As a platform operator or infrastructure operator, you can remove an account credential when it is no longer needed.

When you remove an account credential, Tanzu Mission Control releases its connection to the account, but does not remove any of the resources that you might have created in that account. If you have resources in the account, they continue to exist until you use your cloud provider's tools to remove them.


Prior to removing an account credential, remove any dependencies on it. For example, before you delete a data protection credential, make sure there are no target location objects that are using it. If you have scheduled backups that target a deleted data protection credential, those backups will fail.

Log in to the Tanzu Mission Control console, and make sure you have the appropriate permissions to remove a connection.
  • To remove an account credential, you must be associated with the organization.credential.admin role.


  1. In the Tanzu Mission Control console, click Administration in the left navigation pane.
  2. On the Credentials tab of the Administration page, locate the account credential that you want to remove.
  3. Click the menu icon for the credential, and then choose Remove.
  4. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes.


When you click Yes, Tanzu Mission Control removes the account credential.
Note: After deleting a credential for an AWS EKS account, you might need to manually remove resources from the account. For more information, see Clean Up Your AWS EKS Account After Deleting a Credential.