This section lists the default workflows available in Workflow Hub for Infrastructure Automation.

Parent Workflows

Add Hosts to a Cell Site Group

Table 1. Description
Name Id
Add Hosts to a Cell Site Group add-hosts-csg
Table 2. Payload Details
Parameters Description Comments
tca TCA-M IP Required
username TCA-M username Required
password TCA-M password Required
hosts List of hosts to be added Required
name Name of the host to be added Required
parent Parent CSG domain name of the host to be added Required
username host username Required
password host password Required
preDeployed this will decide if hosts needs to be pre-validated based on true or false option Optional
model model of CSG and HCP template Required
vimId vimId of the model to be added for CSG and HCP creation Required
datastorePrefix datastore prefix value to rename datastore required
ipmiFqdn FQDN of the IPMI to be added OptionalHowever, ipmiFqdn, ipmiUsername and ipmiPassword are all required to add IPMI configuration
ipmiUsername username of the IPMI to be added OptionalHowever, ipmiFqdn, ipmiUsername and ipmiPassword are all required to add IPMI configuration
ipmiPassword password of the IPMI to be added OptionalHowever, ipmiFqdn, ipmiUsername and ipmiPassword are all required to add IPMI configuration
locusId Site identifier of the customer in TCSA context Optional
market Market name of the customer in TCSA context Optional
model Vendor model name in TCSA context Optional
region Region of the customer in TCSA context Optional
vendor Vendor name in TCSA context Optional
url TCSA Kafka URL with port number in TCSA context Optional
Table 3. Add Hosts to a Cell Site Group : Sample Payload
Add Host
    "password": "<password of TCA manager>",
    "username": "<username of TCA manager>",
    "tca": "<ip address of TCA manager>",
    "hosts": [
            "name": "<name of the host to be added>",
            "parent": "<name of parent CSG domain>",
            "username": "<host username>",
            "password": "<host password>",
            "model": "<model of CSG and HCP template>",
            "ipmiFqdn": "<FQDN of the IPMI to be added>",
            "ipmiUsername": "<username of the IPMI to be added>",
            "ipmiPassword": "<password of the IPMI to be added>",
            "vimId": "<vimId of the model to be added for CSG and HCP creation>",
            "datastorePrefix": "<datastore prefix value to rename datastore>"
            "name": "<name of the host to be added>",
            "parent": "<name of parent CSG domain>",
            "username": "<host username>",
            "password": "<host password>",
            "model": "<model of CSG and HCP template>",
            "ipmiFqdn": "<FQDN of the IPMI to be added>",
            "ipmiUsername": "<username of the IPMI to be added>",
            "ipmiPassword": "<password of the IPMI to be added>",
            "vimId": "<vimId of the model to be added for CSG and HCP creation>",
            "datastorePrefix": "<datastore prefix value to rename datastore>"
    "locusId": "<site identifier of the customer - optional>",
    "market": "<market value of the customer - optional>",
    "model": "<vendor model name - optional>",
    "region": "<region of the customer - optional>",
    "vendor": "<vendor name - optional>",
    "url": "<TCSA Kafka URL with port number - optional>"

Delete Hosts from a Cell Site Group

Table 4. Description
Name Id
Delete Hosts from a Cell Site Group delete-hosts-csg
Table 5. Payload Details
Parameters Description Comments
tca TCA-M IP
username TCA-M username
password TCA-M password
hosts List of hosts to be deleted
name Name of the host to be deleted
parent Parent CSG domain name of the host to be deleted
wipeDisks option to select of the disks need to be cleared/wiped during host deletion
forceDelete option to delete the host forcefully
Table 6. Delete Hosts from a Cell Site Group : Sample Payload
Delete Host
   "password":"<password of TCA manager>",
   "username":"<username of TCA manager>",
   "tca":"<ip address of TCA manager>",
         "name":"<name of the host to be deleted>",
         "parent":"<name of parent CSG domain>",
         "name":"<name of the host to be deleted>",
         "parent":"<name of parent CSG domain>",
         "name":"<name of the host to be deleted>",
         "parent":"<name of parent CSG domain>",

Create CSG and HCP infrastructure

Table 7. Description
Name Id
Create CSG and HCP infrastructure create-csg-hcp-infrastructure
Table 8. Payload Details
Parameters Description Comments
tca TCA-M IP Required
username TCA-M username Required
password TCA-M password Required
hosts List of hosts to be added
name Name of the host to be added
address FQDN of the host to be added
parent Parent CSG domain name of the host to be added
username host username
password host password
preDeployed this will decide if hosts needs to be pre-validated based on true or false option
model model of CSG and HCP template
vimId vimId of the model to be added for CSG and HCP creation
datastorePrefix datastore prefix value to rename datastore
ipmiFqdn FQDN of the IPMI to be added
ipmiPassword password of the IPMI to be added
ipmiUsername usename of the IPMI to be added
hcp_template HCP template details to create HCPs
csg_template CSG template details to create CSGs
locusId Site identifier of the customer in TCSA context Optional
market Market name of the customer in TCSA context Optional
model Vendor model name in TCSA context Optional
region Region of the customer in TCSA context Optional
vendor Vendor name in TCSA context Optional
url TCSA Kafka URL with port number in TCSA context Optional
Table 9. Create CSG and HCP infrastructure : Sample Payload
Create CSG and HCP infrastructure
    "password": "<password of TCA manager>",
    "username": "<username of TCA manager>",
    "tca": "<ip address of TCA manager>",
    "csg_template": {
        "<csg models i.e sm or xr>": {
            "<vim id>": {
                "csiCategories": "<csiCategories details to be referred during csg creation>",
                "csiTags": "<csiTags for csg creation>",
                "enabled": "<csg enabled flag to be referred during csg creation>",
                "hostSetting": "<name of the hcp to be craeted for csg  >",
                "name": "<name of the csg to be craeted  >",
                "networks": [
                    "<networks details to be added for csg creation>"
                "parent": "<parent name for csg creation>",
                "preDeployed": {
                    "preDeployed": "< csg preDeployed flag to be referred during csg creation >"
                "switches": [
                    "<switches details to be added for csg creation>"
                "type": "CELL_SITE_GROUP"
    "hcp_template": {
        "<hcp models i.e sm or xr>": {
            "biosSetting": "<biosSetting details to be referred during hcp creation>",
            "name": "<name of the hcp to be craeted  >",
            "pciDevices": [
                "<pciDevices details to be referred during hcp creation>"
            "reservation": "<reservation of code , memoery details to be referred during hcp creation>"
    "hosts": [
            "address": "<FQDN of the host to be added>",
            "name": "<name of the host to be added>",
            "parent": "<name of parent CSG domain>",
            "username": "<host username>",
            "password": "<host password>",
            "model": "<model of CSG and HCP template>",
            "ipmiFqdn": "<FQDN of the IPMI  to be added>",
            "ipmiUsername": "<username of the IPMI  to be added>",
            "ipmiPassword": "<password of the IPMI  to be added>",
            "vimId": "<vimId of the model to be added for CSG and HCP creation>",
            "datastorePrefix": "<datastore prefix value to rename datastore>"
            "address": "<FQDN of the host to be added>",
            "name": "<name of the host to be added>",
            "parent": "<name of parent CSG domain>",
            "username": "<host username>",
            "password": "<host password>",
            "model": "<model of csg and HCP template>",
            "ipmiFqdn": "<FQDN of the IPMI  to be added>",
            "ipmiUsername": "<username of the IPMI  to be added>",
            "ipmiPassword": "<password of the IPMI  to be added>",
            "vimId": "<vimId of the model to be added for CSG and HCP creation>",
            "datastorePrefix": "<datastore prefix value to rename datastore>"
    "locusId": "<site identifier of the customer - optional>",
    "market": "<market name of the customer - optional>",
    "model": "<vendor model name - optional>",
    "region": "<region of the customer - optional>",
    "vendor": "<vendor name - optional>",
    "url": "<TCSA Kafka URL with port number - optional>"

Configure Global Settings

Table 10. Description
Name Id
Configure Global Settings configure-global-settings
Table 11. Payload Details
Parameters Description Comments
tca TCA-M IP required
username TCA-M username required
password TCA-M password required
global_settings Global settings details to configured required
ntp NTP Server details. Required servers (required field)
tcaSsoCredentials TCA SSO credentials. Required. Username/password (required fields)
csiTagging CSI Tagging data optional
locusId Site identifier of the customer in TCSA context Optional
market Market name of the customer in TCSA context Optional
model Vendor model name in TCSA context Optional
region Region of the customer in TCSA context Optional
vendor Vendor name in TCSA context Optional
url TCSA Kafka URL with port number in TCSA context Optional
Table 12. Configure Global Settings : Sample Payload
Configure Global Settings

    "password": "<password of TCA manager>",
    "username": "<username of TCA manager>",
    "tca": "<ip address of TCA manager>",
    "global_settings": {
         "ntp": "<NTP server details>",
         "csiTagging": "<CSI tagging data>",
         "tcaSsoCredentials": "<TCA SSO credentials>",
   "locusId":"<site identifier of the customer - optional>",
   "market":"<market name of the customer - optional>",
   "model":"<vendor model name - optional>",
   "region":"<region of the customer - optional>",
   "vendor":"<vendor name - optional>",
   "url":"<TCSA Kafka URL with port number - optional>"

Import Vcenter

Table 13. Description
Name Id
Import Vcenter import-vcenter
Table 14. Payload Details
Parameters Description Comments
tca TCA-M IP Required
username TCA-M username Required
password TCA-M password Required
vcenters Vcenter details to import Required
name Name of the vcenter to import Required
type The type of the domain Required
datacenter The name of datacenter. Optional
vcenter Vcenter details for center side domain Required fqdn, username, password (required fields)
location The location of the domain Optionalcity, country (required fields)
doresync Specifies whether the host has to be resynced or not Optional
licenses The license keys required for the domain Optionalesxi (required field)
locusId Site identifier of the customer in TCSA context Optional
market Market name of the customer in TCSA context Optional
model Vendor model name in TCSA context Optional
region Region of the customer in TCSA context Optional
vendor Vendor name in TCSA context Optional
url TCSA Kafka URL with port number in TCSA context Optional
Table 15. Import Vcenter : Sample Payload
Import Vcenter
    "password": "<password of TCA manager>",
    "username": "<username of TCA manager>",
    "tca": "<ip address of TCA manager>",
    vcenters": [
            "name": "<name of VCenter>",
            "type": "< The type of the domain>",
            "location": "<location of the domain>",
            "doresync": "<specifies whether resync needs to be done>",
            "licenses": "<license keys required for the domain>",
            "datacenter": "<name of the datacenter>",
            "vcenter": "<Vcenter details for center side domain>"
   "locusId":"<site identifier of the customer - optional>",
   "market":"<market name of the customer - optional>",
   "model":"<vendor model name - optional>",
   "region":"<region of the customer - optional>",
   "vendor":"<vendor name - optional>",
   "url":"<TCSA Kafka URL with port number - optional>"

Update Vcenter

Table 16. Description
Name Id
Update Vcenter update-vcenter
Table 17. Payload Details
Parameters Description Comments
tca TCA-M IP Required
username TCA-M username Required
password TCA-M password Required
vcenters Vcenter details to import Required
name Name of the vcenter to import Required
type The type of the domain Required
new_name New name to update vcenter Optional
datacenter The name of datacenter. Optional
vcenter Vcenter details for center side domain Required fqdn, username, password (required fields)
location The location of the domain Optionalcity, country (required fields)
locusId Site identifier of the customer in TCSA context Optional
market Market name of the customer in TCSA context Optional
model Vendor model name in TCSA context Optional
region Region of the customer in TCSA context Optional
vendor Vendor name in TCSA context Optional
url TCSA Kafka URL with port number in TCSA context Optional
Table 18. Update Vcenter : Sample Payload
Update Vcenter
{      "password": "<password of TCA manager>",
    "username": "<username of TCA manager>",
    "tca": "<ip address of TCA manager>",
    "vcenters": [         {
            "name": "<name of VCenter>",
            "type": "< The type of the domain>",
            "location": "<location of the domain>",
            "licenses": "<license keys required for the domain>",
            "datacenter": "<name of the datacenter>",
            "vcenter": "<Vcenter details for center side domain>"
   "locusId":"<site identifier of the customer - optional>",
   "market":"<market name of the customer - optional>",
   "model":"<vendor model name - optional>",
   "region":"<region of the customer - optional>",
   "vendor":"<vendor name - optional>",
   "url":"<TCSA Kafka URL with port number - optional>"}