Install the Tanzu CLI and Other Tools for Use with a vSphere with Tanzu Supervisor

This topic explains how to install and initialize the Tanzu command line interface (CLI) on a bootstrap machine. The bootstrap machine is the laptop, host, or server that you deploy management and workload clusters from and that keeps Tanzu and Kubernetes configuration files for your deployments. The bootstrap machine is typically local, but it can also be a physical machine or VM that you access remotely.

If you are using the vSphere with Tanzu Supervisor on vSphere 8 as a management cluster, after you install the Tanzu CLI, you can connect it to the Supervisor.


The instructions in this topic are specific to installing the Tanzu CLI for use with a vSphere with Tanzu Supervisor on vSphere 8. If you are installing the Tanzu CLI in order to deploy standalone management clusters on vSphere without a Supervisor, or on AWS or Azure, see the corresponding topic in Deploying and Managing Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 2.1 Standalone Management Clusters, Install the Tanzu CLI and Other Tools for Use with Standalone Management Clusters.

The Tanzu CLI communicates with the Supervisor to create and manage workload clusters in vSphere with Tanzu.

Tanzu Kubernetes Grid v2.x, and vSphere with Tanzu Supervisor in vSphere 8


The vSphere with Tanzu Supervisor in vSphere 8.0.1c and later runs TKG v2.2. Earlier versions of vSphere 8 run TKG v2.0, which was not released independently of Supervisor. Standalone management clusters that run TKG 2.x are available from TKG 2.1 onwards. Later TKG releases will be embedded in Supervisor in future vSphere update releases. Consequently, the version of TKG that is embedded in the latest vSphere with Tanzu version at a given time might not be the same as the standalone version of TKG that you are using. However, the versions of the Tanzu CLI that are compatible with all TKG v2.x releases are fully supported for use with Supervisor in all releases of vSphere 8.

Tanzu Kubernetes Grid v2.1 and vSphere with Tanzu in vSphere 7


The versions of the Tanzu CLI that are compatible with TKG 2.x and with the vSphere with Tanzu Supervisor in vSphere 8 are not compatible with the Supervisor Cluster in vSphere 7. To use the Tanzu CLI with a vSphere with Tanzu Supervisor Cluster on vSphere 7, use the Tanzu CLI version from TKG v1.6. To use the versions of the Tanzu CLI that are compatible with TKG 2.x with Supervisor, upgrade to vSphere 8. You can deploy a standalone TKG 2.x management cluster to vSphere 7 if a vSphere with Tanzu Supervisor Cluster is not present. For information about compatibility between the Tanzu CLI and VMware products, see the Tanzu CLI Documentation.

For more information about the Tanzu CLI, including a command reference, see the VMware Tanzu CLI documentation.


The bootstrap machine on which you install and run the Tanzu CLI must meet certain requirements. There are further requirements depending on whether you intend to use the Tanzu CLI with a vSphere with Tanzu Supervisor as the management cluster, or deploy standalone management clusters, or both.

To run the Tanzu CLI with Tanzu Kubernetes Grid v2.1, you need a bootstrap machine on which to install and run the Tanzu CLI that has:

  • A Linux, Windows, or macOS operating system running on a physical or virtual machine that has the following hardware:
    • At least 8 GB of RAM. VMware recommends 16 GB of RAM.
    • A disk with 50GB of available storage.
    • 2 or 4 2-core CPUs.
  • A browser or remote access from a machine with a browser, if you intend to use the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid installer interface to deploy standalone management clusters. You can use the Tanzu CLI without a browser, but for first deployments, it is strongly recommended to use the installer interface.
  • System time is synchronized with a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server.
  • If your bootstrap machine runs Windows, VMware recommends installing Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS, which enables you to run Linux commands on Windows. For more information about WSL, see Install WSL in the Microsoft documentation.

To use a Supervisor cluster as the management cluster, you also need:

Download and Unpack the Tanzu CLI

Download the files for the compatible version of the Tanzu CLI from the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid downloads page.

  1. Go to the Broadcom Support Portal and log in with your VMware customer credentials.
  2. Visit the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid downloads page.
  3. In the version drop-down, select 2.1.1.

    Locate VMware Tanzu CLI for Mac and click the download button.
    Locate VMware Tanzu CLI for Linux and click the download button.
    Locate VMware Tanzu CLI for Windows and click the download button.

    If you are installing a FIPS-enabled version of TKG, choose a download marked FIPS Compatible. These versions of the Tanzu CLI support FIPS-enabled TKG v2.1 installations in both online and internet-restricted environments.

  4. (Optional) Verify that your downloaded files are unaltered from the original. VMware provides a SHA-1, a SHA-256, and an MD5 checksum for each download. To obtain these checksums, click Read More under the entry that you want to download. For more information, see Using Cryptographic Hashes.

  5. On your system, create a new directory named tanzu. If you previously unpacked artifacts for previous releases to this folder, delete the folder’s existing contents.

  6. In the tanzu folder, unpack the Tanzu CLI bundle file for your operating system. To unpack the bundle file, use the extraction tool of your choice. For example, on Linux or macOS, you can use the tar command.

    tar -xvf tanzu-cli-bundle-darwin-amd64.tar.gz
    tar -xvf tanzu-cli-bundle-linux-amd64.tar.gz
    Use the Windows extractor tool to unzip

    After you unpack the bundle file, in your tanzu folder, you will see a cli folder with multiple subfolders and files.

Initialize the Tanzu CLI

After you have downloaded and unpacked the Tanzu CLI on your bootstrap machine, you must make it available to the system.

  1. Navigate to the cli subfolder under the tanzu folder that you unpacked in the previous section.

  2. Make the CLI available to the system:

    Install the binary to /usr/local/bin:
    sudo install core/v0.28.1/tanzu-core-darwin_amd64 /usr/local/bin/tanzu
    Install the binary to /usr/local/bin:
    sudo install core/v0.28.1/tanzu-core-linux_amd64 /usr/local/bin/tanzu
    1. Create a new Program Files\tanzu folder.
    2. In the unpacked cli folder, locate and copy the core\v0.28.1\tanzu-core-windows_amd64.exe file into the new Program Files\tanzu folder.
    3. Rename tanzu-core-windows_amd64.exe to tanzu.exe.
    4. Right-click the tanzu folder, select Properties > Security, and make sure that your user account has the Full Control permission.
    5. Use Windows Search to search for env.
    6. Select Edit the system environment variables and click the Environment Variables button.
    7. Select the Path row under System variables, and click Edit.
    8. Click New to add a new row and enter the path to the tanzu CLI.
  3. At the command line in a new terminal, initialize the Tanzu CLI:

    tanzu init
  4. Check that the correct version of the CLI is properly installed. The CLI version is the same as the current version of Tanzu Framework, which is included in the Tanzu CLI. Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 2.1.1 uses Tanzu CLI v0.28.1, which is in Tanzu Framework v0.28.1:

    tanzu version

    If you are running on macOS, you might encounter the following error:

    "tanzu" cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.

    If this happens, you need to create a security exception for the tanzu executable. Locate the tanzu app in Finder, control-click the app, and select Open.

  5. If you have existing Tanzu CLI plugins installed on your machine from a previous CLI installation, update the plugins to the current CLI version:

    1. Uninstall the existing plugins:

      tanzu plugin clean
    2. Install all the plugins for this release:

      tanzu plugin sync
    3. Check plugin installation status and version:

      tanzu plugin list

After you have installed the Tanzu CLI but before you have used it to log in to a management cluster, all context-specific CLI command groups, such as tanzu cluster and tanzu kubernetes-release, are unavailable and not included in Tanzu CLI --help output.

Install the Kubernetes CLI

Download and unpack the Kubernetes CLI, kubectl, on your bootstrap machine, then make it available to your system.

  1. Go to the Broadcom Support Portal and log in with your VMware customer credentials.
  2. Visit the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid downloads page.
  3. In the version drop-down, select 2.1.1.
  4. Scroll to the section labeled Kubectl 1.24.10 for VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 2.1.1.

    Locate kubectl cli v1.24.10 for Mac and click the download button.
    Locate kubectl cli v1.24.10 for Linux and click the download button.
    Locate kubectl cli v1.24.10 for Windows and click the download button.
  5. (Optional) Verify that your downloaded files are unaltered from the original. VMware provides a SHA-1, a SHA-256, and an MD5 checksum for each download. To obtain these checksums, click Read More under the entry that you want to download. For more information, see Using Cryptographic Hashes.

  6. Navigate to the tanzu directory you created in Download and Unpack the Tanzu CLI above and unpack the kubectl binary for your operating system. To unpack the bundle file, use the extraction tool of your choice. For example, the gunzip command.

    gunzip kubectl-mac-v1.24.10+vmware.1.gz
    gunzip kubectl-linux-v1.24.10+vmware.1.gz
    Use the Windows extractor tool to unzip kubectl-windows-v1.24.10+vmware.1.exe.gz.
  7. Make the CLI available to the system:

    1. Make the downloaded file executable:

      chmod ugo+x kubectl-mac-v1.24.10+vmware.1
    2. Install the binary to /usr/local/bin:

      sudo install kubectl-mac-v1.24.10+vmware.1 /usr/local/bin/kubectl
    3. Run kubectl version to check that the correct version of kubectl is installed and executable.

      kubectl version
    1. Make the downloaded file executable:

      chmod ugo+x kubectl-linux-v1.24.10+vmware.1
    2. Install the binary to /usr/local/bin:

      sudo install kubectl-linux-v1.24.10+vmware.1 /usr/local/bin/kubectl
    3. Run kubectl version to check that the correct version of kubectl is installed and executable.

      kubectl version
    1. Create a new Program Files\kubectl folder.
    2. Locate and copy the kubectl-windows-v1.24.10+vmware.1.exe file into the new Program Files\kubectl folder.
    3. Rename kubectl-windows-v1.24.10+vmware.1.exe to kubectl.exe.
    4. Right-click the kubectl folder, select Properties > Security, and make sure that your user account has the Full Control permission.
    5. Use Windows Search to search for env.
    6. Select Edit the system environment variables and click the Environment Variables button.
    7. Select the Path row under System variables and click Edit.
    8. Click New to add a new row and enter the path to the kubectl CLI.
  8. Run kubectl version to check that the correct version of the CLI is properly installed.

Tanzu CLI Help

Run tanzu --help to see the list of commands that the Tanzu CLI provides.

You can view help text for any command group with the --help option to see information about that specific command or command group. For example, tanzu login --help, tanzu management-cluster --help, or tanzu management-cluster create --help.

For more information about the Tanzu CLI, see the Tanzu CLI Command Reference.

Install the Carvel Tools

The Carvel open-source project provides a set of reliable, single-purpose, composable tools that aid in application building, configuration, and deployment to Kubernetes.

Tanzu Kubernetes Grid provides signed binaries for ytt, kapp, kbld, and imgpkg, that are bundled with the Tanzu CLI. The bundle also includes vendir, a Kubernetes directory structure tool, that is not currently required by end users, but is provided for convenience.

Locate the Carvel Tools

  1. Navigate to the location on your bootstrap environment machine where you unpacked the Tanzu CLI bundle tar file for your OS.

    For example, the tanzu folder, that you created in the previous procedure.

  2. Open the cli folder.

    cd cli

Install ytt

ytt is a command-line tool for templating and patching YAML files. You can also use ytt to collect fragments and piles of YAML into modular chunks for easy re-use. Tanzu Kubernetes Grid uses ytt to support overlay-based customization for clusters and cluster plans. You might need ytt to use customization overlays.

  1. Unpack the ytt binary and make it executable.

    gunzip ytt-darwin-amd64-v0.43.1+vmware.1.gz
    chmod ugo+x ytt-darwin-amd64-v0.43.1+vmware.1
  2. Move the binary to /usr/local/bin and rename it to ytt:

    sudo mv ./ytt-darwin-amd64-v0.43.1+vmware.1 /usr/local/bin/ytt
  3. Run ytt --version to check that the correct version of ytt is installed and executable.

    ytt --version
  1. Unpack the ytt binary and make it executable.

    gunzip ytt-linux-amd64-v0.43.1+vmware.1.gz
    chmod ugo+x ytt-linux-amd64-v0.43.1+vmware.1
  2. Move the binary to /usr/local/bin and rename it to ytt:

    sudo mv ./ytt-linux-amd64-v0.43.1+vmware.1 /usr/local/bin/ytt
  3. Run ytt --version to check that the correct version of ytt is installed and executable.

    ytt --version
  1. Unpack the the ytt binary.

    gunzip ytt-windows-amd64-v0.43.1+vmware.1.gz
  2. Rename ytt-windows-amd64-v0.43.1+vmware.1 to ytt.exe

  3. Create a new Program Files\ytt folder and copy the ytt.exe file into it.
  4. Right-click the ytt folder, select Properties > Security, and make sure that your user account has the Full Control permission.
  5. Use Windows Search to search for env.
  6. Select Edit the system environment variables and click the Environment Variables button.
  7. Select the Path row under System variables, and click Edit.
  8. Click New to add a new row and enter the path to the ytt tool.
  9. At the command line in a new terminal, run ytt version to check that the correct version of ytt is properly installed.

Install kapp

kapp is the applications deployment CLI for Kubernetes. It allows you to install, upgrade, and delete multiple Kubernetes resources as one application.

  1. Unpack the kapp binary and make it executable.

    gunzip kapp-darwin-amd64-v0.53.2+vmware.1.gz
    chmod ugo+x kapp-darwin-amd64-v0.53.2+vmware.1
  2. Move the binary to /usr/local/bin and rename it to kapp:

    sudo mv ./kapp-darwin-amd64-v0.53.2+vmware.1 /usr/local/bin/kapp
  3. Run kapp --version to check that the correct version of kapp is installed and executable.

    kapp --version
  1. Unpack the kapp binary and make it executable.

    gunzip kapp-linux-amd64-v0.53.2+vmware.1.gz
    chmod ugo+x kapp-linux-amd64-v0.53.2+vmware.1
  2. Move the binary to /usr/local/bin and rename it to kapp:

    sudo mv ./kapp-linux-amd64-v0.53.2+vmware.1 /usr/local/bin/kapp
  3. Run kapp --version to check that the correct version of kapp is installed and executable.

    kapp --version
  1. Unpack the the kapp binary.

    gunzip kapp-windows-amd64-v0.53.2+vmware.1.gz
  2. Rename kapp-windows-amd64-v0.53.2+vmware.1 to kapp.exe

  3. Create a new Program Files\kapp folder and copy the kapp.exe file into it.
  4. Right-click the kapp folder, select Properties > Security, and make sure that your user account has the Full Control permission.
  5. Use Windows Search to search for env.
  6. Select Edit the system environment variables and click the Environment Variables button.
  7. Select the Path row under System variables, and click Edit.
  8. Click New to add a new row and enter the path to the kapp tool.
  9. At the command line in a new terminal, run kapp version to check that the correct version of kapp is properly installed.

Install kbld

kbld is an image-building and resolution tool.

  1. Unpack the kbld binary and make it executable.

    gunzip kbld-darwin-amd64-v0.35.1+vmware.1.gz
    chmod ugo+x kbld-darwin-amd64-v0.35.1+vmware.1
  2. Move the binary to /usr/local/bin and rename it to kbld:

    sudo mv ./kbld-darwin-amd64-v0.35.1+vmware.1 /usr/local/bin/kbld
  3. Run kbld --version to check that the correct version of kbld is installed and executable.

  1. Unpack the kbld binary and make it executable.

    gunzip kbld-linux-amd64-v0.35.1+vmware.1.gz
    chmod ugo+x kbld-linux-amd64-v0.35.1+vmware.1
  2. Move the binary to /usr/local/bin and rename it to kbld:

    sudo mv ./kbld-linux-amd64-v0.35.1+vmware.1 /usr/local/bin/kbld
  3. Run kbld --version to check that the correct version of kbld is installed and executable.

    kbld --version
  1. Unpack the the kbld binary.

    gunzip kbld-windows-amd64-v0.35.1+vmware.1.gz
  2. Rename kbld-windows-amd64-v0.35.1+vmware.1 to kbld.exe

  3. Create a new Program Files\kbld folder and copy the kbld.exe file into it.
  4. Right-click the kbld folder, select Properties > Security, and make sure that your user account has the Full Control permission.
  5. Use Windows Search to search for env.
  6. Select Edit the system environment variables and click the Environment Variables button.
  7. Select the Path row under System variables, and click Edit.
  8. Click New to add a new row and enter the path to the kbld tool.
  9. At the command line in a new terminal, run kbld version to check that the correct version of kbld is properly installed.

Install imgpkg

imgpkg is a tool that enables Kubernetes to store configurations and the associated container images as OCI images, and to transfer these images. imgpkg is required for deploying Tanzu Kubernetes Grid in Internet-restricted environments and when building your own machine images. It is also required when configuring the Harbor package.

  1. Unpack the imgpkg binary and make it executable.

    gunzip imgpkg-darwin-amd64-v0.31.1+vmware.1.gz
    chmod ugo+x imgpkg-darwin-amd64-v0.31.1+vmware.1
  2. Move the binary to /usr/local/bin and rename it to imgpkg:

    sudo mv ./imgpkg-darwin-amd64-v0.31.1+vmware.1 /usr/local/bin/imgpkg
  3. Run imgpkg --version to check that the correct version of imgpkg is installed and executable.

    imgpkg --version
  1. Unpack the imgpkg binary and make it executable.

    gunzip imgpkg-linux-amd64-v0.31.1+vmware.1.gz
    chmod ugo+x imgpkg-linux-amd64-v0.31.1+vmware.1
  2. Move the binary to /usr/local/bin and rename it to imgpkg:

    sudo mv ./imgpkg-linux-amd64-v0.31.1+vmware.1 /usr/local/bin/imgpkg
  3. Run imgpkg --version to check that the correct version of imgpkg is installed and executable.

    imgpkg --version
  1. Unpack the the imgpkg binary.

    gunzip imgpkg-windows-amd64-v0.31.1+vmware.1.gz
  2. Rename imgpkg-windows-amd64-v0.31.1+vmware.1 to imgpkg.exe

  3. Create a new Program Files\imgpkg folder and copy the imgpkg.exe file into it.
  4. Right-click the imgpkg folder, select Properties > Security, and make sure that your user account has the Full Control permission.
  5. Use Windows Search to search for env.
  6. Select Edit the system environment variables and click the Environment Variables button.
  7. Select the Path row under System variables, and click Edit.
  8. Click New to add a new row and enter the path to the imgpkg tool.
  9. At the command line in a new terminal, run imgpkg version to check that the correct version of imgpkg is properly installed.

What to Do Next

Before you can use the Tanzu CLI, kubectl, and Carvel tools to deploy workload clusters and service packages to Tanzu Kubernetes Grid, Connect the Tanzu CLI to the Supervisor as described below.

Connect the Tanzu CLI to the Supervisor

To register the Supervisor with the Tanzu CLI and then log in to the Supervisor, do the following. You need to register the Supervisor with the Tanzu CLI only once. After the Supervisor is registered, you can skip to the tanzu login step.

  1. Obtain the IP address of the Supervisor from vCenter:

    1. In the Hosts and Clusters view, select the datacenter that hosts the Supervisor.
    2. Under Namespaces, select the namespace containing or adjacent to the three SupervisorControlPlaneVM instances.
    3. In the main pane, under Summary > Status > Link to CLI Tools, click Copy link and record the URL, for example
  2. No IDP: If you are not using an external identity provider:

    1. (Optional) Install and configure the kubectl vsphere plugin with a trusted certificate as described in Configure Secure Login for vSphere with Tanzu Clusters.

    2. Run kubectl vsphere login to log in to vSphere. For more information about this step, see Connect to Supervisor as a vCenter Single Sign-On User with Kubectl.

      kubectl vsphere login --vsphere-username VSPHERE-USERNAME --server=SUPERVISOR-IP

      Where VSPHERE-USERNAME is your vCenter single sign-on (SSO) account username, for example [email protected], and SUPERVISOR-IP is the Supervisor IP address obtained above.

      If you did not configure the kubectl vsphere plugin with a trusted certificate, you can log in insecurely by appending --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true to the command above.


      Only use insecure login in a development environment.

    3. Enter the password that you use to log in to vCenter.

      When you successfully log in, the kubectl vsphere login command:

      • Creates or modifies your local kubeconfig file to add a token that authenticates with the Kubernetes API
      • Lists all of the Kubernetes contexts to which you have access. This list should include the Supervisor IP address.
    4. Set the context of kubectl to the Supervisor.

      kubectl config use-context SUPERVISOR-IP

      Where SUPERVISOR-IP is the context of the Supervisor; see Get and Use the Supervisor Context in vSphere with Tanzu Services and Workloads.

  3. Collect information to run the tanzu login command, which connects to the Supervisor:

    • Decide on a name for the tanzu CLI to use for the Supervisor.
    • The path to the local kubeconfig file, which defaults to ~/.kube/config and is set by the KUBECONFIG environment variable.
  4. Run the tanzu login command, passing in the values above, for example:

    No IDP:

    tanzu login --name my-supervisor --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config --context

    After logging in, the CLI downloads the plugins that are specific to Supervisor.

    ???  successfully logged in to management cluster using the kubeconfig my-supervisor
    Checking for required plugins...
    Installing plugin 'cluster:v0.25' with target 'kubernetes'
    Installing plugin 'feature:v0.25' with target 'kubernetes'
    Installing plugin 'kubernetes-release:v0.25' with target 'kubernetes'
    Installing plugin 'namespaces:v1.0.0' with target 'kubernetes'
    Successfully installed all required plugins

    With an IDP:

    tanzu login --endpoint --name oidc-user
    Detected a vSphere Supervisor being used
    Log in by visiting this link:
    Optionally, paste your authorization code: G2TcS145Q4e6A1YKf743n3BJlfQAQ_UdjXy38TtEEIo.ju4QV3PTsUvOigVUtQllZ7AJFU0YnjuLHTRVoNxvdZc
    ??? successfully logged in to management cluster using the kubeconfig oidc-user
    Checking for required plugins...
    All required plugins are already installed and up-to-date

    In the example above, is the Supervisor control plane IP address. For more information about this step, see Connect to Supervisor Using the Tanzu CLI and an External IDP.

  5. Check that the Supervisor was added by running tanzu config server list, for example:

    tanzu config server list
    NAME           TYPE               ENDPOINT                   PATH                       CONTEXT
    my-supervisor  managementcluster  /home/vmware/.kube/config

    tanzu login should now list the Supervisor by the name that you provided:

    tanzu login
    ? Select a server  [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
    > my-supervisor  ()
     + new server
  6. Run tanzu plugin list to see the list of Supervisor specific plugins as well as the core CLI plugins.

    tanzu plugin list
    Standalone Plugins
      NAME                DESCRIPTION                                                        TARGET      DISCOVERY  VERSION   STATUS
      isolated-cluster    isolated-cluster operations                                                    default    v0.28.1   installed
      login               Login to the platform                                                          default    v0.28.1   installed
      pinniped-auth       Pinniped authentication operations (usually not directly invoked)              default    v0.28.1   installed
      management-cluster  Kubernetes management-cluster operations                           kubernetes  default    v0.28.1   installed
      package             Tanzu package management                                           kubernetes  default    v0.28.1   installed
      secret              Tanzu secret management                                            kubernetes  default    v0.28.1   installed
      telemetry           Configure cluster-wide telemetry settings                          kubernetes  default    v0.28.1   installed
    Plugins from Context:  my-supervisor
      NAME                DESCRIPTION                                                TARGET      VERSION  STATUS
      cluster             Kubernetes cluster operations                              kubernetes  v0.25.0  installed
      feature             Operate on features and featuregates                       kubernetes  v0.25.0  installed
      kubernetes-release  Kubernetes release operations                              kubernetes  v0.25.0  installed
      namespaces          Discover vSphere Supervisor namespaces you have access to  kubernetes  v1.0.0   installed

    In the example above, the standalone plug-ins, for example login and pinniped-auth, that were installed when you installed the Tanzu CLI, are at version v0.28.1. The plugins from the Supervisor context, that were installed when you connected the Tanzu CLI to the Supervisor, for example cluster or kubernetes-release, are at v0.25.0. This is because the Supervisor in vSphere with Tanzu is running TKG 2.0 rather than TKG 2.1. However, the v0.25.0 plugins are fully compatible with and supported by v0.28.1 of the Tanzu CLI and the standalone plugins.

  7. (Optional) Proceed to Creating Workload Clusters.
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