
VMware Telco Cloud Automation | 09 Jan 2024 | Build - VM-based: 23061069

What's New

VMware Telco Cloud Automation (TCA) version delivers critical fixes for version 2.3 and For more information, please refer to Resolved Issues.

This release refreshes the Login page with an updated image and Copyright information.

Upgrades and Disclaimers

  • Upgrading to TCA from TCA

    Airgap server should be upgraded from TCA 2.3 or to the relevant version. Detailed Airgap upgrade steps can be found in Upgrading airgap server from to

    Upgrade to TCA appliances is like any other TCA Upgrade. Please follow the steps mentioned in Upgrading VMware Telco Cloud Automation.

    After upgrading the TCA Appliances, the Addons or TBR in Management and Workload Clusters should also be upgraded.

Upgrading Airgap Server from to

The operator builds have undergone changes from to in TCA builds. Therefore, the airgap server requires an upgrade to TCA BOM. The following procedures outline the steps for this upgrade.

  • Procedure 1: Incremental Package Upgrade (For airgap server without internet connectivity)

    In this approach, an incremental upgrade package is created in an internet accessible environment and later this bundle is ported and imported to the airgap server in prod environment.

    Following are the steps for the upgrade:

    For more details, refer to Upload Incremental Upgrade Images Bundle to Airgap Server.

    1. Deploy a photon OS 3.0 VM in an internet-enabled environment. The photon template can be found here: Photon 3.0.

    2. Configure networking connectivity on the VM.

    3. Update the tdnf repository.

    tdnf update -y

    4. Install tar and ansible packages from the tdnf repository.

    tdnf install tar -y
    tdnf install ansible -y

    5. Download the TCA airgap bom tar file from Customer Connect and extract it.

    tar -xvf VMware-Telco-Cloud-Automation-airgap-files-<build_number>.tar.gz

    6. Copy the setup-user-inputs.yml to user-inputs.yml and update fqdn and photon base line to 2.3 in the file.

    cd /root/airgap/scripts/vars
    cp setup-user-inputs.yml user-inputs.yml
    vi user-inputs.yml
    - name: "photon"
      baseline: "2.3.0"
    server_fqdn: <server_fqdn>

    7. Run the export operation.

    cd /root/airgap/scripts/bin/
    ./ export

    The export bundle created will be approximately 70 GB in size. On the destination airgap server, make sure that the available storage is at least double the size of the export bundle size on /photon-reps mount.

    In case of insufficient space on the disks, update the disk size on the VM by logging into vCenter and run the disk resize operation.

    ./ resize

    For more details on resizing disk, refer to Resize disks on airgap server.

    Once the export bundle is created on the VM, copy this to the airgap server in the production environment and paste it under the location /photon-reps/ directory. Run the following steps on the destination airgap server:

    1. Copy setup-user-inputs.yml or deploy-user-inputs.yml to user-inputs.yml.

    cd /root/airgap/scripts/vars
    cp setup-user-inputs.yml user-inputs.yml OR cp deploy-user-inputs.yml user-inputs.yml

    2. Update the fqdn in user-inputs.yml.

    vi user-inputs.yml
    #Update the server_fqdn

    3. Run the import operation.

    cd /root/airgap/scripts/bin
    ./ import
  • Procedure 2: In-place Upgrade (For airgap server with internet connectivity)

    Prerequisite: Make sure that the airgap server has internet connectivity (either by making network config changes or via proxy server). In this process, the required artifacts are directly pulled from the internet and stored on the airgap server.

    Following are the steps for the upgrade:

    1. Create a new directory.

    mkdir <folder_name>

    2. Download airgap bom file form the Customer Connect Portal.

    cd <folder_name>
    curl -O <airgap_bom_file_link>

    3. Extract the tar file.

    tar -xvf VMware-Telco-Cloud-Automation-airgap-files-<build_number>.tar.gz

    4. Update user-inputs.yaml.

    cd /root/<folder_name>/airgap/scripts/vars/
    cp setup-user-inputs.yml user-inputs.yml
    vi user-inputs.yml
    # update the fqdn, root directory and certs in user-inputs.yml
    server_fqdn: <server_fqdn>
    root: /root/<folder_name>/airgap/

    5. Run sync operation.

    cd /root/<folder_name>/airgap/scripts/bin
    ./ sync

Important Notes

  • Direct upgrades from TCA 2.2.x to TCA version are supported.

  • Direct upgrades from TCA 2.3 GA to TCA version are supported.

  • Direct upgrades from TCA 2.30.1 to TCA version are supported.

  • Customers can use the TCA OVA from TCA for any greenfield deployments for TCP 3.0.

Resolved Issues

Cluster Automation

  • Issue 3287458: Unable to view newly created Storage Policies for vSphere-CSI while creating new Clusters.

  • Issue 3281149: Failed to add Storage Policy while adding vSphere-CSI addon.

  • Issue 3188253: Adding new Node Pools or Deleting Clusters takes a long time.

  • Issue 3255240: SystemSettings Addon fails to install on a Cluster that has been cloned.

  • Issue 3233643: Scaling Out a node pool causes a change in the ordering of additional Networks.

    Scaling out Node Pools that have additional networks configured partly during Cluster creation and partly during Customization causes a re-ordering of the Networks within the new Worker nodes.


  • Issue 3256799: VNF instantiation fails in VMware Cloud Director environments which have both NSX-V and NSX-T.

  • Issue 3151932, 3108170, 3155242, 3155248, 3155239: TCA-CP and VMware Cloud Director Cell performance impacted in large Cloud Director environments.

    Frequent polling of data from within TCA-CP causes a high CPU load on TCA-CP and VMware Cloud Director cell.

CaaS Policy

  • Issue 3237252: Creation of CaaS Policy fails when using a filter with a 'matches' clause.


  • Issue 3231545: Deletion of a CaaS VIM from TCA does not clean up its related Alarms from TCA.

Kubectl and SSH

  • Issue 3237873: CNF terminal kubeconfig file has no namespace.

  • Issue 3271443: Open Terminal does not function correctly and displays the error: "Unable to load token for NF".

  • Issue 3282193: Open Terminal does not work for CNFs that are Terminated and Re-instantiated.

  • Issue 3263189: Open Terminal does not work correctly for Clusters with Restricted Pod Security settings.

Airgap Server

  • Issue 3275369: After creating an Airgap Server containing images from TCA 2.2 to TCA 2.3, disks are not mounted on the Airgap VM after reboot.

Node Customization

  • Issue 3229585: ENS Node Customization fails when DVS is backed by multiple clusters and one of those clusters does not have ENS enabled.


  • Issue 3290637: Enabling or Disabling the Manual Execution of Workflows does not work as expected.

  • Issue 3290703: Unable to run Workflows for Network Functions after upgrading from TCA 2.2 to TCA 2.3.


  • Issue 3294445: CNF task listing is extremely slow when CNF has very large values files and multiple LCM operations.

Infrastructure Automation

  • Issue 3307775: Unable to provision sites because one of the ESXi hosts is disconnected from the vCenter.

  • Issue 3281170: Infrastructure automation UI fails to load frequently, throwing an error: "request failed try later".

  • Issue 3020979: Cell site host validation fails due to file descriptor leak.

Known Issues

Known issues from TCA 2.3 and will carry forward in unless specifically listed as resolved in the Resolved Issues section.


  • Issue 3302190: TCA doesn't not send which overlay zone to select while creating the On demand VNF NSXT segment.


    Option 1. Before VNF instantiation, manually change the Default Transport zone on NSXT UI -> Fabric -> Transport zones --> Default Overlay Zone

    Option 2. Create the NSXT segment manually with the right transport zone and use as External network for VDU

Cluster Automation

  • Issue 3064356: After TCA appliances are upgraded to, UI does not show any option to Update Addons.

    There is no Update Addons warning / option for Management Cluster on TCA UI after upgrading TCA to


    Restart app-engine or Application Service on TCA-CP.

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