As an infrastructure operator in Tanzu Mission Control, you can update the API token required to send data to your Wavefront account.

An API token from Tanzu Observability by Wavefront is required for your clusters to send data to your Wavefront account. As a best practice, you should use a service account for this access and regularly update the token to promote a secure environment.

If you use a Tanzu Observability credential object, you can update the credential as described in Edit a Tanzu Observability Credential Object. If you entered the authorization credentials directly when you added the cluster to observability, this procedure explains how to update your API token.

For more information about Tanzu Observability credentials, see Create a Tanzu Observability Credential Object.


Log in to the Tanzu Mission Control console.

Make sure you have the appropriate permissions.
  • To edit the API token entered directly for your cluster, you must be associated with the cluster.admin role on the cluster.


  1. In the Tanzu Mission Control console, navigate to the cluster for which you want to update the API token.
  2. On the cluster detail page, click the menu icon for the Tanzu Observability, and then choose Rotate Credential.
  3. In the dialog, enter the new API token.
  4. Click Confirm.