advanced Features tab of the Windows tile.

Router Balancing Algorithm

Router balancing algorithm

Gorouter can be configured to use different load balancing algorithms for routing incoming requests to app instances. The Gorouter maintains a dynamically updated list of app instances for each route. Depending on which algorithm is selected, it forwards to one of the app instances.

By default, the Gorouter uses the round-robin algorithm.

Round robin load balancing

Incoming requests for a given route are forwarded to all app instances one after another, looping back to the first one after they have each received a request. This algorithm is suitable for most use cases and evenly distributes the load between app instances.

Least connection load balancing

Each request for a given route is forwarded to the app instance with the least number of open connections. This algorithm can be more suitable for some cases. For example, if app instances have long-lived connections and are scaled up, then new instances receive fewer connections, causing a disproportionate load. In this case, choosing a least-connection algorithm sends new connections to new instances to equalize the load.


WebSockets is a protocol providing bi-directional communication over a single, long-lived TCP connection, commonly implemented by web clients and servers. WebSockets are initiated through HTTP as an upgrade request. The Gorouter supports this upgrade handshake, and holds the TCP connection open with the selected app instance. To support WebSockets, the operator must configure the load balancer correctly. Depending on the configuration, clients may have to use a different port for WebSocket connections, such as port 4443, or a different domain name. For more information, see Supporting WebSockets.

Session affinity

Gorouter supports session affinity, or sticky sessions, for incoming HTTP requests to compatible apps.

With sticky sessions, when multiple instances of an app are running on TAS for VMs, requests from a particular client always reach the same app instance. This allows apps to store session data specific to a user session.

To support sticky sessions, configure your app to return a sticky session cookie in responses. The default value for this field is JSESSIONID. You can configure the cookie names that the routing tier uses for sticky sessions. To configure the names of the cookies, see Configure Networking in Configuring TAS for VMs.

If an app returns a sticky session cookie to a client request, the CF routing tier generates a unique VCAP_ID for the app instance based on its GUID with the same expiry, sameSite, and secure attributes as JSESSIONID. The VCAP_ID is in the following format:


On subsequent requests, the client must provide both the sticky session and VCAP_ID cookies.

CF routing tier uses the VCAP_ID cookie to forward client requests to the same app instance every time. The sticky session cookie is forwarded to the app instance to enable session continuity. If the app instance identified by the VCAP_ID crashes, the Gorouter attempts to route the request to a different instance of the app. If the Gorouter finds a healthy instance of the app, it initiates a new sticky session.

For more information, see Session Affinity in GitHub.

Important TAS for VMs does not persist or replicate HTTP session data across app instances. If an app instance crashes or is stopped, session data for that instance is lost. If you require session data to persist across crashed or stopped instances, or to be shared by all instances of an app, store session data in a TAS for VMs marketplace service that offers data persistence.

Keep alive connections

Front end clients

Gorouter supports keep alive connections from clients and does not close the TCP connection with clients immediately after returning an HTTP response. Clients are responsible for closing these connections.

Back end servers

If keep-alive connections are disabled, the Gorouter closes the TCP connection with an app instance or system component after receiving an HTTP response.

If keep-alive connections are enabled, the Gorouter maintains established TCP connections to back ends. The Gorouter supports up to 100 idle connections to each back end:

  • If an idle connection exists for a given back end, the Gorouter reuses it to route subsequent requests.
  • If no idle connection exists for this back end, the Gorouter creates a new connection.

Transparent retries

If the Gorouter cannot establish a TCP connection with a selected app instance, the Gorouter considers the instance ineligible for requests for 30 seconds and transparently attempts to connect to another app instance. Once the Gorouter has established a TCP connection with an app instance, the Gorouter forwards the HTTP request.

When you deploy an app that requires Diego Cells to restart or recreate, the app may not respond to a Gorouter request before the keep-alive connection breaks. The following table describes how the Gorouter behaves if it cannot establish a TCP connection to an app:

If the Gorouter... and the back end... then the Gorouter...
cannot establish a TCP connection to a back end N/A retries another back end, no more than 3 times
establishes a TCP connection to a back end and forwards the request does not respond waits 15 minutes for a response, and if it errors, does not retry another back end
establishes a TCP connection to a back end and forwards the request returns a TCP connection error returns an error to the client, marks backend ineligible, and does not retry another back end

In all cases, if the app still does not respond to the request, the Gorouter returns a 502 error. For more information, see Troubleshooting Router Error Responses.

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