VMware Telco Cloud Automation provides a set of workflows available by default in Workflow Hub.
Note: Some of the most commonly used parameters in workflows payload and their example value [these values would need to be replaced accordingly]:
Parameters | Example |
networkName | /pod4-dc/network/pod4-vds/dhcp-vlan-552 |
datacenter | pod4-dc |
datastore | /pod4-dc/datastore/pod4-vsan-storage |
folder | /pod4-dc/vm/caasAutomation |
resourcePool | /pod4-dc/host/cluster-1/Resources/hsadana-46 |
template | /pod4-dc/vm/Automation-BYOI-Templates/photon-3-kube-v1.24.10-vmware.1-21838899 |
tcaBomReleaseRef.name | tbr-bom-2.3.0-v1.24.10---vmware.1-tkg.2-tca.21492475 |
kubernetesVersion | v1.24.10+vmware.1 |
workflow_bundle_name | VMware_Bare_Metal_Automation_3_0 |
workflow_name | Start_Imaging_Workflow |
iso_image_info.image_location | /var/www/html/test-iso |
iso_image_info.image_url_path | /test-iso |
TCSA Integration (Optional)
Prebuilt workflows support sending status updates to VMware Telco Clould Service Assurance (TCSA).
Follow the steps below before running workflows:
- SSH to the TCA-M appliance.
ssh admin@<TCAM-IP>
- Edit the coredns configmap.
kubectl edit cm -n kube-system coredns
Add the following to the manifest:hosts custom.hosts kafka-edge { <kafka-edge-hostname> kafka-edge fallthrough }
- Restart coredns.
kubectl rollout restart -n kube-system deployment/coredns