Upgrade procedure for dell firmware.

The task provide details on how to upgrade the dell firmware. You can add these details in the host profile, for details, see Add a Host Profile.


  • Ensure that you have obtained the details of the firmware. To obtain the current firmware version, see Obtain the Current Firmware Version.
  • Ensure that you have uploaded the firmware file to a web server.
  • Ensure that HostConfig operator can access IPMI network.


  1. Add the firmware name in the Name field.
  2. Add the identity of the firmware, that the vendor provides, in the Software field. SoftwareID represents the firmware identity. You can obtain the softwareID from the componentID in the package.xml file bundled within the firmware package that you downloaded. To obtain the softwareID, use the following steps:
    1. Download firmware upgrade file from Dell website. The upgrade packge is compressed using zip format and the upgrade file uses .exe extension.
    2. Extract the upgrade zip package and obtain the package.xml file.
    3. Search for componentID in package.xml. Get the componentID that matches your device. For example, for ethernet 25G 2P XXV710 adapter, the componentID is 105834.
      <Device componentID="105834" embedded="1">
      <PCIInfo deviceID="158B" subDeviceID="0009" subVendorID="8086" vendorID="8086"/>
      <Display lang="en"><![CDATA[Intel(R) Ethernet 25G 2P XXV710 Adapter]]></Display>
      <RollbackInformation alternateRollbackIdentifier="102300" fmpWrapperIdentifier="46127B9A-4C44-47D6-848E-4C35AA15AA55" impactsTPMmeasurements="true" rollbackIdentifier="02330797-557b-423b-8a7e-cf2799ba4efc" rollbackTimeout="1500" rollbackVolume="MAS022"/>
      <Image filename="FmpUpdateWrapper.efi" id="5ee4b1a2-8754-42c5-9f14-168af959001b" skip="false" type="FRMW" version="20.0.17"/>
  3. Add the version of the firmware to which you want to upgrade the current firmware in the Version field.
  4. Add the location of the firmware upgrade file in the Location field. You can download the firmware upgrade package from Dell website. Upload the firmware upgrade package to a web server.
  5. Add the value of checksum of the firmware upgrade file in the Checksum field. You can obtain the checksum value from the Dell website using which you downloaded the firmware upgrade package. The below example shows all the details for firmware upgrade.
    softwareId: "105834" # the softwareId for XXV710
    name: "XXV710"
    version: "20.0.17"
    location: ""
    checksum: "a294442e2268a6ea56c4f9d7eba4b5ec74fe639bf413bddb5003678faac5db57"