A minimum number of hosts are required for each site to start the automated deployment for each site.
You can add a host to any site or site cluster. A minimum number of hosts are required for each site type to function. You can define the minimum number of hosts for each site when adding the site.
Note: If a cell site domain has multiple Distributed Virtual Switches in it, then the switch to which the management network is associated should also be mapped to use the vmnic that has the vmk0 VMKernel network interface attached.
A site type for which you want to add a host is already added in Domains.
When adding a host to the cell site group, ensure that you have at least either the parent site or the cell site group provisioned. You cannot add a host to a cell site group that has an unprovisioned parent site.
Parent Site Status
Cell Site Group Status
Host Addition
Not Provisioned
Not Provisioned
Not Provisioned
Not Allowed
Ensure that the certificate is generated with the server hostname as SAN by performing the following:
- Log in to the ESXi host using an SSH client, Putty, or any other SSH client.
- Regenerate the self-signed certificate by running the following command:
- Restart the hostd and vpxa services by running the following command:
/etc/init.d/hostd restart && /etc/init.d/vpxa restart