Creating and Managing Applications with VMware Tanzu Platform for Kubernetes

Deploying a production application should be easy. Tanzu Platform for Kubernetes simplifies application deployment by providing a set of building blocks. The building blocks enable platform engineers to codify their company’s standards into reusable pieces that abstract the complexity of deploying an application. With these building blocks set up, running an application is as simple as running tanzu deploy.

With Tanzu Platform for Kubernetes, if you can answer the following three questions, you can deploy your application in development and/or complex multi-cloud environments.

  1. What kind of application do you have?
  2. Where do you want your workload to run?
  3. What is your workload?

To empower application developers and operators to easily answer the three questions, Tanzu Platform for Kubernetes relies on two key abstractions.

  • Profiles

    Platform teams encode what it means to run a given type of application, such as Spring, into a reusable definition that includes the requirements of a Spring application at their company. This reusable definition, called a Profile, can be specified to ensure the environment provides the appropriate dependencies for a particular type of application, like a Spring application.

  • Availability Targets

    Platform teams can group clusters into logical regions or areas called Availability Targets that represent where the application should run, such as a primary or secondary data center, or development, staging, and production; an application can run in one or many of these Availability Targets at a time. Deploying an application is as easy as knowing I need this app to run in development or I need this app to run in primary and secondary.

Creating a runtime environment that meets all of an application’s needs is as simple as specifying the Availability Targets and Profiles in a Space. After you’ve done that, the last step is to deploy your application using tanzu deploy and it will run across the specified Availability Targets.

Try it for yourself by following the Getting Started Guide.

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