Use the Catalog page of the Tanzu Mission Control console to install a package from your repository to your Kubernetes cluster.

The Available tab on the Catalog page in the Tanzu Mission Control console shows the packages that are available to be installed, including those that are in the Tanzu Standard package repository and other repositories that you have associated with a cluster.

For more information about associating additional repositories, see Add a Package Repository to Your Cluster.
Note: The catalog in Tanzu Mission Control restricts the installation of packages from the Tanzu Standard package repository to only workload clusters running in Tanzu Kubernetes Grid. You cannot use the catalog to install packages from the Tanzu Standard package repository to non-TKG clusters. For non-TKG clusters, you can explore packages in the Helm charts tab. Helm charts are open source from Bitnami, and are not supported by VMware.
Note: Istio packages require that you add the Istio package repository to your cluster, and must be installed in the following order:
  1. base
  2. Istiod
  3. gateway


This procedure assumes that you already have a Kubernetes cluster that is managed (either attached or provisioned) by Tanzu Mission Control.

Before you start this procedure, log in to the Tanzu Mission Control console and make sure you have the appropriate permissions.
  • To install an available package on a cluster, you must be associated with the .admin role on that cluster.
Note: For clusters running Kubernetes version 1.25 and later with pod security admission (PSA) enabled, you must add the labels listed below in the target namespaces where your installed package deploys pods.
  • privileged
  • latest
  • privileged
  • latest
  • privileged
  • latest
For more information about pod security admission, see Pod Security Admission in the Kubernetes documentation.


  1. In the left navigation pane of the Tanzu Mission Control console, click Catalog.
  2. On the Catalog page, click the Tanzu packages tab.
  3. Click Available Tanzu Packages, and then select the cluster in which you want to install a package.
    After you select the cluster, you see the packages that are available to install on that cluster.
  4. Click the package you want to install.
    The package detail page shows the metadata provided by the package author.
  5. On the package detail page, click Install Package.
  6. On the Install page, provide a name for the installed instance of the package and select the version to install,
  7. You can optionally click Carvel Settings to specify the resources namespace for Carvel and see other configuration settings.
    • Carvel Resources Namespace

      This namespace holds the resources required to automate the installation of this package. Users with access to this namespace can access the service account which has sensitive privileges granted by the generated ClusterRole. You can let Tanzu Mission Control generate the name of the namespace, or optionally provide your own.

    • Service Account

      Tanzu Mission Control generates a unique service account to automate the installation of the package.

    • Role

      Tanzu Mission Control generates a unique ClusterRole with admin privileges to automate the installation of the package.

    • Role binding scope

      Tanzu Mission Control generates a unique role binding that limits the scope of the generated ClusterRole.

    The resources that are generated for this package install are unique to this package install, and are removed when the package install is deleted.
  8. You can optionally configure values for the keys that the package has defined as configurable.
    1. To edit a configurable value in the table view, click the edit icon in the last column of the table for the configurable key.
    2. Enter the new value in the box.
    3. Click Save.
  9. Click Install Package.