You can create schedules for the backup of cluster groups using Tanzu Mission Control.


Make sure you have the appropriate permissions.
  • To schedule data protection backups for cluster groups, you must be associated with the clustergroup.admin role in the cluster.
Note: You can have a maximum of 720 backups per backup schedule at any given point in time. This capacity is influenced by both the frequency and the retention period of the backup schedule. Therefore, if your schedule requires a high frequency then you might need to reduce the retention period.


  1. Log in to the Tanzu Mission Control console, and then navigate to the Cluster Group details page to create the backup schedule.
  2. Click the Data Protection tab.
  3. Click Create Backup Schedule in the Scheduling section of the page.
    The Create Backup Schedule page appears. This page shows the current backup configuration status of clusters in the group and lets you configure the schedule to include or exclude clusters.
  4. In section one of the page select the clusters you want to schedule. You can select all clusters in the group, clusters based on names, or clusters based on Tanzu Mission Control labels.
  5. Click Refresh to preview the settings, then click Next.
  6. In section two of the page, configure the Kubernetes resources to back up.
    You can choose to back up the entire cluster, selected namespaces, or specify by label.
    Note: For more information about this and the following steps, see Back Up the Data Resources in Your Cluster.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Specify the volume backup method and click Next.
  9. Specify where to store the backup and click Next.
  10. Configure the backup schedule and click Next.
  11. Specify the backup retention period.
  12. Enter a name for the backup schedule and click Create


The cluster group backup schedule is created and ready to run as configured. You can navigate to the cluster group data protection tab or to an individual cluster data protection tab to verify the status of backup schedules and a list of backups.