View the secrets that have been created in your clusters to see their status and the namespaces to which they apply.


Log in to the Tanzu Mission Control console, as described in Log In to the Tanzu Mission Control Console.

Make sure you have the appropriate permissions to view cluster secrets.
  • To view cluster secrets, you must be associated with the cluster.admin role.


  1. In the Tanzu Mission Control console, navigate to the cluster or cluster group whose secrets you want to see.
  2. On the detail page, click the Add-ons tab.
  3. Click Kubernetes secrets in the Secrets section of the Add-ons menu.
    The table shows the secrets that have been created for this cluster, along with their status and other information about the secret.
  4. To view the details for a secret, click the name of the secret.


The secret details page shows the current information and status of the secret.
Table 1. Secret Status
Status Meaning
Reconciling Secret has been created in Tanzu Mission Control and is reconciling with the cluster.
ReconcileFailed Secret has been created in Tanzu Mission Control and tried to reconcile with the cluster but failed. It will re-try until it succeeds.
ReconcileSucceeded Secret has been created in Tanzu Mission Control and reconciled with the cluster successfully.
Deleting Secret has been deleted by the user and Tanzu Mission Control is in the process of deleting.
Table 2. Export Status
Status Meaning
Reconciling User exported the secret to all namespaces and Tanzu Mission Control is in the process of executing the required operations via secretgen-controller.
ReconcileFailed User exported the secret to all namespaces but secretgen-controller has failed to reconcile the secret export.
ReconcileSucceeded The secret was successfully exported to specified namespaces.
Deleting User removed the export from all namespaces and Tanzu Mission Control is in the process of removing the export via secretgen-controller.
FeatureDisabled Feature is not available, typically because the cluster is running a version of Tanzu Kubernetes Grid that is not compatible with this feature.