The Getting Started with VMware Tanzu Service Mesh documentation provides information about setting up and using VMware Tanzu® Service Mesh™.

To help you get started with Tanzu Service Mesh, this documentation walks you through performing essential operations, such as signing up for Tanzu Service Mesh and onboarding clusters, and using primary features, such as creating a global namespace.

Intended Audience

This information is intended for the following audiences:

  • DevOps engineers, site reliability engineers (SREs), and platform operators who want to use Tanzu Service Mesh to deploy and manage cloud-native microservices applications across clusters, clouds, and platforms.

  • Application developers and service owners who want to use Tanzu Service Mesh for application development.

  • Security engineers and SecOps engineers who want to use Tanzu Service Mesh to configure user- and data-centric security policies for their microservices applications and benefit from security analytics and compliance capabilities of the product.

The information is written for audiences ho have a basic understanding of Kubernetes and are familiar with container deployment concepts and service mesh concepts.