Download and Import the Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA Image

Use the following information to download and import the Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA file.

Follow these steps:


You must have a virtual machine environment installed on your system to import the Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA image. Some VMware options are:

You can also run the Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA image from non-VMware Virtual Machine environments.

Download the Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA Image

Download the VMware™ RabbitMQ® OVA image file by selecting it and downloading it to your local system:

  1. Login into the Broadcom Support Portal.
  2. From the drop-down list beside your username, select Tanzu.
  3. Select My Downloads from the navigation on the left.
  4. Search for RabbitMQ.
  5. Select VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ and click this > arrow to display all releases.
  6. Select the specific release that you want, for example: 3.13.3.
  7. Read the terms and conditions and select I agree to Terms and Conditions.
  8. Click the HTTPS download icon next to the OVA variant that you want, either FIPS or non-FIPS. For example, the 3.13.3 release FIPS file ends with ..-fips-3.13.3.ova or non-FIPS ends with ..-3.13.3.ova.

Import the Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA Image

Import the Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA Image Using VMware's ESXi/vSphere

You must have VMware's ESXi/vSphere installed on your system. For more information, go to VMware vSphere Documentation and specifically VMware ESXi Installation and Setup and vCenter Server Installation and Setup.


  • vSphere 7.0 is the recommended minimum version to use.

The main steps are:

  1. Select "Deploy OVF Template" in vSphere.
  2. Upload the OVA image (OVF template).
  3. Accept the End User License Agreement.
  4. Select the Storage (Define where and how to store the files, select a virtual machine storage policy.)
  5. Leave the Network information empty. The current OVA version cannot synchronize the IP address and other configuration information populated in the wizard to the virtual machine, the virtual machine will retrieve the IP address dynamically when it starts, This is a known issue, which will be fixed in a subsequent Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA version. For now, after the virtual machine is created and started, you must log into virtual machine via the terminal tool and manually modify the virtual machine's network configuration information. For instructions to do this, go to Networking Information populated in the Configuration Wizard while Importing the OVA does not work on the Virtual Machine in the Troubleshooting information.
  6. After the virtual machine is created, modify the virtual machine's hardware configuration if required. The default configuration is 1Core/1G MEM/10G DISK.

The main steps are outlined above, for detailed instructions on deploying an OVF template using vSphere, go to Deploy an OVF or OVA Template.

Import the Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA Image Using VMware Workstation Player for Windows

You must have VMware Workstation Player for Windows installed on your system.


The following steps are based on using the VMware WorkStation 16 Pro platform in a Windows 10 environment.

The main steps are:

  1. Select Open from the File menu, then select the Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA image, for example: tanzu-rabbitmq-standalone-3.13.3.ova (this is the Tanzu RabbitMQ version 3.13.3 OVA image), click Open.
  2. Fill in the virtual machine name and storage path.
  3. Leave VM Properties and Networking Properties empty. The current OVA version cannot synchronize the IP address and other configuration information populated in the wizard to the virtual machine, the virtual machine will retrieve the IP address dynamically when it starts, This is a known issue, which will be fixed in a subsequent Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA version. For now, after the virtual machine is created and started, you must log into virtual machine via the terminal terminal tool and manually modify the virtual machine's network configuration information. For instructions to do this, go to Networking Information populated in the Configuration Wizard while Importing the OVA does not work on the Virtual Machine in the Troubleshooting information..
  4. Click Import to create the virtual machine.
  5. After the virtual machine is created, modify the virtual machine's hardware configuration if required.

Log into the Tanzu RabbitMQ Virtual Machine and Verify the RabbitMQ Service Starts Successfully


The Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA does not write error logs to a dedicated RabbitMQ log file by default so to check logging information, run sudo journalctl -u bitnami.vmware-rabbitmq.

Next, log in to the Tanzu RabbitMQ virtual machine and check the RabbitMQ service is started successfully, complete the following steps:

  1. Log into the virtual machine using the default username and password: bitnami/bitnami.
  2. Check the status of the RabbitMQ service:
    sudo systemctl status bitnami.vmware-rabbitmq
  3. If the RabbitMQ service is not started, start it manually:
    sudo systemctl start bitnami.vmware-rabbitmq

If the RabbitMQ service is started and you cannot access the port (usually happens when using a non-default ports or modifying a default port), go to RabbitMQ Service is Started but some Ports cannot be Accessed in the Troubleshooting information for the steps to resolve.

Setup and Configure Warm Standby Replication

Follow these instructions to setup and configure Warm Standby Replication.

Other Useful Documentation References

RabbitMQ Packaged By Bitnami For Virtual Machines, note, this documentation is for Open Source RabbitMQ which is packaged by Bitnami as an OVA but there are useful references for getting started and configuration.

Further guidance when using Tanzu RabbitMQ

Go to:

  • How to Manage RabbitMQ, which provides documentation for configuring and managing the RabbitMQ broker.
  • How to Monitor RabbitMQ, which includes information which will guide you on how to setup monitoring for RabbitMQ and the applications that use it.
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