Use AWS tools to create a virtual private cloud (VPC) with subnets.

A functional EKS-compliant VPC is a prerequisite for EKS cluster deployments. AWS provides a CloudFormation template that creates a configuration that supports EKS cluster deployments. Use the template to create a VPC with subnets. For more information about VPCs and subnets for EKS, see Amazon EKS VPC and subnet requirements and considerations


Log in to your AWS account.


  1. To create a VPC for lifecycle management of your EKS clusters, follow the procedure at in the Amazon EKS documentation.
  2. Use the procedure entitled Public and private subnets.
  3. Use the URL for IPv4 subnets.


The template creates a VPC with two public subnets and two private subnets.

Note: Clusters must have outbound access.

What to do next

After you have created the VPC, you can create an account credential and start provisioning EKS clusters.