Install Helm charts in a Space

This topic tells you how to install Helm charts in a Space on Tanzu Platform for Kubernetes.

Helm applications on Spaces give you flexibility in deploying, promoting, and managing application workloads packaged as Helm charts. Helm applications enable you to use your existing build-tooling investments while benefiting from the features of Tanzu Platform for Kubernetes to streamline deployment and maximize efficiency.

Prepare your application environment for Helm

The following sections describe how to prepare your environment for the helm application.

Before you begin

Before you can create a Helm-enabled Space, ensure that you have the following:

  • Infrastructure in Tanzu Platform for Kubernetes, which includes:

    • A Project in your organization
    • A run cluster group in the Project
    • A cluster in the cluster group to run your packaged application
    • Availability Targets configured in the Project

    For information about how to create a cluster group, cluster, and Availability Targets, see Set up the infrastructure to create an application environment.

Install the Flux CD Source Capability

To install the Flux CD Source Capability:

  1. Go to Application Spaces > Capabilities.
  2. Click the FluxCD Source Controller Capability.
  3. Click install on the Details page.
  4. Click the clustergroup that has the cluster part of the Availability Target.

Install the Flux CD Helm Capability

To install the Flux CD Helm Capability:

  1. Go to Application Spaces > Capabilities.
  2. Click the FluxCD Helm Controller Capability.
  3. Click install on the Details page.
  4. Click the clustergroup that has the cluster part of the Availability Target.

Create a Space

To create a Space:

  1. Go to Application Spaces > Spaces.
  2. Click Create Space and then click Step by step.
  3. Fill in the necessary details, including the Space name and the Availability Target.
  4. Select the Profile. This Profile includes two Helm-related Capabilities and a single Trait that introduces the fluxcd-helmrelease-installer ServiceAccount with the following permissions. All the permissions are verbs for resources:

    • ConfigMap
    • Deployment
    • Pod
    • PodDisruptionBudget
    • ReplicaSet
    • Secret
    • ServiceAccount
    • Service
  5. Add the my-custom-networking Profile.

  6. Add as a required Trait to the my-custom-networking Profile.
  7. (Optional) Add the Profile. If you add the spring-dev Trait, is not needed.
  8. Finish the Space creation process.

Add an imagePullSecret to the pods

When deploying a collection of resources into a Space and specific Tanzu Capabilities are required, you might need to add an imagePullSecret to the pods. This imagePullSecret allows the pulling of images from private repositories provided by Tanzu Platform.

Typically, Tanzu Capabilities include their own imagePullSecret. However, for the Capability, a sidecar is injected into the pods of a Space. When deploying an application by running tanzu deploy, the necessary imagePullSecret and secret CR are created automatically. In contrast, when using Helm for deployment these must be added manually.

To add an imagePullSecret to the pods:

  1. Create a placeholder secret by using the following YAML:

    # deployment.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: reg-creds
      annotations: ""
      .dockerconfigjson: e30K

    For more information, see the Carvel documentation.

  2. Reference the secret in Helm for each deployment. For example, if using the Bitnami Helm template for nginx, set the following value:

    # values.yaml
      - name: reg-creds

Deploy Helm Chart

The following sections instruct how to deploy the podinfo Helm chart to a newly created Space.

Create Helm configuration

To create Helm configuration:

  1. Define the location of the Helm chart through the GitRepository, HelmRepository, and OCIRepository APIs that the Flux CD Source Controller package provides. Use the following YAML to reference the standard Helm repository location:

    # helmrepository.yaml
    kind: HelmRepository
      name: podinfo
      interval: 5m

    For more information about these APIs, see the Source Controller documentation.

  2. The HelmRelease API enables continuous server-side orchestration of Helm releases through Helm actions, such as install, upgrade, test, uninstall, and rollback. This API also enables correction of configuration drift from the wanted release state.

    Decide which Helm chart to install (fetched from the referenced repository) and provide configuration values. For example:

    # helmrelease.yaml
    kind: HelmRelease
      name: podinfo
      serviceAccountName: fluxcd-helmrelease-installer
      interval: 10m
      timeout: 5m
          chart: podinfo
          version: '6.5.4'
            kind: HelmRepository
            name: podinfo
          interval: 5m
      releaseName: podinfo
          retries: 3
          retries: 3
        - kind: Secret
          name: podinfo-values
  3. Use the following YAML to define your secret:

    # podinfo-values.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: podinfo-values
    type: Opaque
      values.yaml: |
        replicaCount: 3
  4. To expose the podinfo application, use HTTPRoute API as in this example:

    # route.yaml
    kind: HTTPRoute
      name: podinfo-main
      annotations: podinfo / "9898"
      - group:
        kind: Gateway
        name: default-gateway
        sectionName: http-podinfo
      - backendRefs:
        - group: ""
          kind: Service
          name: podinfo
          port: 9898
          weight: 1
        - path:
            type: PathPrefix
            value: /

Your directory structure now looks like this:

> tree
├── helmrelease.yaml
├── helmrepository.yaml
├── podinfo-values.yaml
└── route.yaml

Deploy Helm resources

To deploy Helm resources:

  1. In the context of your Space, run:

    tanzu space use
    tanzu deploy --only .
  2. To verify that the Helm chart was downloaded successfully, view the status of HelmRepository by running:

    kubectl get srs -l "resource-name=podinfo,kind=HelmRepository" -oyaml
                  digest: sha256:e09ebbeaf866d6c135bc52af01b736af10f604480fb10c89e4679e708cbd86dc
                  lastUpdateTime: "2024-05-14T01:04:11Z"
                  path: helmrepository/helm-565df78945-6h5kq/podinfo/index-604cc6699bc91ac6015f7324a41f43f079a5b96d559c51bcf812e9d9f1beda94.yaml
                  revision: sha256:604cc6699bc91ac6015f7324a41f43f079a5b96d559c51bcf812e9d9f1beda94
                  size: 66394
                  url: http://fluxcd-source-controller.flux-system.svc.cluster.local./helmrepository/helm-565df78945-6h5kq/podinfo/index-604cc6699bc91ac6015f7324a41f43f079a5b96d559c51bcf812e9d9f1beda94.yaml
                - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-14T01:04:11Z"
                  message: 'stored artifact: revision ''sha256:604cc6699bc91ac6015f7324a41f43f079a5b96d559c51bcf812e9d9f1beda94'''
                  observedGeneration: 1
                  reason: Succeeded # <---
                  status: "True"
                  type: Ready
                - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-14T01:04:11Z"
                  message: 'stored artifact: revision ''sha256:604cc6699bc91ac6015f7324a41f43f079a5b96d559c51bcf812e9d9f1beda94'''
                  observedGeneration: 1
                  reason: Succeeded
                  status: "True"
                  type: ArtifactInStorage
                observedGeneration: 1
                url: http://fluxcd-source-controller.flux-system.svc.cluster.local./helmrepository/helm-565df78945-6h5kq/podinfo/index.yaml
  3. To verify that the Helm chart was installed successfully, view the status of HelmRelease by running:

    kubectl get srs -l "resource-name=podinfo,kind=HelmRelease" -oyaml
                - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-14T01:08:48Z"
                  message: Release reconciliation succeeded
                  reason: ReconciliationSucceeded # <---
                  status: "True"
                  type: Ready
                - lastTransitionTime: "2024-05-14T01:08:48Z"
                  message: Helm upgrade succeeded
                  reason: UpgradeSucceeded
                  status: "True"
                  type: Released
                helmChart: helm-565df78945-6h5kq/helm-565df78945-6h5kq-podinfo
                lastAppliedRevision: 6.5.4
                lastAttemptedRevision: 6.5.4
                lastAttemptedValuesChecksum: e8ec8c464e25c6b24e812282564f2f6edb011ade
                lastReleaseRevision: 2
                observedGeneration: 2

(Optional) Use ContainerApp resources to track and manage Helm applications

The ContainerApp resource has built-in flexibility. Because of this flexibility ContainerApp can represent and configure arbitrary live applications, even ones that tanzu build did not build. For example, this can be the podinfo application within the installed Helm chart.

The relatedRefs specification field of the ContainerApp CR is used to configure your app to integrate with the ContainerApp-provided functions. Various related references exist that add support for different settings. The most important references are:

  • kubernetes.list-replicas, which enables the discovery of app instances (pods). This is required.
  • kubernetes.set-secret-env, which adds support for setting app environment variables with values stored in Secrets.
  • kubernetes.scale-replicas, which adds support for scaling a number of app instances.
  • kubernetes.scale-resources, which adds support for scaling CPU, memory, and perhaps additional resource types.
  • kubernetes.delete, which adds support for deleting related resources when an app is deleted.

To use ContainerApp to track and manage application details:

  1. Ensure that the Capability is available in your Space to work with container applications.

  2. Use the following example YAML to define a ContainerApp resource, which can:

    # containerapp.yaml
    kind: ContainerApp
      name: podinfo
      annotations: "kubernetes"
      description: Podinfo application from Helm
        slack: "#my-helm-apps"
      replicas: 1
        - for: kubernetes.list-replicas
          kind: Pod
        - for: kubernetes.scale-replicas
          kind: Secret
          name: podinfo-values
          keyPath: .data['values.yaml']->[yaml].replicaCount
        - for: kubernetes.delete
          kind: HelmRelease
          name: podinfo-inline
        - for: kubernetes.delete
          kind: Secret
          name: podinfo-values

    This YAML can:

    • Aggregate the status of pods created by the HelmRelease by using the kubernetes.list-replicas related reference and pod labelSelector specified.

    • Dynamically reconfigure the number of application pods by using the kubernetes.scale-replicas related reference pointing to the podinfo-values Secret and the keyPath within it, which manages the number of instances of the HelmRelease. Note the keyPath syntax, which is able to parse complex nested yaml values.

    • Ensure that the HelmRelease object and referenced values Secret are automatically deleted whenever the ContainerApp is deleted by using the kubernetes.delete related references pointing to the objects to be deleted.

  3. Unset the values pointed to by related references that enforce runtime operations.

    In this example when using the kubernetes.scale-replicas related reference mechanism to avoid configuration conflict, setting the podinfo-values Secret’s values.yaml key as well is considered invalid configuration.

    This is because configuring the kubernetes.scale-replicas related reference effectively transfers the ownership of the replicas value to the ContainerApp, so it should be the one setting this key.

    In this setup, the ContainerApps’s spec.replicas field is the source of truth for the number of application instances. The spec.replicas field should be used for providing default values or updating values. spec.replicas is updated when performing scaling operations by using the Tanzu Platform UI or the CLI.

    The same rules apply when using the rest of the related references that enforce dynamic configuration. The referenced keyPath within the configuration resource should be unset. If the keyPath is pointing to a nested key within a Secret value like in the earlier example, the root Secret key should be unset because the Secret values are base64-encoded and finer grained control is not possible. The ContainerApp runtime operations do not work as expected if these criteria are not fulfilled.

    In the context of the Space, edit podinfo-values to remove the values.yaml key by running:

    tanzu space use
    kubectl patch secret podinfo-values -p '{"data": {"values.yaml": null}}'
  4. Deploy ContainerApp in the Space by running:

    tanzu deploy --only containerapp.yaml
  5. To verify the deployment, see information about the application by running:

    tanzu app list

    For example:

    $ tanzu app list
    tanzu app instances podinfo
     podinfo-5cdff9fb64-h4wz7  Running  Up-to-date         1m
     podinfo-5cdff9fb64-qc9vs  Running  Up-to-date         1m
     podinfo-5cdff9fb64-rbcvz  Running  Up-to-date         1m
     Requested instances:                      3
     Space replicas (Availability Targets):    1
     -------------------------------------:    -
     Total requested instances:                3
  6. Scale the app from the Tanzu CLI by running:

    tanzu app scale podinfo --instances=10
  7. Delete the app and related resources from the Space from the Tanzu CLI by running:

    tanzu app delete podinfo
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