You can view and score APIs that are in the development stage of the API life cycle. Tanzu Service Mesh extracts the API specification of these APIs from a GitHub repository, based on a configuration, then automatically scans such configured APIs to validate them for problems, and provides API scores.

API development teams can combine a design-first approach to API development with a GitOps workflow. Under this approach, a team stores an API specification in a Git repository for version control and develops and collaborates on the specification, treating the version in Git as a single source of truth.

In Tanzu Service Mesh, such APIs are called configured APIs because they are created based on a configuration that points to the GitHub repository where the API specification is stored. API developers can view and manage information about their configured APIs in Tanzu Service Mesh.

To create a configured API, Tanzu Service Mesh uses a user-entered configuration to connect to a selected GitHub repository and extract the API specification and other API documents in the repository. After creating an API based on the API specification, Tanzu Service Meshautomatically scans the API specification to validate it for API documentation quality, compliance with OpenAPI standards, and security and checks it for breaking changes. After the scans run to completion, Tanzu Service Mesh calculates and displays API documentation health, OpenAPI health, security, and governance scores.

You can view the following information about a configured API and perform the following actions on a configured API in Tanzu Service Mesh:

High-Level Steps for Creating a Configured API

  1. Create a GitHub integration account to point to the GitHub repository where the API specification and other API documents are stored.

  2. Configure the API in Tanzu Service Mesh.