You can use Velero to back up and restore a workload cluster’s current workloads and persistent volumes state and store the backup file on the object storage. It is recommended for dedicating a unique storage bucket on the object storage server to each cluster.

After you install the Velero add-on on a workload cluster, you can run the Velero commands on the web terminal connected with the cluster using the Embedded SSH Client.

Alternatively, you can run the Velero commands on the standalone Velero client. See Install Standalone Velero Client.


Install and Configure Velero Add-On for the Workload Clusters


  1. Log in to the VMware Telco Cloud Automation web interface.
  2. Navigate to Infrastructure > Virtual Infrastructure.
  3. Open the web terminal by clicking Options (three dots) corresponding to the workload cluster you want to backup and then selecting Open Terminal.
  4. On the Web terminal, check the service health of Velero by running the following command:
    # kubectl get pod -n velero  // check pod status
    # kubectl get bsl -n velero  // check velero BackupStorageLocation CR

    Alternatively, you can check the service health of Velero by performing the following:

    1. Go to Infrastructure > Caas Infrastructure > Cluster Instances.
    2. Select the required workload cluster name.
    3. Click on the Add-Ons tab.
    4. Select the Velero add-on deployed.
  5. Set an environmental variable to exclude the cluster resources from backing up.
    # export TCA_VELERO_EXCLUDE_NAMESPACES="velero,tkg-system,tca-system,tanzu-system,kube-system,tanzu-system-monitoring,tanzu-system-logging,cert-manager,avi-system"
  6. Back up the workload cluster.
    # velero backup create <example-backup> --exclude-namespaces=$TCA_VELERO_EXCLUDE_NAMESPACES --exclude-resources=$TCA_VELERO_EXCLUDE_RESOURCES
  7. Check backup status and uploads CR and wait until the processes are"Completed".
    # velero backup get // check the backup status
    # kubectl get uploads -n velero // get the upload-name 
    # kubectl get uploads <upload-name> -o yaml // check the uploads status in yaml output

What to do next

Restore the Workload Cluster and Remediate the Network Functions.