Option 1: A virtual VMware Edge Cloud Orchestrator host can be created for development, testing, and learning purposes (using the same installation media used for physical machine installs). You can create the host using VMware Fusion.


Currently only Intel x86_64 VMware Fusion hypervisors are supported. VMware Fusion on MacOS Apple Silicon is not supported.


  1. Start VMware Workstation or VMware Fusion.
  2. Create a new virtual machine by clicking File > New > Create a custom virtual machine.
  3. Click VMware ESX > VMware ESXi 7 and later as operating system.
  4. Select UEFI as firmware type (UEFI Secure Boot must be unchecked).
  5. Click Create a new virtual disk.
  6. Click Customize Settings and select the appropriate folder to save the virtual machine files. In this example, we name it as ecVM (this name is referenced further in this document).
  7. Modify the VMware Edge Cloud Orchestrator VM settings by clicking Virtual Machine > Settings.
  8. For processors and memory, make the following changes:
    1. Select 4 processor cores.
    2. Specify 16384 MB memory.
    3. Under Advanced Options, ensure that the Enable hypervisor applications in this virtual machine checkbox is enabled.
  9. Click Show All.
  10. For Network Adapter settings, select Share with my Mac. (In this mode, Fusion provides DHCP service to VMs connected to this network).
  11. Click Show All.
  12. For hard disk settings:
    1. Specify 45 GB as the disk size.
    2. Expand Advanced Options and select NVME as Bus type if your Fusion VM folder resides on an NVME SSD (this choice shows noticeable speed-up for VMware Edge Cloud Orchestrator deployment).
    3. Click Apply.
  13. Click Show All.
  14. For CD/DVD settings:
    1. Ensure that Connect CD/DVD Drive is selected.
    2. From the Choose a disc or disc image drop-down menu, select the ISO media file obtained for the VMware Edge Cloud Orchestrator image.
  15. Mount the downloaded VMware Edge Cloud Orchestrator ISO media file.
  16. Power-on the virtual machine.


The VMware Edge Cloud Orchestrator host is deployed.