View all the Tanzu Build Service resources on any Kubernetes cluster that has Tanzu Application Platform (commonly known as TAP) or Tanzu Build Service (commonly known as TBS) installed. For more information see the TAP documentation.
To access this command group, you must install the Tanzu CLI by following the instructions in Install the Tanzu CLI in the Tanzu Application Platform documentation.
CLI plugin: build-service
| Target: kubernetes
| **Primarily used for App development | Release Notes
tanzu kubernetes build-service [command]
build-service, buildservice, tbs, bs
build Build Commands
builder Builder Commands
buildpack Buildpack Commands
clusterbuilder ClusterBuilder Commands
clusterbuildpack ClusterBuildpack Commands
clusterstack ClusterStack Commands
clusterstore ClusterStore Commands
image Image com
-h, --help help for build-service
tanzu kubernetes build-service build [command]
build, builds
list List builds
logs Tails logs for an image resource build
status Display status for an image resource build
-h, --help help for build
Prints a table of the most important information about the available builders in the provided namespace.
The namespace defaults to the Kubernetes current-context namespace.
tanzu kubernetes build-service builder list [flags]
tanzu build-service builder list
tanzu build-service builder list -n my-namespace
-h, --help help for list
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace
Tails logs from the containers of a specific build of an image resource in the provided namespace.
The build defaults to the latest build number. The namespace defaults to the Kubernetes current-context namespace.
tanzu kubernetes build-service builder [command]
builder, builders
list List available builders
status Display status of a builder
-h, --help help for builder
Prints detailed information about the status of a specific build of an image resource in the provided namespace.
The build defaults to the latest build number. The namespace defaults to the kubernetes current-context namespace.
tanzu kubernetes build-service build status <image-name> [flags]
tanzu build-service build status my-image
tanzu build-service build status my-image -b 2 -n my-namespace
-b, --build string build number
-h, --help help for status
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace
tanzu kubernetes build-service builder [command]
builder, builders
list List available builders
status Display status of a builder
-h, --help help for builder
Prints a table of the most important information about the available builders in the provided namespace.
The namespace defaults to the kubernetes current-context namespace.
tanzu kubernetes build-service builder list [flags]
tanzu build-service builder list
tanzu build-service builder list -n my-namespace
-h, --help help for list
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace
Prints detailed information about the status of a specific builder in the provided namespace.
The namespace defaults to the Kubernetes current-context namespace.
tanzu kubernetes build-service builder status <name> [flags]
tanzu build-service builder status my-builder
tanzu build-service builder status -n my-namespace other-builder
-h, --help help for status
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace
tanzu kubernetes build-service buildpack [command]
buildpack, buildpacks
list List available buildpacks
status Display status of a buildpack
-h, --help help for buildpack
Prints a table of the most important information about the available buildpacks in the provided namespace.
The namespace defaults to the kubernetes current-context namespace.
tanzu kubernetes build-service buildpack list [flags]
tanzu build-service buildpack list
tanzu build-service buildpack list -n my-namespace
-h, --help help for list
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace
Prints detailed information about the status of a specific buildpack in the provided namespace.
The namespace defaults to the Kubernetes current-context namespace.
tanzu kubernetes build-service buildpack status <name> [flags]
tanzu build-service buildpack status my-buildpack
tanzu build-service buildpack status -n my-namespace other-buildpack
-h, --help help for status
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace
tanzu kubernetes build-service clusterbuilder [command]
clusterbuilder, clusterbuilders
list List available cluster builders
status Display cluster builder status
-h, --help help for clusterbuilder
Prints a table of the most important information about the available cluster builders.
tanzu kubernetes build-service clusterbuilder list [flags]
tanzu build-service clusterbuilder list
-h, --help help for list
Prints detailed information about the status of a specific cluster builder.
tanzu kubernetes build-service clusterbuilder status <name> [flags]
tanzu build-service clusterbuilder status my-builder
-h, --help help for status
tanzu kubernetes build-service clusterbuildpack [command]
clusterbuildpack, clusterbuildpacks
list List available cluster buildpacks
status Display status of a buildpack
-h, --help help for clusterbuildpack
Prints a table of the most important information about the available cluster buildpacks in the provided namespace.
tanzu kubernetes build-service clusterbuildpack list [flags]
tanzu build-service clusterbuildpack list
-h, --help help for list
Prints detailed information about the status of a specific buildpack in the provided namespace.
The namespace defaults to the Kubernetes current-context namespace.
tanzu kubernetes build-service clusterbuildpack status <name> [flags]
tanzu build-service clusterbuildpack status my-buildpack
-h, --help help for status
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace
tanzu kubernetes build-service clusterstack [command]
clusterstack, clusterstacks
list List cluster stacks
status Display cluster stack status
-h, --help help for clusterstack
Prints a table of the most important information about cluster-scoped stacks in the cluster.
tanzu kubernetes build-service clusterstack list [flags]
tanzu build-service clusterstack list
-h, --help help for list
Prints detailed information about the status of a specific cluster-scoped stack.
tanzu kubernetes build-service clusterstack status <name> [flags]
tanzu build-service clusterstack status my-stack
-h, --help help for status
-v, --verbose display mixins
tanzu kubernetes build-service clusterstore [command]
clusterstore, clusterstores
list List cluster stores
status Display cluster store status
-h, --help help for clusterstore
Prints a table of the most important information about cluster-scoped stores.
tanzu kubernetes build-service clusterstore list [flags]
tanzu build-service clusterstore list
-h, --help help for list
Prints information about the status of a specific cluster-scoped store.
tanzu kubernetes build-service clusterstore status <store-name> [flags]
tanzu build-service clusterstore status my-store
-h, --help help for status
-v, --verbose includes buildpacks and detection order
tanzu kubernetes build-service image [command]
image, images
list List image resources
status Display status of an image resource
trigger Trigger an image resource build
-h, --help help for image
Prints a table of the most important information about image resources in the provided namespace.
The namespace defaults to the Kubernetes current-context namespace.
tanzu kubernetes build-service image list [flags]
tanzu build-service image list
tanzu build-service image list -A
tanzu build-service image list -n my-namespace
tanzu build-service image list --filter ready=true --filter latest-reason=commit,trigger
-A, --all-namespaces Return objects found in all namespaces
--filter stringArray Each new filter argument requires an additional filter flag.
Multiple values can be provided using comma separation.
Supported filters and values:
-h, --help help for list
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace
Prints detailed information about the status of a specific image resource in the provided namespace.
The namespace defaults to the Kubernetes current-context namespace.
tanzu kubernetes build-service image status <name> [flags]
tanzu build-service image status my-image
tanzu build-service image status my-other-image -n my-namespace
-h, --help help for status
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace
Trigger a build using current inputs for a specific image resource in the provided namespace.
tanzu kubernetes build-service image trigger <name> [flags]
tanzu build-service image trigger my-image
-h, --help help for trigger
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace