Display policy issues for an object in the Tanzu Mission Control console.

Policy insights belong to two general types.
  • A violation issue indicates that an object in your organization has violated the constraits of a policy that governs it.
  • A sync issue indicates that Tanzu Mission Control is unable to apply the policy to an object.


Make sure you have the appropriate permissions to view policies.
  • To view the policies for an object, you must be associated with the .admin role on that object.

This feature is only available in the advanced version of Tanzu Mission Control.


  1. Click Policies in the left navigation pane of the Tanzu Mission Control console to show the subpages, and then click Insights.
    The table on the Policy insights page shows all of the issues that have occurred in your organization.
  2. Click a tab to see only the issues for a single policy type.
    For example, to see issues with security policies click the Security tab.
  3. You can also filter and sort the table using the column headers.
  4. To evaluate the issue, you can click the provided links to navigate to the policy and objects involved in a policy issue.