You can use the Tanzu Service Mesh CLI to apply changes to the configuration in your Tanzu Service Mesh tenant by using declarative manifest files.

The Tanzu Service Mesh CLI sends manifest files to Tanzu Service Mesh SaaS, and Tanzu Service Mesh SaaS then applies the configurations from the manifest files to your tenant based on the cluster and namespace selection criteria in the manifests.

The Tanzu Service Mesh CLI is integrated into the VMware Tanzu command-line interface (Tanzu CLI) as a plugin. With the Tanzu CLI, you can perform different tasks for different Tanzu products, including Tanzu Service Mesh. To use the Tanzu Service Mesh CLI, you must install the Tanzu CLI and then download and install the Tanzu CLI plugin for Tanzu Service Mesh. For more information about the Tanzu CLI, see the VMware Tanzu CLI Documentation. For instructions on installing the Tanzu CLI plugin for Tanzu Service Mesh, see Install the CLI.

Using Tanzu Service Mesh CLI, you can do the following things:

  • Create new objects (for example, new global namespaces) and policies (for example, access control policies) in Tanzu Service Mesh.

  • Update the configurations of existing objects and policies in Tanzu Service Mesh.

  • Remove objects and policies from Tanzu Service Mesh.

  • Query existing objects in Tanzu Service Mesh SaaS for their configuration.

  • Get the specification of an API as a reference for a manifest.

You can run the CLI manually. You can also configure a CI/CD pipeline to run the CLI automatically. Whenever changes made to the declarative manifest flies are merged in the Git repository, a pipeline can trigger the CLI to apply the configuration changes to Tanzu Service Mesh.

For overview information about how the Tanzu Service Mesh CLI fits in an organization's GitOps workflow, see Integrating Tanzu Service Mesh into a GitOPs workflow.

For information about how to apply a configuration from a manifest file to your tenant, install the CLI, and how to perform other tasks with the CLI, see Common CLI Tasks.


Before you start using the CLI, verify that the following prerequisites are met: