Tanzu Service Mesh supports Kubernetes clusters. In Kubernetes, cluster is a collection of physical or virtual machines, called nodes, for running containerized applications. Tanzu Service Mesh provides reliable control and security for resources across multiple clusters.

Tanzu Service Mesh shows information about the infrastructure (clusters and nodes) on which the services in your mesh are running. For each cluster that you have onboarded (deployed) on Tanzu Service Mesh, the product provides all relevant information for you to efficiently observe and manage its resources.

You can see a summary table view of all clusters in your infrastructure and drill down into a specific cluster to view its details, including the following information:

  • A summary of the cluster (number of nodes, total cores, total memory, disk capacity, cluster management platform (for example, Kubernetes), number of services, and number of service instances running on the cluster's nodes)

  • A service topology graph showing the connected services on the cluster

  • Charts showing key performance metrics for the services (such as requests per second, latency metrics, and error rate)

  • Information about the services running on the cluster (including service version, service type, and number of instances of each service)

  • Information about all service instances running on the cluster's nodes

  • Details of the platform services (for example, Kubernetes)

  • A summary view of the cluster nodes, including the percentage of central processing unit (CPU), memory, and disk space consumed by each node

For information about the concept of node, see Nodes.