You can remove an onboarded cluster from Tanzu Service Mesh if you no longer need Tanzu Service Mesh to manage the services on the cluster.

You cannot remove a cluster managed by Tanzu Mission Control from Tanzu Service Mesh. You can remove a Tanzu Mission Control cluster from Tanzu Mission Control. For more information, see the VMware Tanzu Mission Control product documentation.


Access the Tanzu Service Mesh Console.


  1. In the navigation panel on the left, click Home.
  2. On the Home page, click the Cluster Overview tab.
  3. In the upper-right corner of the card for the cluster, click the three vertical dots and then click Remove Cluster.

  4. To remove the Tanzu Service Mesh components from the cluster, in the Removecluster name dialog box, click Remove.

    Deleting a cluster could affect global namespaces, proxy connections, and other dependencies.

    A task panel in the lower-right corner shows the progress of uninstalling the Tanzu Service Mesh components from the cluster. When the components are removed, the panel shows the message Cluster cluster name - cluster removed.

    The Removecluster name dialog box appears again.

  5. To delete the registration YAML applied to the cluster during onboarding, at the right end of the Removecluster name dialog box, click .

    You need to perform this step to clean up the resources used by Tanzu Service Mesh on the cluster.

  6. Click Done.


The information about the cluster is removed from the Tanzu Service Mesh Console.