Managing Your Management Clusters

This topic explains how to manage multiple management clusters from the same bootstrap machine, including management clusters deployed by Tanzu Kubernetes Grid to vSphere, Azure, or Amazon Web Services (AWS) and vSphere with Tanzu Supervisors designated as Tanzu Kubernetes Grid management clusters.


Tanzu Kubernetes Grid v2.4.x is the last version of TKG that supports the management of standalone TKG management clusters on AWS and Azure. The ability to manage standalone TKG management clusters on AWS and Azure will be removed in the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid v2.5 release.

Starting from now, VMware recommends that you use Tanzu Mission Control to create native AWS EKS and Azure AKS clusters. However, managing existing standalone TKG management clusters on AWS and Azure remains fully supported for all TKG releases up to and including TKG v2.4.x.

For more information, see Deprecation of TKG Management and Workload Clusters on AWS and Azure in the VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid v2.4 Release Notes.

List Management Clusters and Change Context

To list available management clusters and see which one you are currently logged in to, run tanzu context use on your bootstrap machine:

tanzu context use
  • To change your current login context, use your up- and down-arrow keys to highlight the new management cluster and then press Enter.
  • To retain your current context, press Enter without changing the highlighting.

To login to a context, you must create the context by using the tanzu context create command.

For example, if you have two management clusters, my-vsphere-mgmt-cluster and my-aws-mgmt-cluster, you are currently logged in to my-vsphere-mgmt-cluster:

$ tanzu context use
? Select a server  [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> my-vsphere-mgmt-cluster  ()
 my-aws-mgmt-cluster      ()
 + new server

Management Clusters, kubectl, and kubeconfig

Tanzu Kubernetes Grid does not automatically change the kubectl context when you run tanzu context use to change the Tanzu CLI context. Also, Tanzu Kubernetes Grid does not set the kubectl context to a workload cluster when you create it. To change the kubectl context, use the kubectl config use-context command.

By default, Tanzu Kubernetes Grid saves cluster context information in the following files on your bootstrap machine:

  • ~/.kube-tkg/config: Management cluster contexts used by the tanzu management-cluster plugin
  • ~/.kube/config: Management cluster and workload cluster contexts used by kubectl

See Management Cluster Details

To see the details of a management cluster:

  1. Run tanzu context use to log in to the management cluster, as described in List Management Clusters and Change Context.

    tanzu context use
  2. Run tanzu mc get.

    tanzu mc get
    mc-test-cli  tkg-system  running  3/3           3/3      v1.26.8+vmware.1  management  prod  v1.26.8---vmware.2-tkg.1
    NAME                                                         READY  SEVERITY  REASON  SINCE  MESSAGE
    /mc-test-cli                                                 True                     2d1h
    ├─ClusterInfrastructure - VSphereCluster/mc-test-cli-jjtpf   True                     2d1h
    ├─ControlPlane - KubeadmControlPlane/mc-test-cli-mffw9       True                     2d1h
    │ ├─Machine/mc-test-cli-mffw9-5zcbj                          True                     2d1h
    │ ├─Machine/mc-test-cli-mffw9-fs6zh                          True                     2d1h
    │ └─Machine/mc-test-cli-mffw9-jlwnm                          True                     2d1h
      ├─MachineDeployment/mc-test-cli-md-0-tnz59                 True                     15h
      │ └─Machine/mc-test-cli-md-0-tnz59-64bdc75d94-gtg54        True                     2d1h
      ├─MachineDeployment/mc-test-cli-md-1-2d26b                 True                     15h
      │ └─Machine/mc-test-cli-md-1-2d26b-776885b84-6hzkj         True                     2d1h
      └─MachineDeployment/mc-test-cli-md-2-fs824                 True                     15h
        └─Machine/mc-test-cli-md-2-fs824-7bfd7b9c7b-c7n95        True                     2d1h
      NAMESPACE                          NAME                            TYPE                    PROVIDERNAME     VERSION  WATCHNAMESPACE
      caip-in-cluster-system             infrastructure-ipam-in-cluster  InfrastructureProvider  ipam-in-cluster  v0.1.0
      capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-system      bootstrap-kubeadm               BootstrapProvider       kubeadm          v1.2.8
      capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system  control-plane-kubeadm           ControlPlaneProvider    kubeadm          v1.2.8
      capi-system                        cluster-api                     CoreProvider            cluster-api      v1.2.8
      capv-system                        infrastructure-vsphere          InfrastructureProvider  vsphere          v1.5.1

To see more options, run tanzu mc get --help. The Tanzu CLI alias mc is short for management-cluster.

Add Existing Management Clusters to Your Tanzu CLI

The Tanzu CLI allows you to log in to a management cluster that someone else created. To log in, you can use the local kubeconfig details or the server endpoint option.

To log into an existing management cluster by using a local kubeconfig:

  1. Run tanzu context use, use your down-arrow key to highlight + new server, and press Enter.

    tanzu context use
    ? Select a server + new server
  2. When prompted, select Local kubeconfig as your login type and enter the path to your local kubeconfig file, context, and the name of your server. For example:

    tanzu context use
    ? Select a server + new server
    ? Select login type Local kubeconfig
    ? Enter path to kubeconfig (if any) /Users/exampleuser/examples/kubeconfig
    ? Enter kube context to use new-mgmt-cluster-admin@new-mgmt-cluster
    ? Give the server a name new-mgmt-cluster
    ✔  successfully logged in to management cluster using the kubeconfig new-mgmt-cluster

To log into an existing management cluster using the Server endpoint option:

  1. Run tanzu context use, use your down-arrow key to highlight + new server, and press Enter.

    tanzu context use
    ? Select a server + new server
  2. When prompted, select Server endpoint as your login type.

  3. In the Enter Server endpoint field, enter the Kubernetes API Server IP address of the management cluster.
  4. In the Give the server a name field, enter a name for the server, and press Enter.
  5. If identity management is enabled on the management cluster, in the Okta login page that opens in the default browser, enter your Okta credentials. You are logged in to the management cluster.
  6. Verify that the following output is displayed on the Tanzu CLI:
successfully logged in to management cluster by using the kubeconfig <server name>

Delete Management Clusters from Your Tanzu CLI Configuration

It is possible that you might add a management cluster that someone else created to your instance of the Tanzu CLI, that at some point you no longer require. Similarly, if you deployed a management cluster and that management cluster has been deleted from your target platform by means other than by running tanzu mc delete, that management cluster will continue to appear in the list of management clusters that the CLI tracks when you run tanzu context use. In these cases, you can remove the management cluster from the list of management clusters that the Tanzu CLI tracks.

  1. Run tanzu context list, to see the list of management clusters that the Tanzu CLI tracks.

    tanzu context list

    You should see all of the management clusters that you have either deployed yourself or added to the Tanzu CLI, the location of their kubeconfig files, and their contexts.

  2. Run the tanzu context delete command to remove a management cluster.

    tanzu context delete my-vsphere-mc

Running the tanzu context delete command removes the cluster details from the ~/.config/tanzu/config.yaml and ~/.kube-tkg/config.yaml files. It does not delete the management cluster itself, if it still exists. To delete a management cluster rather than just remove it from the Tanzu CLI configuration, see Delete Management Clusters.

Update Management Cluster Certificate in Your Tanzu CLI Configuration

On the bootstrap machine, the Tanzu CLI uses a certificate that is stored locally to authenticate with the management cluster. If the certificate expires, you will see failed error messages when running tanzu CLI commands.

Therefore, when the certificate nears expiration, follow these steps to update the certificate:

  1. Get the name of the management cluster with tanzu mc get.

    tanzu mc get
  2. Get the cluster configuration data:

    kubectl -n tkg-system get secrets CLUSTER-NAME-kubeconfig -o 'go-template={{ index .data "value"}}' | base64 -d > mc_kubeconfig.yaml

    Where CLUSTER-NAME is the name of the management cluster. For example:

    apiVersion: v1
    - cluster:
      certificate-authority-data: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBD<redacted>
      name: tkg-mgmt
    - context:
      cluster: tkg-mgmt
      user: tkg-mgmt-admin
    name: tkg-mgmt-admin@tkg-mgmt
    current-context: tkg-mgmt-admin@tkg-mgmt
    kind: Config
    preferences: {}
    - name: tkg-mgmt-admin
      client-certificate-data: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZ<redacted>
      client-key-data: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBSU<redacted>`
  3. Delete the existing management cluster entry from the list of management clusters that the Tanzu CLI is currently tracking:

    tanzu context delete CLUSTER-NAME
  4. Use the tanzu context create command to add a new management cluster entry with the updated kubeconfig:

    tanzu context create --kubeconfig mc_kubeconfig.yaml --name CLUSTER-NAME --context CLUSTER-NAME-admin@CLUSTER-NAME

Scale Management Clusters

After you deploy a management cluster, you can scale it up or down by increasing or reducing the number of node VMs that it contains. To scale a management cluster, use the tanzu cluster scale command with one or both of the following options:

  • --controlplane-machine-count changes the number of management cluster control plane nodes.
  • --worker-machine-count changes the number of management cluster worker nodes.

Because management clusters run in the tkg-system namespace rather than the default namespace, you must also specify the --namespace option when you scale a management cluster.

  1. Run tanzu context use before you run tanzu cluster scale to make sure that the management cluster to scale is the current context of the Tanzu CLI.
  2. To scale a production management cluster that you originally deployed with 3 control plane nodes and 5 worker nodes to 5 and 10 nodes respectively, run the following command:

    tanzu cluster scale MANAGEMENT-CLUSTER-NAME --controlplane-machine-count 5 --worker-machine-count 10 --namespace tkg-system

If you initially deployed a development management cluster with one control plane node and you scale it up to 3 control plane nodes, Tanzu Kubernetes Grid automatically enables stacked HA on the control plane.


Do not change context or edit the .kube-tkg/config file while Tanzu Kubernetes Grid operations are running.

Update Management Cluster Credentials (vSphere)

To update the vSphere credentials used by a management cluster, and optionally all of the workload clusters that it manages, see Update Cluster Credentials in Creating and Managing TKG 2.3 Workload Clusters with the Tanzu CLI.

Manage Participation in CEIP

When you deploy a management cluster by using either the installer interface or the CLI, participation in the VMware Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) is enabled by default, unless you specify the option to opt out. If you remain opted in to the program, the management cluster sends information about how you use Tanzu Kubernetes Grid back to VMware at regular intervals, so that we can make improvements in future versions.

For more information about the CEIP, see Manage Participation in CEIP.

If you opted out of the CEIP when you deployed a management cluster and want to opt in, or if you opted in and want to opt out, see Opt In or Out of the VMware CEIP in Manage Participation in CEIP to change your CEIP participation setting after deployment

Create Namespaces in a Management Cluster

To help you to organize and manage your development projects, you can optionally divide the management cluster into Kubernetes namespaces. You can then use Tanzu CLI to deploy workload clusters to specific namespaces in your management cluster. For example, you might want to create different types of clusters in dedicated namespaces. If you do not create additional namespaces, Tanzu Kubernetes Grid creates all workload clusters in the default namespace. For information about Kubernetes namespaces, see the Kubernetes documentation.

  1. Make sure that kubectl is connected to the correct management cluster context by displaying the current context.

    kubectl config current-context
  2. List the namespaces that are currently present in the management cluster.

    kubectl get namespaces

    You will see that the management cluster already includes several namespaces for the different services that it provides:

    capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-system       Active   4m7s
    capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system   Active   4m5s
    capi-system                         Active   4m11s
    capi-webhook-system                 Active   4m13s
    capv-system                         Active   3m59s
    cert-manager                        Active   6m56s
    default                             Active   7m11s
    kube-node-lease                     Active   7m12s
    kube-public                         Active   7m12s
    kube-system                         Active   7m12s
    tkg-system                          Active   3m57s
  3. Use kubectl create -f to create new namespaces, for example for development and production.

    These examples use the production and development namespaces from the Kubernetes documentation.

    kubectl create -f
    kubectl create -f
  4. Run kubectl get namespaces --show-labels to see the new namespaces.

    development                         Active   22m   name=development
    production                          Active   22m   name=production

Delete a Namespace in a Management Cluster

Before deleting a namespace for workload clusters in a management cluster, you need to delete the workload clusters themselves. You cannot delete the workload clusters by deleting their management cluster namespace.

To delete a namespace for workload clusters in a management cluster:

  1. Set the context of kubectl to your management cluster:

    kubectl config use-context MY-MGMT-CLUSTER@MY-MGMT-CLUSTER

    Where MY-MGMT-CLUSTER is the name of your management cluster.

  2. List the clusters running in the namespace that you are deleting:

    tanzu cluster list -n NAMESPACE
  3. Follow the procedure Delete Workload Clusters to delete volumes and services, migrate workloads if needed, and delete the clusters in the namespace.

  4. Use kubectl to delete the namespace:

    kubectl delete namespace NAMESPACE

Delete Management Clusters

To delete a management cluster, run the tanzu mc delete command.

When you run tanzu mc delete, Tanzu Kubernetes Grid creates a temporary kind cleanup cluster on your bootstrap machine to manage the deletion process. The kind cluster is removed when the deletion process completes.

  1. AWS: Ensure that the AWS credentials used by TKG are still valid. They can be either Credential Profiles or local, static environment variables as described in Configure AWS Account Credentials.

    • You cannot use AWS instance profile credentials to delete a management cluster.
    • If the credentials have expired, management cluster nodes may remain as described in Cannot Delete Management Cluster on AWS.
  2. To see all your management clusters, run tanzu context use as described in List Management Clusters and Change Context.

  3. If there are management clusters that you no longer require, run tanzu mc delete.

    You must be logged in to the management cluster that you want to delete.

    tanzu mc delete my-mgmt-cluster

    To skip the yes/no verification step when you run tanzu mc delete, specify the --yes option.

    tanzu mc delete my-mgmt-cluster --yes
  4. If there are workload clusters running in the management cluster, the delete operation is not performed.

    In this case, you can delete the management cluster in two ways:

    • Run tanzu cluster delete to delete all of the running clusters and then run tanzu mc delete again.
    • Run tanzu mc delete with the --force option.
    tanzu mc delete my-mgmt-cluster --force

Do not change context or edit the .kube-tkg/config file while Tanzu Kubernetes Grid operations are running.

What to Do Next

You can use Tanzu Kubernetes Grid to start deploying workload clusters to different Tanzu Kubernetes Grid instances. For information, see Creating Workload Clusters in Creating and Managing TKG 2.3 Workload Clusters with the Tanzu CLI.

If you have vSphere 8 with a Supervisor, you can use the Tanzu CLI to deploy TKG 2.x clusters. For information, see Create and Manage TKG 2.3 Clusters with the Tanzu CLI.

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